Talk:Tepecoacuilco de Trujano (municipality)

The coixcas learned of the tribes who submitted the cultivation of land, and seized the central part of the state of Guerrero, taking a very comprehensive and important manor called Coixcatlapan. The main stocks that comprised the manor Coixca were: Taxco, Iguala and Tepecoacuilco.

Later in the year 1435, Itzcoatzin launched its first issue or campaign for these bearings and conquered much of the coixcas that inhabited the region, rebelling the rest, resulting in further expeditions.

In the year of 1438 Itzcoatzin launched a new campaign heading south to consolidate his home, sending fortify the unique hill Tepecoacuilco.

Itzcoatzin killed the emperor, was succeeded on the throne Ilhuicamina Moctezuma, who launched his first campaign for the land today's state of Guerrero. After submitting to their residents received the news that a race which inhabited the south did not show any respect for the power of the Aztecs.

Informed by his spies that ethnicity is a land known as the yopis, which would be difficult soguzgar, returned to Tenochtitlan to propose its second foray into the territory, this time, his goal was to reduce as a place of the Yopis .

In the year of 1445 Moctezuma I1huicamina, with the aim of reducing the yopis launching a second campaign in the south. Cuernavaca and Taxco reached by following Mayanalan, then sent expand defenses imposed by Itzcóatl, in the regions Cuetzatlán, Cocula and Tepecoacuilco, but to fail in its attempt to subject the Yope returned to Tenochtitlan defeated.

Once the domain Mexico in this area were formed the seven provinces of Guerrero, where Tepecoacuilco header from one of these provinces comprising the villages of Atenango, Huitzuco, Cocula, Cuetzalan, Ixcateopan, Iguala, Chilacachapa, Teloloapan and Oztuam.

With regard to the peoples of southern tributaries, the codex Mendocino notes: Tepecoacuilco tributaba a Trojan, beans, corn another, and another one of Chiana huautli, that is, four years of trojan.

Once the conquest of this territory by the Spaniards, Hernan Cortes sent expedition to the territory which today corresponds to the state of Guerrero. These climbers discovered the wealth in minerals and food products with which the region is and will be reported to Hernan Cortes, who immediately ordered the subjugation of the people and the imposition of tax payment to the Crown.

Once dominated peoples who inhabited the state of Guerrero, Hernan Cortes distributed parcels to the territory of Guerrero between his officers and soldiers as a reward for his loyalty to the Crown.

Tepecoacuilco in 1559 was entrusted to Don Luis de Godoy subsequently passed into the hands of Bernardino de Torres who was tributaban blankets, corn, cotton and provided 550 Indians sent to work in the mines of Taxco.

Because of the bad treatment they were Indians by the Spanish crown the trustees created the greatest mayors in the year 1533, this was the purpose of controlling the excessive power of them.

The mayor theoretically had an obligation to protect the Indian and monitoring compliance with humanitarian laws, but did the opposite and that from 1533 to 1786 were the scourge of the Indians, which led to the deletion of the Crown thereby creating the municipal , So the mayor became older games.

In 1533 the parents Augustinian friar Jerome and St. Stephen Fray Agustin Coruna started the evangelization of Tepecoacuilco and founded a convent in 1535.

Tepecoacuilco was the forced passage of the royal messengers bearing news warfare or parts of the Aztec capital, quite often these paths were crossed by Topiles those at the back and move fast, carrying fresh fish from the shoreline for tubers of Tlatuani.

Upon arrival of the Spaniards, these ancient roads crossing Tepecoacuilco became more comfortable for the need to transport arms and materials for the maritime expedition, which was prepared in 1532 in Acapulco Hurtado de Mendoza.

Cortes, is assumed, ordered to open a path wider than the existing one, which served the same principle to the path of a horseshoe that later built the Viceroy Don Luis Velazco, to acquire over the years behalf of Camino Real.

Over time Tepecoacuilco not only became inn travelers, but the focus of commercial transactions between merchants came from the sea and traders came from the interior; arriving daily to 100 recues goods for rich driving in the port of Acapulco and transferred to China through the Nao.