Talk:Shahid Parvez

Latest comment: 16 years ago by in topic True! there cannot be one greatest in music



the comments about this artist needs footnotes and links to their original source! Lets try to be neutral but informative about wikipedia subjects.

Conclusive article on Ustad Shahid Parvez Khan isn't it?


This is now a very conclusive article on Ustad Shahid Parvez Khan but please someone post a photo of his! 07:34, 5 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Zakir Hussian on Shahid Parvez


When you copy a quote from an article and paste it on wikipedia, please do not edit the original source. Zakir Hussian mentioned Shahid Parvez, Budhaditya Mukherjee and Rashid Khan. Once again Wikipedia is not an artist advertisement Thank You —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Sridhar pasaker (talkcontribs) 10:49, 9 February 2007 (UTC).Reply

to Mr. Sridhar Pasakar


May be YOU think this is an artist advertisement, but clearly not every person who understands music thinks so. Ust Zakir Hussain did mention the names of two other Ustads but a simple point is eluding you completely and that is --- this page talks about Ust S Parvez and not the other two mentioned. Their names should come in their own pages similarly (and not Ust S Parvez'z). The issue is "Comments on His Music" and definitely not what Ust Zakir Hussain said in some interview. The orginal source has not been edited at all. Also your logic (advertisement and all you have posed!!) cannnot be understood, since the quotations have not been changed and only the specific parts relating to Ust. S Parvez has been mentioned. If the whole of the quotation has to be mentioned the Heading should have been "Interview with Ust. Zakir Hussain". Those who wish to see the original comment plese visit the link attached.

Mr. Tunmaj


You have written ---- "The idea to fuse intricate rythm into melody came to Shahid Parvez during his early twenties when he heard Pandit Ravi Shankar playing on a L.P. Shahid acquired as many as recordings as he could of Ravi, as he had for the first time heard the sitar played in a way so different from his Gharana.". Please can you show us from where you got this piece of information of 'acquiring as many recordings of Panditji'. We should not let our imaginations to do the writing. Everything mentioned in the article is hard fact not imagination. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 12:27, 20 March 2007 (UTC).Reply

Mr. Playtruth


Hello Mr. Playthetruth it seems that your effort to destroy this page on Ust Shahid Parvez has reached a dead end.

Tell me, are you a student of one of his over-jealous contemporaries?

Or, are you yourself a contemporary musician and have a special disliking of Ust Shahid Parvez? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Mainkaun (talkcontribs) 15:32, 14 May 2007 (UTC).Reply

I think


Shahid parvez is an awesome musician!!! ive heard him many times live. I've come across many articles where people have stated him as "the greatest sitar player alive"" actually its mentioned in his own website! thats an immature statement to make!! someone should make him aware of this. C'mon the last concert i went was a concert in in a school auditorium!! This guy is a very good sitar player but definately not the best or greatest. A lot of people are going to write him off by these grandiose statements. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:13, 23 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

'You' who 'think'


Hey pal, your thought is your thought man, and it reflects your level of understanding of music.

Zakir Hussain, the tabla wizard, has his own thought on Shahid Parvez and it reflects his level of understanding of music, similarly Asad Ali Khan, the respected Beenkar, has his own thought on Shahid Parvez and it reflects his level of understanding of music. That's why Shahid Parvez has so highly been rated by those named above and many other top musicians.

Your logic that since the last concert of Shahid Parvez, you have attended, was in a School, he cannot be the best or greatest of his generation is quite enjoyable man.

Just for our own knowledge, who do you think is the greatest sitar player of this generation? I am very curious, btw? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:31, 12 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

the greatest sitar player alive???


Im sorry i agree with the writer who thinks making such statements absurd! And if Shahid endorses this then he's immature for his age! Shahid is a very good sitar player, no doubt, however he's definately NOT the best. You have to realize one thing, no one person can be the best in all the aspects of music. I've been learning from Ali Akbar Khan for the past 30 years, I think Ali Akbar Khan is a very very good sarod player, but is he the best in ALL aspects?? maybe not. I've been to a lot of Shahids concerts and a lot of Buddhaditya Mukherjee and Rais Khans concerts, and each has a quality the other doesn't. so on a final note retoric like "finest musician alive" dosent fly with mature readers! Making statements like that indicate insecurity. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Ilovefenderguitars (talkcontribs) 21:45, 20 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

True! there cannot be one greatest in music


I agree with you... there cannot be one geatest in music, because music is so vast that it cannot be won over by only one musician. So people always refer to the top musicians as 'one of the finest' or 'one of the greatest' or 'one of the best' or 'one of the leading'.

The Biodata of Shahid Parvez doesn't give us the idea that he is proclaiming himself as the greatest. That info is being falsely presented by the person who responed earlier in the comment "I Think". This is what Shahid Parvez's website says - "Ustad Shahid Parvez Khan is one of the finest sitar players alive today". Those who dont believe i would say 'visit his site', i got this info from there only. However many other sitarists are actually proclaiming themselves the greatest. Here are some quotes from the websites of a few of the present day sitarists, and you judge for yourself who is promoting himself as what. ;)

Budhaditya Mukherjee ---- "Considered as the leading sitarist of his generation, Budhadityaji has received his entire training in Sitar from his illustrious father, Pandit Bimalendu Mukherjee,......"

Shujaat Khan ---- "Shujaat Husain Khan is perhaps the greatest North Indian classical musician of his generation."

Nishat Khan ---- "Undeniably the foremost virtuoso of the sitar, he is the torchbearer of seven generations and the 400-year old tradition of India 's most renowned musical family. Maestro Khan stands at the threshold of the future of sitar and Indian music with his uniquely invigorating, contemporary approach"

Irshad Khan ---- "Irshad Khan is considered among the world's best Sitar players and the leading Surbahar (BassSitar) player of his generation and among the finest instrumentalists of the world"

Hope you understand what I say. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:52, 9 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

The article does read like a bit of a puff-piece. There really is little question that he is superb technically and artistically but one need only compare this article with those for say, Imrat Khan or Nikhil Banerjee (indeed, there are many great sitar players who have no wikipedia entry, like Rais Khan) to see that this article is markedly different in the profusion of aggrandizing statements. The problem with this is that it shifts the article from being an objective recitation of the subject's history, playing style, discography, etc., to a mere advertisement. There is a difference.

I imagine some will take umbrage at the above remarks but please note that they do not belittle the subject of the article, only the way the article is written. Shahid Parvez Khan deserves better. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:57, 13 August 2008 (UTC)Reply