Template:Baltic expeditions runestones

Baltic expeditions runestones is located in Southern Sweden
Baltic expeditions runestones
Baltic expeditions runestones
Baltic expeditions runestones
Baltic expeditions runestones
Baltic expeditions runestones
Baltic expeditions runestones
Baltic expeditions runestones
Baltic expeditions runestones
Baltic expeditions runestones
Baltic expeditions runestones
Baltic expeditions runestones
Baltic expeditions runestones
Baltic expeditions runestones
Baltic expeditions runestones
Clickable map of the geographic distribution of the Baltic expeditions Runestones in southern Sweden (modern administrative borders and cities are shown)
  • Description: Red dots indicate locations of runestones that refer to the Ingvar expedition: U 180, U 214, U 346, U 356, U 439, U 533, U 582, U 698, Sö 39, Sö 198, Gs 13, Vg 181, G 135 and G 319.
  • Source for the runestone locations: Rundata 2.5. Where the current and original position of a stone is different the original position has been chosen.
  • Clicking on the map marker brings you to the corresponding runestone in the Baltic expeditions runestones article.