Summary: To use, {{subst:Arb premature|content/conduct/admin|salutation=Hi, AGK!}} in a new section on recipient's talk page. To edit, see the five constituent subpages: /lede, /content, /conduct, /admin, and /end.

In the Arbitration process, a significant proportion of requests for arbitration are by editors who are not familiar or experienced with the role of the Arbitration Committee. Typically, these requests will be for arbitration of low-level or simple disputes, and the complainant will often not be aware that many venues other than arbitration (the final stage in the dispute-resolution process) would be suitable for the dispute.

When the committee declines such requests, as a matter of courtesy and to educate the complainant, a clerk or arbitrator will usually explain what other venues should be used when the arbitration request is declined. This template helps to automate that process. It presumes that the request will have requested arbitration of a:

  • Dispute concerning the content of an article;
  • Grievance concerning the conduct of another editor; or
  • Grievance concerning the decision or conduct of an administrator, or the result of an administrative process like deletion discussions

When used, the template must specify into which of these categories the request falls. It then returns useful advice concerning that subject. Please see the next section for the specific usage instructions.



The template does not include a section header, because this necessitates the more difficult process of editing the user's whole talk page and scrolling to the bottom (or editing the last section, which means a descriptive edit summary is not made by default). You should therefore use this template by first adding a 'new section' to the recipient's talk page; as the subject line, something descriptive like Request for arbitration of ''Example'' should be used. The basic use of this template is:

{{subst:Arb premature|TYPE}}

TYPE must be replaced with content, conduct, or admin (which correspond respectively to the three categories of requests specified above), for instance:

{{subst:Arb premature|content}}
{{subst:Arb premature|conduct}}
{{subst:Arb premature|admin}}

The template provides for a salutation to be prepended to the text of the message. For example,

{{subst:Arb premature|content|salutation=Hi, AGK!}}
{{subst:Arb premature|conduct|salutation=Hi, AGK!}}
{{subst:Arb premature|admin|salutation=Hi, AGK!}}

The template automatically includes your signature, but this can be suppressed by including the text |sig=no as a parameter.

See also
