Talk:Torments of the Traitor

Latest comment: 18 years ago by RandyWang

After ten years of servitude, Nish is about to be released from the blackest prison of the maimed God-Emperor, Jal-Nish Hlar, his corrupt father. Jal-Nish holds the two sorcerous quicksilver tears, Gatherer and Reaper, and with them controls all of the Secret Art. All opposition having been crushed, he has begun to remake the world in his depraved image.

The only hope of overthrowing him lies in Nish, whom the oppressed peoples of the world see as a messianic figure, the Deliverer for, as Nish was dragged off to prison a decade ago, he wildly promised to return and cast down his father.

Unfortunately Nish is powerless and without allies. But worse, his father wants Nish to become his lieutenant and become as corrupt as he is. Jal-Nish offers Nish everything he has ever desired and, faced with the unbearable alternative of another ten years in prison, he isn't sure he can resist the temptation.

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I moved this text, which is in dire need of editing. It's just not presentable in its current form. I don't have time to edit it, though, so I'm moving it here for now.

The Book starts off with after ten years in prison,Nish refusing his fathers offer to become his lietenent after seeing the dead body of his former lover Irisis perfectly preserved in a crystal coffin.After being rescued he flees with Maelys Nifferlin,a shy girl forced by her aunts to try and get pregnant to Nish.Maelys takes control of a flappeter (a creature similar in form to a huge dragonfly with rotaters made by fleshforming and the tears)and they escape.After many adventures and near-death encounters they reach Tifferfyte,a place of power created by the destruction of a node.There they meet Monkshart,who says he is a mancer from the war who helped nurse Jal-Nish back to health and his evil servant Phrune.Monkshart is now a leader of the defiance and resents Jal-Nish for declaring himself a "God".When Jal-Nish attacks Nish escapes into a strage maze of illusions,leaving Maelys behind beliving her dead.But Maelys is alive and when they leave the maze they are capured by Seneschal Vomix,a man who works for the God-Emperer.After they escape Maelys and Nish are split up,with Nish still beliving her dead.Nish gathers the defiance but after winning a battle for the defiance he sets off with Zham,a man in his service,to find a needle like pinnacle with a platua ontop on which Nish belives there is a weapon.He saw this in a vision in the Pit of Possibilities,a place in Tifferfyte where you can see possible futures.Maelys him acompanied by Thommel who refuses to reveal any of his past except the fact that Nish made him a promise he didn't keep.Eventualy they all reach the platua,which is known as Mistmurk mountain.There they find a charon obelisk which stands ontop of a mysterious power called the cursed flame,and Xervish Flydd an Ex-Scrutater from the war.There Thommel also reviels that he is Colm,the true heir to Gotherym that nish promised to help get back his heritage as a boy.With Jal-Nishes troops on the way Flydd is forced to take the path of renewal,but it gos badly wrong and he uses all crystals but one which he sends with maelys to charge up with the cursed flame.Maelys charges the crystal but has to battle Phrune,who want her skin and her blood to save Monkshart,who was badly hurt by Nish when disquised as Vomix.She escapes but the dieing Phrune uses his own blood to save Monkshart.In the end Nish,Maelys,Zham,Colm and Flydd end up traped in a cave with Monkshart and Jal-Nish battling it out.Monkshart escapes,nish refuses his farthers plea for help out of false belife he is lieing and Jal-Nish gets the charged crystal.