Talk:Sardinia and Corsica

Latest comment: 2 years ago by Furius in topic Knights

Prior comments


There was a lot of good information in this article. The last two parts however seem contradictory, since it is said that Corsica and Sardinia were trivial gains, but then later on it says they played important roles in the Empire. Clarifying this distinction would help improve the article. Also, there are certain ways that you can cite your sources internally using Wikipedia, which I think is the way Professor Strong wanted it, instead of just listing them at the end. Also a map of the location might be useful and shouldn't be too hard to find. One last suggestion to improve the article is that you can use Wikipedia formatting so that some words that might be useful can act as links (so when you click on them they bring you to their Wikipedia site), so making some of the words in your article into links would probably help. To make the words into links I think you just but double brackets around the word. Otherwise, it was very good. -David Ackerman (Friday Section 2 pm)


Nice article. It's sort of a broad topic so I bet it was difficult to write a concise article. Here are some things I think you should work on. In the first section, I dont understand what you mean when you say "Natural complements of the country?" You might want to clarify. Also, to me, if you're going to split the article into sections, then your “intro” section should probably act more of a thesis — or more appropriately, a brief overview — of what the article will be about and not necessarily just an early history of the region. It would probably work better to have that info as the first sub-section. Also, your section labels seem a bit awkward and vague, you might want to make them more specific. Also, in the final paragraphs you refer to Corsica and Sardinia as “here”. You should probably refer to them as “there”.. at least I think? In terms of content, you might want to try to add specific instance of revolt in the region to clarify the relationship between it and Rome. I would also elaborate more on how the region played a role in the demise of the Republic. You should probably talk a bit more about the events with both Julius Caesar and Octavian. In terms of your references, I’m not sure if you were planning on doing this anyway, but you should specifically cite each sentence where you borrow information so people can see where exactly you got each piece of information in your article. Good luck! -Michael Kenny (Friday, 2pm section).

Very good summation of all the important details and great research. You also took your editors' comments very well and turned a medium article into an excellent one. Anisekstrong 02:07, 4 June 2007 (UTC)Anise K. StrongReply

Lots of work needed yet fellows


Before you students break each others' ribs by patting on the back too much I think it needs to be said that as articles go this is far from a good one. In summary it is unresearched and factually wrong as well as incorrectly formatted and of not too good design. I know that your reaction to this comment is going to be about like getting an F paper back when you thought it was pretty darn good. Sorry chaps. The teacher is even here too. As soon as you start trying to find proper references for what you have said you will see right away what I mean. The template on there takes care of the flag so I don't need to be asking for citations all over the place. One more thing. Beware of shallow Internet sites written by off-the-wall theorists and two-line historians with their own domain. This is one area where they happen to be especially bad (for some unknown reason). You can find plenty of good books reviewable on Google Books and if you get a login there they will let you see even more. What gave anyone the idea that Corsica was ever Phoenician? No one knows who the prehistorics were and it was colonized by the Ionian Greeks before the Etruscans snatched it up and their main problem is that they were allies of Rome's deadliest enemy. Look it up and read all about it. More work guys. I will at some point be on this for a while but you have a little time yet. Feel free to check Wikipedia's Help section for formatting questions but you might have to do a little hunting there. Oh by the way if you are inclined to test you can hang one or more "sandbox" or test pages off your user page if you have one. Look up sandbox in Help. Serious editing on Wikipedia like anything else serious takes all you can give it. The Roman army articles are getting really good if you want to see some examples of how to do it. Any article with a star in the upper right corner is usually outstanding and will give you some great ideas. If you want to look at the code just open it without previewing or saving and then back arrow out.Dave (talk) 03:28, 9 May 2008 (UTC)Reply

Stupid Opening Sentence

 For the love of God, could someone (not me) please improve it?



The page makes often mention of "Knights",why is that?

Is it just a manner of saying horsemen/cavalry? (talk) 21:54, 12 September 2022 (UTC)Reply

It's the English translation of equites, the roman elite class. The term is admittedly now a little old-fashioned Furius (talk) 13:05, 13 September 2022 (UTC)Reply