If pulverize means to turn to powder, pollenize must mean to turn to pollen. It does not mean pollen producer in English. This is a waki wiki. User:Wetman

I can't imagine what "pulverize" has to do with this. I don't know the etymology of "pollenize," but the term is well established in horticulture, and it does clarify the difference between the pimp and the john. ;o)

Here are three sample web references out of hundreds of possible ones:





Should point out, the word 'pollenize' doesn't exist in UK English, only 'pollinator' for both senses (provider of pollen, & transporter of pollen), though I can see it is a useful distinction to make. If it was used over here, it would be spelled 'polleniser' ('-ize' looks very harsh to UK eyes), maybe that spelling should be added to encourage take-up of the term? - MPF 02:52, 25 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Sounds like a good idea. Do you think a redirect is needed?
Done. The word may not exist, but it is a useful one to start promoting! MPF 13:16, 25 Mar 2004 (UTC)
Your comments indicate the primitive state of our understanding of pollinaton, almost as primitive as general biology before binomial nomenclature - everyone had their own terminology and definitions, and then people couldn't talk to each other. It's a topic hardly mentioned in agricultural studies; some graduates have only a vague notion that bees are good, and they think they are just "there."
I talked with a botany grad student who was doing his PhD thesis on a tropical plant. I asked him what were the primary pollinators of the plant and he just gave me a blank look. He got his degree; I fault his professor on that one. You don't really know anything about a plant species until you understand its pollination. <soapbox mode/off> Pollinator 03:18, 25 Mar 2004 (UTC)

then what do we call the recipient of pollination?


If a pollinizer is the provider, what do we call the recipient plant that recieves the pollen to be fertilized?