

Use the following infobox for all types of hydroelectric power stations involving dams, including pumped-storage. For all types of wave and tidal power stations, as well as all other types of power stations, please use {{Infobox power station}}.

Official name{{{name_official}}}
Coordinates0°N 0°E / 0°N 0°E / 0; 0
Construction began{{{construction_began}}}
Opening date{{{opening}}}
Demolition date{{{demolished}}}
Construction cost{{{cost}}}
Built by{{{builder}}}
Designed by{{{designed_by}}}
Upper dam and spillways
Type of dam{{{dam_type}}}
Height (foundation){{{dam_height_foundation}}}
Height (thalweg){{{dam_height_thalweg}}}
Elevation at crest{{{dam_elevation_crest}}}
Width (crest){{{dam_width_crest}}}
Width (base){{{dam_width_base}}}
Dam volume{{{dam_volume}}}
Spillway type{{{spillway_type}}}
Spillway length{{{spillway_length}}}
Spillway capacity{{{spillway_capacity}}}
Spillway volumetric flow rate{{{spillway_volumetric_flow_rate}}}
Spillway type{{{spillway_type2}}}
Spillway length{{{spillway_length2}}}
Spillway capacity{{{spillway_capacity2}}}
Spillway volumetric flow rate{{{spillway_volumetric_flow_rate2}}}
Spillway type{{{spillway_type3}}}
Spillway length{{{spillway_length3}}}
Spillway capacity{{{spillway_capacity3}}}
Spillway volumetric flow rate{{{spillway_volumetric_flow_rate3}}}
Upper reservoir
Total capacity{{{res_capacity_total}}}
Active capacity{{{res_capacity_active}}}
Inactive capacity{{{res_capacity_inactive}}}
Catchment area{{{res_catchment}}}
Surface area{{{res_surface}}}
Maximum length{{{res_max_length}}}
Maximum width{{{res_max_width}}}
Maximum water depth{{{res_max_depth}}}
Normal elevation{{{res_elevation}}}
Tidal range{{{res_tidal_range}}}
Lower dam and spillways
Type of dam{{{lower_dam_type}}}
Height (foundation){{{lower_dam_height_foundation}}}
Height (thalweg){{{lower_dam_height_thalweg}}}
Elevation at crest{{{lower_dam_elevation_crest}}}
Width (crest){{{lower_dam_width_crest}}}
Width (base){{{lower_dam_width_base}}}
Dam volume{{{lower_dam_volume}}}
Spillway type{{{lower_spillway_type}}}
Spillway length{{{lower_spillway_length}}}
Spillway capacity{{{lower_spillway_capacity}}}
Spillway volumetric flow rate{{{lower_spillway_volumetric_flow_rate}}}
Spillway type{{{lower_spillway_type2}}}
Spillway length{{{lower_spillway_length2}}}
Spillway capacity{{{lower_spillway_capacity2}}}
Spillway volumetric flow rate{{{lower_spillway_volumetric_flow_rate2}}}
Spillway type{{{lower_spillway_type3}}}
Spillway length{{{lower_spillway_length3}}}
Spillway capacity{{{lower_spillway_capacity3}}}
Spillway volumetric flow rate{{{lower_spillway_volumetric_flow_rate3}}}
Lower reservoir
Total capacity{{{lower_res_capacity_total}}}
Active capacity{{{lower_res_capacity_active}}}
Inactive capacity{{{lower_res_capacity_inactive}}}
Catchment area{{{lower_res_catchment}}}
Surface area{{{lower_res_surface}}}
Maximum length{{{lower_res_max_length}}}
Maximum width{{{lower_res_max_width}}}
Maximum water depth{{{lower_res_max_depth}}}
Normal elevation{{{lower_res_elevation}}}
Tidal range{{{lower_res_tidal_range}}}
Coordinates1°1′1″N 1°1′1″E / 1.01694°N 1.01694°E / 1.01694; 1.01694
Commission date{{{plant_commission}}}
Decommission date{{{plant_decommission}}}
Hydraulic head{{{plant_hydraulic_head}}}
Installed capacity{{{plant_capacity}}}
Capacity factor{{{plant_capacity_factor}}}
Overall efficiency{{{plant_efficiency}}}
Storage capacity{{{plant_storage_hours}}}
Annual generation{{{plant_annual_gen}}}
{{Infobox dam
| name                                 = 
| name_official                        = 
| image                                = 
| image_size                           = 
| image_caption                        = 
| image_alt                            = 
| location_map                         = 
| location_map_size                    = 
| location_map_caption                 = 
| location_map_alt                     = 
| mapframe = <!-- "yes" to show an interactive map -->
| coordinates                          = <!-- {{coord|..|..|type:landmark|display=inline,title}}-->
| country                              = 
| location                             = 
| purpose                              = 
| status                               = 
| construction_began                   = 
| opening                              = 
| demolished                           = 
| cost                                 = 
| builder                              = 
| designed_by                          = 
| owner                                = 
| operator                             = 
| dam_type                             = 
| dam_crosses                          = 
| dam_height_foundation                = 
| dam_height_thalweg                   = 
| dam_length                           = 
| dam_elevation_crest                  = 
| dam_width_crest                      = 
| dam_width_base                       = 
| dam_volume                           = 
| spillway_count                       = 
| spillway_type                        = 
| spillway_length                      = 
| spillway_capacity                    = 
| spillway_volumetric_flow_rate        = 
| spillway_type2                       = 
| spillway_length2                     = 
| spillway_capacity2                   = 
| spillway_volumetric_flow_rate2       = 
| spillway_type3                       = 
| spillway_length3                     = 
| spillway_capacity3                   = 
| spillway_volumetric_flow_rate3       = 
| res_name                             = 
| res_capacity_total                   = 
| res_capacity_active                  = 
| res_capacity_inactive                = 
| res_catchment                        = 
| res_surface                          = 
| res_max_length                       = 
| res_max_width                        = 
| res_max_depth                        = 
| res_elevation                        = 
| res_tidal_range                      = 
| lower_dam_type                       = 
| lower_dam_crosses                    = 
| lower_dam_height_foundation          = 
| lower_dam_height_thalweg             = 
| lower_dam_length                     = 
| lower_dam_elevation_crest            = 
| lower_dam_width_crest                = 
| lower_dam_width_base                 = 
| lower_dam_volume                     = 
| lower_spillway_count                 = 
| lower_spillway_type                  = 
| lower_spillway_length                = 
| lower_spillway_capacity              = 
| lower_spillway_volumetric_flow_rate  = 
| lower_spillway_type2                 = 
| lower_spillway_length2               = 
| lower_spillway_capacity2             = 
| lower_spillway_volumetric_flow_rate2 = 
| lower_spillway_type3                 = 
| lower_spillway_length3               = 
| lower_spillway_capacity3             = 
| lower_spillway_volumetric_flow_rate3 = 
| lower_res_name                       = 
| lower_res_capacity_total             = 
| lower_res_capacity_active            = 
| lower_res_capacity_inactive          = 
| lower_res_catchment                  = 
| lower_res_surface                    = 
| lower_res_max_length                 = 
| lower_res_max_width                  = 
| lower_res_max_depth                  = 
| lower_res_elevation                  = 
| lower_res_tidal_range                = 
| plant_name                           = 
| plant_coordinates                    = <!-- {{coord|..|..|type:landmark|display=inline}}-->
| plant_operator                       = 
| plant_commission                     = 
| plant_decommission                   = 
| plant_type                           = 
| plant_hydraulic_head                 = 
| plant_turbines                       = 
| plant_pumpgenerators                 = 
| plant_pumps                          = 
| plant_capacity                       = 
| plant_capacity_factor                = 
| plant_efficiency                     = 
| plant_storage_hours                  = 
| plant_annual_gen                     = 
| plant_annual_gen_year                = 
| website                              = 
| extra                                = 

Parameter names and descriptions

Parameter name Description
name Name of dam.
name_official Official name, if different from name. Preferably in native language.
image Image filename, without File: parameter. Animated (.gif) and media files (.ogv) are also allowed. If empty, then the image from the Wikidata item is used.
image_size Value to overrides the default 250px.
image_caption Caption beneath image.
image_alt Alternative text for image.
location_map Name of a location map file. The coordinates must be specified as well (see below).
location_map_size Value to overrides the default 250px.
location_map_caption Caption beneath location map.
location_map_alt Alternative text for location map.
coordinates Geographic coordinates using {{coord}}. See here for more details. Remember to avoid being overly precise.
country Country where the facility is located. Do not use flag icons.
location General area where located. Avoid being overly-detailed.
purpose Purpose of the dam(s). Common reasons are power, irrigation, flood control, navigation. If there are several purposes,
consider using: Multi-purpose. Field codes:
F=Flood control, I=Irrigation, N=Navigation, P=Power, W=Water supply.
status Current status of the project. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:
D=Decommissioned, O=Operational, P=Proposed, UC=Under construction.
construction_began Date construction began, consider using {{Start date}}.
opening Date, or future date, of inauguration. Consider using {{Start date}}.
demolished Date of demolition (i.e. removal or destruction of dam). Consider using {{End date}}.
cost Total cost of development.
builder Builder(s) of the dam.
owner Owner(s) of the dam. Consider limiting to the top two, and include ownership percentage if possible.
Example: Owner1: 60% <br/>Owner2: 40%
designed_by Designers of the dam.
operator Operator(s) of the dam. Only use this parameter if it is different from the owner(s) of the dam.
dam_type Type of dam. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:
A=Arch dam, B=Barrage, E=Embankment dam, F=Earth-fill dam, G=Gravity dam, H=Rock-fill dam,AG=Arch-gravity dam.
dam_crosses Body of river or stream below dam
dam_height Height of dam. Deprecated parameter; use only if dam_height_foundation or dam_height_thalweg is not known.
dam_height_foundation Height over foundation bed, with metric conversions.
dam_height_thalweg Height over thalweg (riverbed), with metric conversions.
dam_length Length of dam crown, with metric conversions.
dam_elevation_crest Height of the dam's crest above sea level, with metric conversions.
dam_width_crest Width at crest of dam, with metric conversions.
dam_width_base Width at base of dam, with metric conversions.
dam_volume Volume of material in the dam structure.
spillway_count Number of spillways.
spillway_type Type of spillway.
spillway_length Length of spillway.
spillway_capacity Capacity of spillway.
spillway_volumetric_flow_rate Spillway volumetric flow rate.
spillway_type2 Type of 2nd spillway.
spillway_length2 Length of 2nd spillway.
spillway_capacity2 Capacity of 2nd spillway.
spillway_volumetric_flow_rate2 2nd Spillway volumetric flow rate.
spillway_type3 Type of 3rd spillway.
spillway_length3 Length of 3rd spillway.
spillway_capacity3 Capacity of 3rd spillway.
spillway_volumetric_flow_rate3 3rd Spillway volumetric flow rate.
res_name Name of upstream body of water, if different than "dam_crosses".
res_capacity_total Capacity of reservoir, i.e. megalitres.
res_capacity_active The active, live or useful capacity (storage) of the reservoir.
res_capacity_inactive The inactive or dead capacity (storage) of the reservoir.
res_catchment Area of catchment for reservoir.
res_surface Surface area (top water level) of reservoir.
res_max_length Length of the reservoir at normal levels, with metric conversions.
res_max_width Maximum width of the reservoir at normal levels, perpendicular to length. With metric conversions.
res_max_depth Maximum water depth of reservoir.
res_elevation The reservoir's height above sea level at normal levels, with metric conversions.
res_tidal_range Tidal range, if applicable.
plant_name Name of plant, if applicable.
plant_coordinates Geographic coordinates of the power station using {{coord}}. See here for more details. Remember to avoid being overly precise.
plant_operator Operator(s) of the hydroelectric power plant.
plant_commission Power plant commissioning date. May be different than dam opening date.
plant_decommission Power plant decommissioning date. May be different than dam closing date.
plant_type Type of hydroelectric power station. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:
C=Conventional, P=Pumped-storage, R=Run-of-the-river, T=Tidal barrage.
plant_hydraulic_head Hydraulic head at power station.
plant_turbines Number of turbines, with respective rated capacity. Exclude any reversible turbine-generators (pump/generators) and pumps from this — it should only contain conventional generation-only turbines.
plant_pumpgenerators Number of reversible pump–generators, with respective rated capacity. For pumped storage plants only.
plant_pumps Number of pumps, with respective rated capacity. For pumped storage plants only.
plant_capacity Current installed capacity, or planned capacity for those under development.
For plants which are operational, but have additional capacity under development, please use only the current installed capacity. MW suffix will be auto added to a number without unit or any text appended.
plant_capacity_factor Capacity factor of the power station, in percentage. For pumped storage, please try to rely solely on third-party sources, as manual capacity factor calculations are overly complex for PSH and their results do not align with figures in (authoritative) third-party sources.
plant_efficiency Overall efficiency of the power station, in percentage. Generally only applicable to pumped storage.
plant_storage_hours Storage capacity of the power station, in hours (if desired, you can also provide calculated or actual GWh figures in parenthesis). Generally only applicable to pumped storage.
plant_annual_gen Average annual power generation. To be used in combination with the following plant_annual_gen_year parameter. GW·h suffix will be auto added to a number without unit or any text appended.
plant_annual_gen_year Given generation value exact description. If no description is given, it will default to Annual (i.e. it will expand to Annual generation). Enter following text:

Planned net if given data is a planned estimate net output
Planned gross if given data is a planned estimate gross output
YYYY net, if given data is year YYYY net output
YYYY gross if given data is year YYYY gross output
Annual net if given data is a average net output
Annual gross if given data is a average gross output

website Raw wikitext for entering website(s). Use [brackets] where appropriate
extras Free form, spans both columns. Use sparingly.



The coordinates should be specified using coordinates – with a {{coord}} template. See Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates#Parameters for more details about setting the coordinates_type.

Mapframe maps

  • Basic parameters:
    • mapframe – Specify yes or no to show or hide the map, overriding the default. Default: no
    • mapframe-caption – Caption for the map. Default: blank (or if |mapframe-geomask= is set, "Location in geomask's label")
    • mapframe-custom – Use a custom map instead of the automatic mapframe. Specify either a {{maplink}} template, or another template that generates a mapframe map, or an image name. If used, the subsequent mapframe parameters will be ignored. Default: not specified
    • mapframe-id or id or qid – Id (Q-number) of Wikidata item to use. Default: item for current page
    • mapframe-coordinates or mapframe-coord or coordinates or coord – Coordinates to use, instead of any on Wikidata. Use the {{Coord}} template, e.g. |coord={{Coord|12.34|N|56.78|E}}. Default: coordinates from Wikidata
    • mapframe-wikidata – Set to yes to show shape/line features from the wikidata item, if any, when |coord= is set. Default: not specified
  • Customise which features are displayed:
    • mapframe-shape – Turn off display of shape feature by setting to none. Use an inverse shape (geomask) instead of a regular shape by setting to inverse. Default: not specified
    • mapframe-point – Turn off display of point feature by setting to none. Force point marker to be displayed by setting to on. Default: not specified
    • mapframe-line – Turn off display of line feature by setting to none. Default: not specified
    • mapframe-geomask – Wikidata item to use as a geomask (everything outside the boundary is shaded darker). Can either be a specific Wikidata item (Q-number), or a property that specifies the item to use (e.g. P17 for country (P17), P131 for located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)). Default: not specified
    • mapframe-switcher – set to auto or geomasks or zooms to enable Template:Switcher-style switching between multiple mapframes. Default: not specified
      • auto – switch geomasks found in location (P276) and located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) statements on the page's Wikidata item, searching recursively. E.g. an item's city, that city's state, and that state's country.
      • geomasks – switch between the geomasks specified as a comma-separated list of Wikidata items (Q-numbers) in the mapframe-geomask parameter
      • zooms – switch between "zoomed in"/"zoomed midway"/"zoomed out", where "zoomed in" is the default zoom (with a minimum of 3), "zoomed out" is 1, and "zoomed midway" is the average
  • Other optional parameters:
    • mapframe-frame-width or mapframe-width – Frame width. Default: 270
    • mapframe-frame-height or mapframe-height – Frame height. Default: 200
    • mapframe-shape-fill – Color used to fill shape features. Default: #606060
    • mapframe-shape-fill-opacity – Opacity level of shape fill, a number between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5
    • mapframe-stroke-color or mapframe-stroke-colour – Color of line features, and outlines of shape features. Default: #ff0000
    • mapframe-stroke-width – Width of line features, and outlines of shape features; default is "5". Default: 5
    • mapframe-marker – Marker symbol to use for coordinates; see mw:Help:Extension:Kartographer/Icons for options. Default: not specified (i.e. blank)
      • Can also be set to blank to override any default marker symbol
    • mapframe-marker-color or mapframe-marker-colour – Background color for the marker. Default: #5E74F3
    • mapframe-geomask-stroke-color or mapframe-geomask-stroke-colour – Color of outline of geomask shape. Default: #555555
    • mapframe-geomask-stroke-width – Width of outline of geomask shape. Default: 2
    • mapframe-geomask-fill – Color used to fill outside geomask features. Default: #606060
    • mapframe-geomask-fill-opacity – Opacity level of fill outside geomask features, a number between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5
    • mapframe-zoom – Set the zoom level, from "1" (map of earth) to "18" (maximum zoom in), to be used if the zoom level cannot be determined automatically from object length or area. Default: 10
    • mapframe-length_km or mapframe-length_mi or mapframe-area_km2 or mapframe-area_mi2 – Determine zoom level by passing in object's length (in kilometres or miles) or area (in square kilometres or square miles). Default: not specified
    • mapframe-frame-coordinates or mapframe-frame-coord – Alternate latitude and longitude coordinates for initial placement of map, using {{coord}}. Default: derived from item coordinates



The HTML markup produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.



If the place or venue has "established", "founded", "opened" or similar dates, use {{start date}} for the earliest of those dates unless the date is before 1583 CE.

If it has a URL, use {{URL}}.

Please do not remove instances of these sub-templates.



hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • uid
  • url
  • vcard

Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

Please do not rename or remove these classes nor collapse nested elements which use them.



When giving coordinates, please use an appropriate level of precision. Do not use {{coord}}'s |name= parameter.

Tracking category


See also



Click the [show] link to the right to display the TemplateData.
This is the TemplateData for this template used by TemplateWizard, VisualEditor and other tools. See a monthly parameter usage report for Template:Infobox dam in articles based on its TemplateData.

TemplateData for Infobox dam

Infobox for a dam

Template parameters

This template prefers block formatting of parameters.


Name of dam

Official namename_official

Official name, if different from name. Preferably in native language.

Image captionimage_caption

Caption beneath image.

Image alternative textimage_alt

Alternative text for image.

Location map captionlocation_map_caption

Caption beneath location map.

Location map alternative textlocation_map_alt

Alternative text for location map.


Geographic coordinates using the coord template


Country where the facility is located. Do not use flag icons.


General area where located. Avoid being overly-detailed.


Purpose of the dam(s). Common reasons are power, irrigation, flood control, navigation. If there are several purposes, consider using: Multi-purpose. Field codes: F=Flood control, I=Irrigation,, N=Navigation, P=Power.


Current status of the project. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields: D=Decommissioned, O=Operational, P=Proposed, UC=Under construction.

Construction beganconstruction_began

Date construction began, consider using {{Start date}}.

Opening dateopening

Date, or future date, of inauguration. Consider using {{Start date}}.

Demolished datedemolished

Date of demolition (i.e. removal or destruction of dam). Consider using {{End date}}.


Total cost of development.


Owner(s) of the dam. Consider limiting to the top two, and include ownership percentage if possible.

Owner1: 60%<br/>Owner2: 40%

Operator(s) of the dam. Only use this parameter if it is different from the owner(s) of the dam.

Dam typedam_type

Type of dam. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields: A=Arch dam, B=Barrage, E=Embankment dam, F=Earth-fill dam, G=Gravity dam, AG=Arch-gravity dam.

Dam crossesdam_crosses

Body of river or stream below dam

Dam height over foundationdam_height_foundation

Height over foundation bed, with metric conversions.

Dam height over thalwegdam_height_thalweg

Height over thalweg (riverbed), with metric conversions.

Dam lengthdam_length

Length of dam crown, with metric conversions.

Dam elevation crestdam_elevation_crest

Height of the dam's crest above sea level, with metric conversions.

Dam width crestdam_width_crest

Width at crest of dam, with metric conversions.

Dam width at basedam_width_base

Width at base of dam, with metric conversions.

Dam volumedam_volume

Volume of material in the dam structure.

Spillway countspillway_count

Number of spillways.

Spillway typespillway_type

Type of spillway.

Spillway capacityspillway_capacity

Capacity of spillway.

Reservoir nameres_name

Name of upstream body of water, if different than "dam_crosses".

Reservoir capacityres_capacity_total

Capacity of reservoir, i.e. megalitres.

Reservoir active capacityres_capacity_active

The active, live or useful capacity (storage) of the reservoir.

Reservoir inactive capacityres_capacity_inactive

The inactive or dead capacity (storage) of the reservoir.

Reservoir catchment areares_catchment

Area of catchment for reservoir.

Reservoir surface areares_surface

Surface area (top water level) of reservoir.

Reservoir maximum lengthres_max_length

Length of the reservoir at normal levels, with metric conversions.

Reservoir maximum widthres_max_width

Maximum width of the reservoir at normal levels, perpendicular to length. With metric conversions.

Reservoir maximum depthres_max_depth

Maximum water depth of reservoir.

Reservoir elevationres_elevation

The reservoir's height above sea level at normal levels, with metric conversions.

Reservoir tidal rangeres_tidal_range

Tidal range, if applicable.

Plant nameplant_name

Name of plant, if applicable.

Plant operatorplant_operator

Operator(s) of the hydroelectric power plant.

Plant coordinatesplant coordinates

Geographic coordinates of the power station using the coord template

Plant commissioning dateplant_commission

Power plant commissioning date. May be different than dam opening date.

Plant decommissioning dateplant_decommission

Power plant decommissioning date. May be different than dam closing date.

Plant typeplant_type

Type of hydroelectric power station. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields: C=Conventional, P=Pumped-storage, R=Run-of-the-river, T=Tidal barrage.

Plant hydraulic headplant_hydraulic_head

Hydraulic head at power station.

Plant turbine count/capacityplant_turbines

Number of turbines, with respective rated capacity.

Plant generation capacityplant_capacity

Installed generation capacity, measured in megawatts (MW).

Plant capacity factorplant_capacity_factor

Capacity factor of the power station, in percentage.

Plant annual power generationplant_annual_gen

Average annual power generation of the previous year. Measured in gigawatt-hours (GWh)


Raw wikitext for entering website(s). Use [brackets] where appropriate

Extra dataextra

Free form, spans both columns. Use sparingly.

Location maplocation_map

The name of the pushpin map. Needs coordinates.
