Template:Bessarabia Electoral District vote, 1917

Party Vote (Radkey) % (Radkey) % (Rus)
List 2 - Socialist-Revolutionaries 85,349 33.63 31.6
List 1 - Soviet of Peasants' Deputies 69,085 27.22 35.3
List 9 - Jewish National Electoral Committee 28,785 11.34 10.2
List 8 - Bolsheviks-
25,569 10.07 8.2
List 5 - Kadets 16,545 6.52 n/a
List 6 - Moldovan National Party and
the Bessarabian Union of Credit and Savings Associations
6,643 2.62 2.1
List 3 - Union of Landowners 5,246 2.07 n/a
List 11- Ukrainian Socialist Organizations 4,241 1.67 4.1
List 4 - Bund-Mensheviks 1,438 0.57 n/a
List 10 - Bessarabian Popular Socialist Labour Party 376 0.15 n/a
List 7 - Socialist Party of the Workers of the South-East Railway ? n/a
List 12 - Union of Citizens of German Nationality ? n/a
List 13 - Cooperative Group ? n/a
List 14 - 3rd section of the Telitsky volost of Bendery uezd ? n/a
List 15 - Inhabitants of Telitsky volost ? n/a
List 16 - 4th section of the Telitsky volost ? n/a
List 17 - Poalei Zion ? n/a
Unaccounted 10,536 4.15 n/a
Total: 253,813 n/a