Talk:Spandeck Engineering v Defence Science and Technology Agency

"Overestimated" seems to have been used when "underestimated" was intended


In the "Facts" section I read (I added the [square backets] for emphasis):

Spandeck had [overestimated] the costs required for the project and subsequent payments to sub-contractors, which went over-budget, were not certified by DSTA.

Should this sentence actually read:

Spandeck had [underestimated] the costs required for the project and subsequent payments to sub-contractors, which went over-budget, were not certified by DSTA.

That is, Spandeck's estimate of the costs was too low (an underestimate), the actual costs were higher than expected, and consequently the project went over-budget.

Dieter.Meinertzhagen (talk) 03:12, 2 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

I changed "overestimated" to " underestimated".
Dieter.Meinertzhagen (talk) 20:13, 14 January 2023 (UTC)Reply