Talk:Roundabout family

Opening edit

  • The first description, "single-pass transmembrane cell adhesion molecules," of the Robo family of proteins is quite sophisticated. Providing a link to another page for some of those terms might be beneficial for an average wikipedia user.
  • The second paragraph is sort of confusing. Is the repulsive cue due to the Robo protein's presence? or are the Robo proteins there to respond to repulsive cues?
  • A general revision that may be done in this section is simplification. Pretend you are explaining it to a person who hasn't taken a science course since high school.

Discovery edit

  • Perhaps include a small explanation regarding mutagens.

Evolution of the family members edit

  • I think linking phylogenetic analysis to the page titled "Phylogenetics" might be useful for those reading this article without extensive biology backgrounds.

Genes edit

  • "DUTT1, and other splice variants, differ in structure from Robo1, and likely have different functions." can be rewritten without the unnecessary commas as "Dutt1 and other splice variants differ in structure from Robo1 and likely have different functions." Just a grammatical comment.
  • The location section is a bit ambiguous about the mice gene locations. Are there four robo genes in mice? What did you mean by 16, 16, 9, and 9 chromosomes exactly?

Tissue Distribution edit

  • "testis" should be "testes" probably
  • Link hindbrain so a user could quickly view where this section is in the brain

Protein Structure edit

  • Provide parenthesis in the link, "immunoglobulin-like domains" so it looks like "immunoglobulin(Ig)-like domains" to make the latter use of "Ig" clear for what it represents

Function edit

Axonal Guidance edit

  • replace "5 Ig domains" with "five Ig domains" as it looks nicer
  • It is not completely clear what the Comm protein does to the Robo receptors in the cytoplasm. Maybe try rephrasing this section to make it easier to understand.

Actin cytoskeleton regulation edit

  • the term "cytoplasmic motifs" is not explained enough to understand it within the context of this paragraph
  • define what "growth cones" are after it is presented in the paragraph

Slit/Robo pathway edit

  • This section should be placed earlier in the entire article as it is mentioned many times throughout the previous sections

Clinical Applications edit

Robo3/Rig1 and HGPPS edit

  • The reference number 30 is awkwardly placed in the middle of the sentence. Move this reference to the end of the sentence to make the text less contaminated with distracting elements.

Overall, this article was fun to read and interesting. Nice work.