This template displays an external link to the Federal Telecommunications Institute Public Registry of Concessions (Registro Público de Concesiones or RPC) record for a given concession.



{{IFT|1=concession ID|2=callsign or other descriptor}}


  • 1 - the concession ID, required
  • 2 - the URL text, required

IFT concession IDs are in the form FER085747CO-107226, where

  • the first two letters are FE — Folio Electrónico
  • the third letter is an R for broadcasting (Radiodifusión) or T for telecommunications (Telecomunicaciones)
  • the next six digits are a unique concession ID
  • the next two letters specify the type of award (in broadcasting, this will almost always be CO)
  • after the dash, the last six digits identify a unique concessionaire (and are shared among concessions under the same name)