Talk:Piraeus Lion

Latest comment: 10 months ago by Jensreuterberg in topic Varangians or Norse?

Rafn's translation


There's a name missing in the english translation: AURN = Örn

So it should say

Hakon with Ulf and Asmund and Örn conquered this port. These men and Harold Hafi imposed a heavy fine on account of the revolt of the Greek people. Dalk is detained captive in far lands. Egil is gone on an expedition with Ragnar into Romania and Armenia.

Quoting Inscription runique du Pirée:

Hâkon vaon, peir Ùlfr ok Àsmundr ok Aurn, hafn pessa ; peir menn lagpu a, ok Haraldr bâfi, of fjebéta uppreistar vegna Grikkjapypis. Varp Dâlkr naupugr i fjarri landum ; Egill var i faru mep Ragnari til Rûmanlu .... ok Annenfu.

Hakon indtog i Forening med Ulf og Asmund og Ôrn denne Havn; disse Mœnd ogHarald den Hôie paalagde Lan- dets Indbyggere betydelige Pengebeder formedelst Graeker- folkets Opstand. Dalk forblev nedtvungen i fjerne Lande; Egil var paa Toget med Ragnar til Ru(manieD) og Arménien.

I Indskriften paa Lavens venstre Side traeffer man saa- ledes Navnene paa fire Yœringer, Hakon, Ulf, Asmund og Ôrn, som bavde erobret Havnen (Pirseus), hvorefter det til- foies at disse Mœnd og, upaatvivlelig deres Anferer, Harald den Hôie, paalagde Landets Beboere betydelige Pengebeder

Or as in the original French translation:

"Hakon réuni à Ulf, à Asmund et à Ôrn conquit ce port. Ces hommes et Harald le grand (de la haute taille} imposèrent (aux habitants du pays} des amendes considérables à cause de l'insurrection du peuple grec. Dalk est resté captif (a été retenu) dans des contrées éloignées; Égil était allé en campagne avec Ragnar dans la Rumcrnte .... et l'Arménie."

I didn't want to edit this in, as I'm not a registered user, so please look up the source and correct it. Thanks. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:02, 21 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

war booty


I have tried looking up the term "war booty" in wikipedia, wiktionary and google, the closest match I found was , 2. description. I have not found out precisely how to make an external link yet, furthermore I am not sure if that's the preferred solution in this case. I think it would be a satisfactory workaround, but on the other hand I recognise the use for a wikipedia entry for war loot. If you feel there is a need for one, go ahead and get the page started, especially if you have a good idea of what that page should contain. In the meanwhile, what works best: leaving the entry empty or linking it to the Wiktionary entry 'booty'? - Tkrokli 09:42, 2 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

It is better not to make a direct link to wiktionary. Booty and loot are pretty synonymous in this context, but war booty and war loot currently both redlinks. How about looted art? (Do the Greeks want this back from Venice, like they want the Elgin marbles back from London?)-- ALoan (Talk) 11:24, 2 February 2007 (UTC)Reply
I've added a stub for war booty. I've not heard anything about the Greeks wanting the statue back - I guess it happened too long ago for them to really care. Anyway, they have their own copy. :-) -- ChrisO 20:13, 2 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Varangians or Norse?


The image of the lion have a comment about Varangians being the culprit. Problem is that Varangians is a very specific group - and since the inscription hints at the people doing it came from Roslagen (Norse travelling through the Varangian areas instead of Norse Settlers ie Varangians), it would be more apt to add that complexity in the text Jensreuterberg (talk) 08:20, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply