

will link text to the object identified by doi. If no text is given, it will produce [n], as if you had linked it directly using [].

If you mark it with |doi-access=free, it will add a green free-access lock next to the link.


The {{doi-inline|10.1007/b62130|Red Book of Varieties and Schemes}}.
The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes {{doi-inline|10.1007/b62130}}.
In {{doi-inline|10.1038/495426a|an article by Richard van Noorden|doi-access=free}}, ...
In an article by Richard van Noorden {{doi-inline|10.1038/495426a|doi-access=free}}, ...


The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes .
The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes [1] .
In an article by Richard van Noorden Freely accessible, ...
In an article by Richard van Noorden [2] Freely accessible, ...

In PDFs these will be:

The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes (doi:10.1007/b62130).
The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes (doi:10.1007/b62130).

See also
