L.Tooltip Carl Linnaeus (1753) Species Plantarum.

A reference for plants described by Linnaeus in the 1st edition of Species Plantarum. It could be used as:

just to mention the book
L.Tooltip Carl Linnaeus (1753) Species Plantarum.
to note a certain page with description. This results in L.Tooltip Carl Linnaeus (1753) Species Plantarum, Tomus I: 1.
L.Tooltip Carl Linnaeus (1753) Species Plantarum, Tomus I: 1.
for a page range. This results in L.Tooltip Carl Linnaeus (1753) Species Plantarum, Tomus I: 1–2.
L.Tooltip Carl Linnaeus (1753) Species Plantarum, Tomus I: 1–2.

Note that volume choice is performed automatically.