
Latest comment: 15 years ago by Apokryltaros in topic hydrozoans and ctenophoras

hydrozoans and ctenophoras


1. I've found, that hydrozoans do not even have a medusa form, thus they don't breed with planulas, rather with prolifering, or zigotes in a theca.
2. Ctenophores do have larvae, but it's never a planula, rather a cydippid.

And forgive me, if you find this info incorrect. Kadosa (talk) 22:37, 31 October 2008 (UTC)Reply
Correction: sorry, I've undone my edit, as some hydrozoans do have medusa form, although I'm unsure if they have planula larvae, or not. So I'd rather leave it as it is. Kadosa (talk) 22:58, 31 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

Many hydrozoa, such as Obelia, Gonionemus and Millepora have planula stages: the planula often forms the polyp that founds their colonial stages. And you're right: not being cnidarians, ctenophores don't have planula larval stages.--Mr Fink (talk) 23:15, 31 October 2008 (UTC)Reply