Template:Did you know nominations/Ștefan Tita

Ștefan Tita

  • ... that Ștefan Tita, one of the Jewish authors banned in 1940s Romania, continued to write unsigned pieces in nominally pro-Nazi newspapers?
  • Source: Sergiu Dan, "Pentru d. Al. Graur", in Dreptatea, 26 November 1944, p. 2: Se întreabă d. Graur : „Ce facem cu articolele nesemnate sau Cu cele semnate cu alt nume?“ — dar eu am spus răspicat că mă mândresc cu tot ce-am scris în gazeta ghetoului, cu sau fără iscălitură. D. Graur se crede feroce când scrie că „d. Sergiu Dan este şi rămâne solidar cu colegii d-sale“. Mărturisesc că eu n'aş fi solidarizat pe unii camarazi ai d-lui Graur de la gazetele fasciste din vremea dictaturei cu ceilalţi colaboratori ai acelor ziare, dar, iată, vreau să-i fac plăcere antreprenorului de Învăţământ [Graur] şi declar că răspund şi pentru articolele unor hitlerişti inverşunaţi, cum sunt şi erau M. Schwartzfeld, Adrian Verea, A. Luca, Camil Baltazar, Ştefan Tita, Isaia Râcăciuni şi alţii ("Mr Graur asks: 'What of the articles that were unsigned, or were signed with different names?' — to which I answer with no qualms that I myself take pride in all the articles that I have contributed for the [Bucharest] ghetto gazette, be they signed or unsigned. Mr Graur imagines himself a ferocious fella when he says that 'Mr Sergiu Dan continues to express solidarity with his colleagues'. I confess that I would not have established links of solidarity between some of Graur's comrades of the dictatorship-era fascist gazettes and other people who have collaborated on those gazettes, but sure, if it pleases the Educational entrepreneur [Graur], I hereby declare myself responsible for the articles of inveterate, unreformed Hitlerites, such as M. Schwartzfeld, Adrian Verea, A. Luca, Camil Baltazar, Ştefan Tita, Isaia Râcăciuni and various others".)
  • ALT1: ... that educational writer Ștefan Tita gave Romanian students impractical advice about mending damaged bark with bandages of dirt? Source: Ion Manolescu, "'Epoca de Aur'. Propaganda comunistă în școala primară. Clișeele manualelor (II)", in Observator Cultural, Issues 165–166, April 2003: Dadacirea naturii capata accente patetice in sceneta Pomisorul de Stefan Tita (Caiet de lectura pentru clasa I, autori: Cella Aldea si Viniciu Gafita, EDP, Bucuresti, 1974), unde trei copii cu inima nobila si nume melodioase (Tulache, Lica si Culai) planteaza un pomisor si il ingrijesc pina la sacrificiu: in fata atacului iresponsabil cu pietre azvirlite de o ceata de derbedei, Tulache „a alergat sa apere pomisorul cu trupul lui“ (p. 14). Protejarea isterica a copacelului de catre pionierul cu spirit civic si educatie socialista e urmata de un moment de acalmie psihosomatica, in care cei trei cavaleri ai demnitatii vegetale aplica niste cunostinte de medicina pe cit de rudimentare, pe atit de ineficiente: „Udara pomul si-i lipira rana cu pamint“ (p. 15). Cum o fi aratat „lipitura“ ecologica in imaginatia autorului si cit de mult ar fi rezistat un (si asa inutil) „pansament“ cu pamint sint doua necunoscute ale scenetei, in masura sa-i deruteze si pe cei mai fantezisti dintre cititori. ("The moralizing of nature acquires bathetic tinges in the sketch Pomișorul by Ștefan Tita (First-grade Reading Aid, authored by Cella Aldea and Viniciu Gafița, EDP, Bucharest, 1974), wherein three children with noble hearts and melodious names (Tulache, Lica and Culai) plant a small tree that they then tend to with a self-sacrificing streak: when a gang of bullies proceed to throw rocks, Tulache 'runs to defend the little tree with his own body' (p. 14). The hysterical defense of that tiny tree by a civically-minded, socialist-educated Pioneer is followed by a psychosomatic calmness, with those three knights committed to defending the dignity of plants make use of medical expertise that is as rudimentary as it is inefficient: 'They watered the tree and glued its wound with dirt' (p. 15). How would this ecological 'glue' have looked like in the author's imagination, and for how long would such a (rather evidently useless) 'bandage' of dirt have held on, these are the two mysteries of that sketch, capable of confusing even the most imaginative readers.")
  • Reviewed: Template:Did you know nominations/Jean-Pierre Sohahong-Kombet
Created by Dahn (talk). Number of QPQs required: 1. Nominator has 110 past nominations.

Dahn (talk) 18:58, 3 June 2024 (UTC).