
Color key
Media mention of Streisand v. Adelman
Court document
Media mention of "Streisand effect"
Date Event
1997-??-?? Kenneth Adelman and his wife Gabrielle[1] volunteered the use of their helicopter to the Sierra Club. Later they were asked to document San Simeon Point to fight against a resort and golf course development by the Hearst Corporation.[2]
2002-03-16 Adelman ran a test run from the north end of Santa Cruz to the mouth of the Salinas River in order to test their equipment and 223 photos were taken. [3]
2002-09-23 Kenneth Adelman took a photo of Streisand's home in Malibu.[4]
2002-10-09 Kenneth Adelman of Corralitos, California registered the domain name californiacoastline.org[5] and set up the California Coastal Records Project which "intended to create a permanent record of the California coastline."[2] and "to bring the truth (in the form of photographs) to the public."[6]
2002-10-?? Adelman publishes the photo among other photos of the California coastline on californiacoastline.org. This photo[4] is labeled Streisand Estate, Malibu.
2003-02-10 Adelman received a cease-and-desister letter from an attorney of Streisand, John M. Gatti. [4]
2003-05-20 Court document; Complaint for Damages filed by Streisand [5]
2003-05-30 The Smoking Gun publishes the photo and scans of the complaint[7], leaked because her lawyers didn't properly request a judge's permission to seal it[8] In the complaint, the attorneys argued that their plaintiff's past experiences with stalkers and paparazzi produced serious concern over the wide availability of the photos.[7]
2003-05-30 Associated Press; Streisand files $50 million lawsuit over aerial photos [6]
2003-05-30 Celebrity Justice TV; Celebrity Justice Movie [7]
2003-05-30 Cybercast News Service; Streisand Sues Environmentalist Photographer for Website Photo [8]
2003-05-30 E-online; Don't Tread on Babs [9]
2003-05-30 Fark.com; Barbra Streisand sues photographer for inadvertantly taking aerial images of her coastal home in the California Coastal Records Project [10]
2003-05-30 KION; Streisand files $10 million lawsuit against Watsonville photographer [11]
2003-05-30 KSBW; Streisand Suing Watsonville Photographer: Suit Alleges Photographs Show Entry Routes To Property [12]
2003-05-30 Los Angeles Times; Streisand Sues Over Photograph of Her Coast Home on Web Site [13]
2003-05-30 MSNBC-TV; Joe Scarborough Commentary - Movie [14]
2003-05-30 New York Times; Streisand Sues Over Web Photos of Malibu Estate [15]
2003-05-30 Rush Limbaugh; Total, Unadulterated BS - Barbra Streisand [16]
2003-05-30 TechTV; Babs Takes on Guerrilla Environmentalists: Streisand tries to shut down coastal website. [17]
2003-05-30 Yahoo! News; Barbra Streisand Sues Aerial Photographer [18]
2003-05-31 Counterpunch; The Price of Tides: Streisand Environmental Hypocrite [19]
2003-05-31 LeMonde; Barbra Streisand poursuit un icologiste pour avoir mis sa villa sur internet [20]
2003-05-31 MSN Entertainment; Barbra Streisand Sues Over Photos of Home [21]
2003-05-31 Richard Bennett's Omphalos; Fascist photo flap [22]
2003-05-31 Santa Cruz Sentinel; Streisand sues Corralitos photographer [23]
2003-05-31 Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organization; FuzzFace's Notebook: Barbra Streisand [24]
2003-05-31 The Aero-News Network; Why Sing When You Can Sue? [25]
2003-05-31 The San Jose Mercury News; Streisand's home: A suit is born [26]
2003-06-01 BoingBoing: A directory of wonderful things; Streisand suing environmentalists over California Coastline project [27]
2003-06-01 FreeRepublic.com "A Conservative News Forum; Why Sing When You Can Sue? Barbra Streisand Hits Aerial Photographer With $50 Million Lawsuit [28]
2003-06-01 Heise Online; Barbra Streisand klagt gegen Homepage-Betreiber [29]
2003-06-01 MSNBC News; The fine line of celebrity stupidity Barbra Streisand, the latest star to make a very dumb move [30]
2003-06-01 WMOR-TV / Tampa; Celebrity Chatter: Babs Is Fighting Mad Over Internet Photos [31]
2003-06-02 BBC News; Streisand sues over mansion photos [32]
2003-06-03 Los Angeles Times; LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Streisand Claims Coast Photo Violates Privacy [33]
2003-06-04 Townhall.com: Conservative News and Information; Malibu Babs: Snapshots of an eco-hypocrite [34]
2003-06-05 The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press; Streisand sues photographer for posting pictures of Malibu estate [35]
2003-06-08 The Japan Times; The case of the indignant diva [36]
2003-06-09 ADLAW By Request; When It Comes To Online Photos Of Her Seaside Estate, This Funny Girl Isn't Laughing [37]
2003-06-11 The Sacramento Bee; Editorial: Not funny, girl [38]
2003-06-12 The GoodTimes; A Lawsuit is Born [39]
2003-06-13 GeoPlace.com: The Authoritive Resource for Spatial Information; Coastal Image Archive Faces Privacy Pressure [40]
2003-06-14 WebTalkGuys Radio Show; Techie Protects Coastline via Camera (interview) [41]
2003-06-15 Bully Magazine; June 2003 Jackass: Barbara Streisand [42]
2003-06-17 The Left Coast Report, NewsMax.com; Barbra Streisand's Half-truth Alert [43]
2003-06-18 The San Jose Mercury News; Streisand's all wet on coastline photo suit [44]
2003-06-18 The Sydney Morning Herald; People who sue people: Streisand's $14m claim [45]
2003-06-19 Court document; Declaration of Barbra Streisand in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by Streisand [46]
2003-06-19 Court document; Declaration of John Gatti in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by Streisand [47]
2003-06-19 Court document; Declaration of Rex Glensey in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by Streisand [48]
2003-06-19 Court document; Defendant's Ex Parte Application to set Hearing Date filed by Defendants [49]
2003-06-19 Court document; Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction (exhibits) filed by Streisand [50]
2003-06-19 Court document; Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by Streisand [51]
2003-06-19 Court document; Proposed Order Granting Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by Streisand [52]
2003-06-23 Court document; Motion of Defendant Kenneth Adelman to Strike Complaint Pursuant to Civ Proc Code 425.16 (exhibits and declarations) filed by Defendant Adelman [53]
2003-06-23 Court document; Motion of Defendant Kenneth Adelman to Strike Complaint Pursuant to Civ Proc Code 425.16 filed by Defendant Adelman [54]
2003-06-23 Court document; Motion of Defendant Pictopia.com to Strike Complaint Pursuant to Civ Proc Code 425.16 (exhibits and declarations) filed by Defendant Pictopia.com [55]
2003-06-23 Court document; Motion of Defendant Pictopia.com to Strike Complaint Pursuant to Civ Proc Code 425.16 filed by Defendant Pictopia.com [56]
2003-06-24 Paul Rogers of the San Jose Mercury News declared the photo an Internet hit[8]
2003-06-24 Mike Masnick links to the Paul Rogers article on his blog, Techdirt.com [57]
2003-06-24 CNN Headline News; Web photog wants Streisand suit tossed [58]
2003-06-26 Court document; Demurrer of Layer42.NET filed by Defendant Layer42.NET [59]
2003-06-26 Register-Pajaronian; Local man asks for dismissal of Streisand case [60]
2003-06-30 MSNBC News; Barbra Streisand is blaming the Bush administration [61]
2003-07-02 Asiaone; Diva sues dull website [62]
2003-07-03 Court document; Adelman's Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Injuction filed by Defendant Adelman [63]
2003-07-03 Court document; Declaration of Chief Michael Soderberg (LA County Sheriff's Department) in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition filed by Streisand [64]
2003-07-03 Court document; Declaration of Jonathan Stern in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition filed by Streisand [65]
2003-07-03 Court document; Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Strike Complaint filed by Streisand [66]
2003-07-03 The GoodTimes; When Babs Attacks [67]
2003-07-09 Court document; Declaration of Rex Glensey in Support of Reply to Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by Streisand [68]
2003-07-09 Court document; Defendant's Reply in Support of Motions to Strike Complaint filed by Defendant Adelman and Pictopia.com [69]
2003-07-09 Court document; Streisand's Reply in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by Streisand [70]
2003-07-11 Court document; Objections to Evidence Presented by Defendants filed by Streisand [71]
2003-07-14 Court document; Transcript of Hearings [72]
2003-07-16 Court document; Transcript of Hearings [73]
2003-07-18 Court document; Transcript of Hearings [74]
2003-07-19 The Sarasota Herald-Tribune; Judge will rule on Streisand privacy suit next month [75]
2003-08-18 The San Jose Mercury News; Judge to rule later on Streisand privacy lawsuit [76]
2003-08-31 The San Francisco Chronicle; Streisand goes coastal over Web photo effort [77]
2003-09-04 The San Francisco Chronicle; Just spell my name right [78]
2003-09-07 Guardian Unlimited; Streisand sues to shield estate from aerial view [79]
2003-10? The Caltech News; Air Adelman: A Caltech Couple Takes to the Skies to Help Preserve the California Coast [80]
2003-12-03 Court document; Tentative Decision and Proposed Statement of Decision issued by the Court [81]
2003-12-03 KSBW; KSBW-TV Movie [82]
2003-12-03 The Drudge Report; Bad Day in Court for Barbra [83]
2003-12-03 The Smoking Gun; The Smoking Gun on Babs [84]
2003-12-04 CBS News / WTEV; Streisand Loses Privacy Suit [85]
2003-12-04 Celebrity Justice TV; Celebrity Justice Movie [86]
2003-12-04 CNN News; Judge dismisses Streisand's $10M suit [87]
2003-12-04 E-online; Judge to Babs: You Are Dismissed [88]
2003-12-04 FOX News; Judge: Photos Don't Violate Streisand's Privacy [89]
2003-12-04 KSBW; Judge Tosses $10M Streisand Lawsuit [90]
2003-12-04 Los Angeles Times; Judge Rejects Streisand Privacy Suit [91]
2003-12-04 New York Times; Judge Dismisses Streisand's $10 Million Lawsuit [92]
2003-12-04 NewsMax.com; Streisand Fails in Effort to Crush the First Amendment [93]
2003-12-04 Santa Cruz Sentinel; County man prevails in Streisand suit over coastal photos [94]
2003-12-04 The Australian; Babs's peeping tom case fails [95]
2003-12-04 The San Francisco Chronicle; Judge tosses Streisand's suit to keep estate photos off Web, She argued activist's aerial shots invaded her privacy [96]
2003-12-04 The San Jose Mercury News; Privacy suit a flop, judge tells Streisand [97]
2003-12-04 The Toronto Star; Judge rules against Barbra Streisand [98]
2003-12-31 Court document; Statement of Decision issued by the Court [99]
2004-01-01 The GoodTimes; 2003 in review; A Lawsuit is Born [100]
2004-01-12 Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal; The Blame Game; Lawyers split on whether frivolous claims make for strong cases or just legal harassment [101]
2004-02-?? The Ecologist; Saving Malibu from the stars [102]
2004-03-01 Court document; Plaintiff's Motion to Tax Costs Sought by Defendant Kenneth Adelman filed by Streisand [103]
2004-03-04 Court document; Defendant's Motion for Attorney's Fees filed by Defendant Adelman and Pictopia.com [104]
2004-03-05 The Smoking Gun; The Smoking Gun on Babs [105]
2004-03-08 E-online; Babs Stiffs Shutterbug [106]
2004-03-08 Houston Chronicle; Photographer says Streisand not following court's ruling [107]
2004-03-08 TheStar Online; Streisand yet to pay over Internet Lawsuit [108]
2004-03-24 Court document; Declaration of Daniel Casas in Support of Motion for Attorney's Fees filed by Defendant Layer42.NET [109]
2004-03-24 Court document; Defendant Layer42.NET's Motion for Attorney's Fees filed by Defendant Layer42.NET [110]
2004-03-26 Court document; Declaration of David Roberts in Support of Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Attorney's Fees filed by Streisand [111]
2004-03-26 Court document; Declaration of John Gatti in Support of Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Attorney's Fees filed by Streisand [112]
2004-03-26 Court document; Defendant's Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Tax Costs filed by Defendant Adelman and Pictopia.com [113]
2004-03-26 Court document; Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Attorney's Fees filed by Streisand [114]
2004-04-20 Court document; Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendant Layer42.NET's Motion for Attorney's Fees filed by Streisand [115]
2004-04-20 The Sacramento Bee; He's after Streisand to pay his legal fees [116]
2004-04-23 Court document; Defendant's Reply to Opposition to Motion For Attorneys' Fees filed by Defendant Adelman and Pictopia.com [117]
2004-04-23 Court document; Plaintiff's Reply to Opposition to Motion To Tax Costs filed by Streisand [118]
2004-04-23 Court document; Reply in Support of Motion of Defendant Layer42.NET For Award of Attorney's Fees filed by Defendant Layer42.NET [119]
2004-05-10 Court document; Ruling on Submitted Matters; Motion to Tax Costs and Motions for Attorneys' Fees issued by the Court [120]
2004-05-20 Celebrity Justice; Streisand's Privacy Suit Backfires [121]
2004-05-21 The Smoking Gun; Streisand Hit With $177,000 Legal Bill [122]
2004-05-28 Los Angeles Times; Judge Orders Streisand to Pay $177,000 for Photographer's Legal Fees [123]
2004-05-28 The San Jose Mercury News; Streisand ordered to pay photographer's legal fees [124]
2004-05-28 Yahoo! News; Streisand Pays Up [125]
2004-05-29 Santa Cruz Sentinel; Streisand pays off Corralitos photographer [126]
2004-09-21 Slashdot; More Cheap Aerial Photography (1 poster mentions Barbra Streisand) [127]
2005-01-05 The phrase "Streisand effect" is coined by Mike Masnick, on his blog Techdirt; Since When Is It Illegal To Just Mention A Trademark Online? by Mike Masnick (excerpt: How long is it going to take before lawyers realize that the simple act of trying to repress something they don't like online is likely to make it so that something that most people would never, ever see (like a photo of a urinal in some random beach resort) is now seen by many more people? Let's call it the Streisand Effect.) [128]
2005-12-26 Chicago Tribune; The public starts SLAPPing back [129]
2006-05-05 Business lawyer and trademark agent David Canton wrote on his technology law blog that "Ticking off the blogsphere can kill you. The Streisand effect can turn a simple nastygram into a deathtrap"[9]
2006-05-06 Slashdot; New Disclaimer for the Internet (links to David Canton article) [130]
2006-05-18 Techdirt; The Streisand Effect Takes Up Residence In Project Entropia by Mike Masnick [131]
2006-07-13 Techdirt; Is Leveraging The Streisand Effect Illegal? by Mike Masnick (excerpt: A couple years ago, I jokingly coined the phrase "The Streisand Effect," to describe an increasingly common phenomenon. Someone would get upset about something they didn't like online and would have some lawyers send out a nasty cease-and-desist letter to get it taken offline. Such a plan would usually backfire, because getting the lawyers involved would end up drawing much more attention to whatever it was that the lawyers were trying to suppress.) [132]
2006-07-24 Techdirt; Why Sue Over Wikipedia Posts? by Mike Masnick (excerpt: However, by going the legal route, they've suddenly given those statements a lot more prominence, a la the Streisand Effect.) [133]
2006-08-21 Techdirt; The Internet May Route Around Censorship, But How Does It Deal With Takedown Notices? (the "Streisand effect" is mentioned by 2 posters) [134]
2006-09-21 Slashdot; Mathematician Claims New Yorker Defamed Him (1 comment about the "Streisand effect") [135]
2006-11-22 Techdirt; Streisand Effect For Make Benefit Alcohol Vaporizers, Glorious Nation Of Kazakhstan by Carlo Longino (excerpt: The Streisand Effect -- when efforts to shut down or ban something merely call more attention to it and make it far more popular -- is alive and well:) [136]
2006-11-22 Wikipedia article created
2007-01-22 James Nguyen, an attorney who specializes in entertainment and copyright law referred to the "Barbra Streisand effect" in an article about YouTube and Paula Abdul in Red Herring[10]
2007-04-22 Slashdot; Canada's Wayne Crookes Sues the Net (1 comment about the "Streisand effect" with a link to the Wikipedia page) [137]
2007-04-23 Techdirt; Site Supposedly Sued For Just Linking To A Story That Potentially Libels Someone (the "Streisand effect" is mentioned by 4 posters) [138]
2007-05-02 Slashdot; Digg.com Attempts To Suppress HD-DVD Revolt (1 comment about the "Streisand effect" and 1 comment saying suppresion resulting in free advertising is nothing new) [139]
2007-05-02 Techdirt; AACS Discovers The Streisand Effect: The More You Try To Suppress Something, The More Attention It Gets by Mike Masnick [140]
2007-05-03 Rebecca Dube of The Globe and Mail mentioned the Streisand effect in an article about the AACS encryption key controversy and Digg, "The Digg-DVD donnybrook is the latest example of what's come to be called the “Streisand Effect,” in which efforts to squelch a bit of online information lead to that information being much more widely disseminated than it otherwise would have been."[11]
2007-05-07 Slashdot; EFF and Dvorak Blame the Digg Revolt On Lawyers (1 comment about the "Streisand effect" with a link to the Wikipedia page) [141]
2007-05-11 First in-depth media mention of the "Streisand effect." Andy Greenberg of Forbes.com did an article entitled "The Streisand Effect" and interviewed Masnick about the term.[12]
2007-05-11 Techdirt; Forbes Takes On The Streisand Effect; If I Ask Them To Take It Down Will It Become More Famous by Mike Masnick (links to the Forbes article) [142]
2007-05-12 Digg; Forbes does a story on Digg-Streisand effect (links to the Forbes article) [143]
2007-05-13 Digg; The Streisand Effect; If I Demand To Take It Down Will Become More Famous (links to the Forbes article) [144]
2007-05-23 Slashdot; Google Bans Ads For Essay-Writing Services (1 comment about the "Streisand effect" with a link to the Wikipedia page) [145]
2007-05-25 Slashdot; Apple Sues Over iGasm Ads (1 comment about the "Streisand effect" with a link to the Wikipedia page, mentions lawsuits and free publicity) [146]
2007-05-26 Slashdot; New Jersey Sues YouTube Over Crash Video (1 comment about the "Streisand effect", links to ralien.nytka.org) [147]
2007-06-13 Slashdot; Companies That Clean Up Bad Online Reputations.htm (1 comment about the "Streisand effect" with a link to the Wikipedia page, and mentions the AFD) [148]


  1. ^ [1] - Photo of Kenneth and Gabrielle Adelman
  2. ^ a b http://www.californiacoastline.org/project.html
  3. ^ http://www.californiacoastline.org/journal.html
  4. ^ a b [2] - The photo
  5. ^ [3] - Domain name registration from internic.net
  6. ^ http://www.californiacoastline.org/concerns.html
  7. ^ a b "The Smoking Gun". The Smoking Gun. 2003-05-30. Retrieved 2007-06-12.
  8. ^ a b Rogers, Paul (2003-06-24). "Photo of Streisand home becomes an Internet hit". San Jose Mercury News, mirrored at californiacoastline.org. Retrieved 2007-06-15.
  9. ^ Canton, David (2005-05-05). "New Disclaimer". canton.elegal.ca. Retrieved 2007-06-15. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |accessyear= and |accessmonthday= (help)
  10. ^ Mugrabi, Sunshine (2007-01-22). "YouTube--Censored?". Red Herring. Retrieved 2007-06-15.
  11. ^ Dube, Rebecca (2007-05-03). "An online revolution: Can you Digg it?". The Globe and Mail. Retrieved 2007-06-15.
  12. ^ Greenberg, Andy (2007-05-11). "The Streisand Effect". Forbes.com. Retrieved 2007-06-12.