Hmmm. Is this really worth an seperate entry? We're not the Jargon File, and we shouldn't attempt to recreate it. Maybe it would be better as part of an article about presentation software. --Robert Merkel

Agreed. -- Tarquin 00:32 Jan 19, 2003 (UTC)
Who's going to write that article? The substance of the article is gone now hidden in PowerPoint. The ideas of powerpointy and even PowerPoint-Free_Zone are not comments about PowerPoint or presentation software but about persuasion... you are trivializing this by hiding that text under the technology.

As to the Jargon issue, it is not clear where wikipedia has to explain idioms and where wiktionary can do it. Until this is clear, you should leave ambiguous articles in place.

Quick decisions are bad decisions.

I think articles with names that are specialized jargon are often a bad idea. vague concepts such as "Good Thing" are not really encyclopedic material and neither is this. However, you're right that ot should go on an article on presentation software in general rather than PowerPoints -- a section on criticisms of overf-reliance on presentation software would be good -- Tarquin 00:53 Jan 19, 2003 (UTC)
No, I don't agree with that position, and that's not what I said. If it was up to me the article title would be persuasion technology and there would be a section specifically on presentation software, but it's impossible to separate the use of PowerPoint from the use of phone redial (to get the appointment to powerpoint someone), or from advertising that works through a human medium, e.g. hard sell sales pitches, software that installs subtly on your computer, most dating systems, and lots of other issues in non-mass media.
powerpointy deserves an explanation, if you like under the better known title PowerPoint-Free_Zone. This is the original form of the concept and its context should be explained in one article, more or less as it was done.
this can be cited as an example case in the more general article, which is not about stand-up-presentation software but about using technology to persuade in face to face settings.

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