Archive 1


Is Wylie the uncle of Janice Wyle, one of two girls murdered in 1963, relevant to the George Whitmore case that ended capital punishment in NY? - MJB

Philip Gordon Wylie?

Here's a question: I've been reading Wylie for thirty years, and no place but here have I ever seen him referred to as "Philip Gordon Wylie." On every book he ever wrote, as far as I know (and there were plenty), he was known as "Philip Wylie." Why on earth does Wikipedia use his middle name??

More info needed

Wylie was more than just the author of Gladiator and When Worlds Collide. He bent, combined or created genres according to his interests and is arguably as much a technothriller writer as Tom Clancy is today. If you don't believe me just read Experiment in Crime from the forties or The Spy Who Spoke Porpoise from the sixties-- which was made into a Robert Wise film.

His the Disappearance is about what happens when everyone wakes up one day and finds that anyone of the opposite sex is missing (all the men have to get along without women, and vice versa). While I do consider Generation of Vipers misogynistic, the Disappearance shows his thinking on the subject is very complex.

I wrote this. I do feel it belongs in the article, but I don't see how to incorporate this information without unduly compromising what is already there. Anyone want to try?


Can anyone find any e-texts of his work? They should be out of copyright by now, and would be good to add to this page.

I added some information from my article on E2.