Talk:Policarpo Cacherano d'Osasco/Translation

Translation from it:Policarpo Cacherano d'Osasco (as of 2009-03-22) using the Google translation facility:[1]

Policarp Cachera of Osasco (Cantarana, 1744 - Turin, 27 August 1824) was an Italian politician.



Born in Cantarana quartogenito son of the historian and author Carlo Giovanni Battista and Anna Teresa di Roero Cortanze.

Definitely take influence from the culture of the father and receive an education based on the humanities, but not first born—he can not hope for the succession to the estates and titles of his father (Osasco, Cantarana, Palace of Valgorrera fraz. Of Poirino) so dedicated to the career military.

Bound, as the father, the maternal grandmother of the earth Cantarana, the elect as his home so that when he was appointed knight of 'Order of Malta (later Commander) is called "the Knight of Cantarana".

He has a brilliant career: in 1793 he was appointed Colonel of the Regiment of Saluzzo and as such defeats in the war of Nice in the same year, the Jacobins who unofficially backed by France sought to "liberate" the territories of Savoy. This victory for the era was not a marginal gave further impetus to the career of Cachera. Nel 1796 è Ispettore di Fanteria. In 1796 Inspector is Infantry.

But the storm Napoleon is approaching and he is the first (April 15 1798) to write to the king of unrest on the borders of states sardi: "a troop of armed people and seditious, threatening to invade these provinces and spoil the quiet with the strength, with the seduction and deceit. To better cover his evil plan to intimidate and seduce, they have friendly intentions and beneficial to the people", these few lines written by way 'of manifesto for the king, but also for the people, are perhaps today, a rare and precious on Napoleon's early moves on the Italian front.

The story tells us how events have evolved, and the Piedmontese army was defeated: Policarp commanded a regiment in the battle of Marengo, and after the surrender of the King follows him into Sardinian ruefully.

In 1814 he was appointed general commander of the Savoia Cavalry and two years later, the Army General in this capacity is the protagonist of the reorganization of the army after the Napoleonic cyclone.

View of the age, it seems now that its contribution to the state (and history) has been given, but instead the king seek him out for a serious commitment: preceptor of the prince of Carignano and heir to the throne Charles Albert, with the aim of remove from the head of Prince ideas "revolutionary" acquired during the period of his life in France.

Austere character, very religious conservative and decided, as the king is the right person. Given the behavior hesitant of the future sovereign, one may think that did not affect in a positive way too.

He died in Turin at the age of 80 years August 27 of 1824 and is buried in the crypt of the church of San Filippo Neri (Saint Philip Neri).

Titles of nobility


General Gianbattista Policarp Vitalino Cachera of the Lords of Osasco, Cantarana, Valgorrera and Rocca d'Tapestry, Commander of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Large Crown, Knight Grand Cross of Saint Joseph of Tuscany and Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell 'Ordine dei Santi Maurice and Lazarus.


  • The Cachera is mentioned in the novel La tana del lupo di Resi Cibabene (The lair of the wolf of Resi Cibabene), an historical novel sull'epopea Napoleon.

Main works

  • P. Cacherano d'Osasco, Réflexions sur les grandes vérités de la religion chrétienne pour chaque jour du mois, l'Hopital, 1815 (work lost)
  • P. Cacherano d'Osasco, Lettera del Cav. Generale Policarpo Cacherano d'Osasco a Carlo Alberto principe di Carignano (General Policarp Cachera of Osasco to Prince Charles Albert of Carignano), Tipografico E. Cattaneo, 1930 (published posthumously)