Talk:Spectre of Newby Church

Latest comment: 7 years ago by Sophie means wisdom in topic Nine feet tall?

please translate from german to english:

Dies lässt sich vielleicht erklären: Der Kopf der Gestalt ist ein aufgehängtes Tuch und ist leicht durchsichtig. Das Tuch hat Löcher, die die Augen der Gestalt bilden und ist aus gleichem Material bestehend, wie rechts vom Altar auch mehrmals zu sehen ist. Eine Person mit Kutte musste nur hinter dem Fotoapparat stehen und hinter ihm noch weiter hinten eine Lichtquelle aufgestellt werden, die von dieser Gestalt mit Kutte den Schatten projizierte in Richtung Altar. Die Person mit Kutte musste genau so stehen, dass der Kopf in den Kopfausschnitt passte. Von mir aus ist auf dem Bild alles völlig normal, wie auch das Tuch dass so aussieht wie ein Schädel. Nur der Schatten musste damals noch passen und sollte heute jederzeit produzierbar sein. Die damalige schlechte Auflösung des Bildes vereinfachte diesen Trick. pcol. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:39, 31 May 2016 (UTC)Reply

This can be explained perhaps : The head of the figure is a suspended cloth and slightly translucent . The cloth has holes that make up the eye shape and is composed of the same material , is also seen as the right of the altar several times . A person with cowl had to stand just behind the camera and behind him even further behind in a light source be placed that by this figure with cowl shades projected toward the altar . The person with cowl had exactly be positioned so that the head fit into the head segment . I'm concerned everything is normal on the screen , as well as the cloth that looks like a skull . Only the shadow had then still fit and should today be any time producible . The former poor image resolution simplified this trick . Where's this from? Sophie means wisdom (talk) 22:18, 16 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

Nine feet tall?


The cited source is a blog which just repeats an anonymous claim. However, this photo shows nine feet to be a significant exaggeration Would probably be original research to include it? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:24, 30 September 2016 (UTC)Reply

Janet Bord's Ghosts (David & Charles 1974) describes the spectre as "around nine feet tall." So the height estimate dates back to at least then. I'll change the cite to this earlier source. Sophie means wisdom (talk) 10:05, 30 October 2016 (UTC)Reply