ON THE MAIN TALK PAGE UNDER THE SECTION "Discuss changes you made to the proposal here."

Please note that information on Pacific Western University and how they eventually were unanimously and ubiquitously stereotyped a “diploma mill” had to do with September 11th, 2001 and school records were traced from events where the attacker pilots had used PWU to obtain their pilot licenses. [1]

[2] (talk) 21:07, 3 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Pacific Western University is California State Approved,and all degrees issued are legally valid. The State of Florida, Federal Court ruled on: "Strange v. Satz's Case, August 23rd, 1994, that Degrees from Pacific Western University is infact State Approved, therefore a legal degree, declaring Florida's Statue 817.567 unconstitutional, and Dr. Strang(Plaintiff),claim of having a legal doctorial degree was proscribed truthful speech, winning this case.
Whomever wrote below saying that PWU's Degrees are not State Approved,is misleading the Public with erroneous information....Dr. Noel Garcia
PWU alumni can Sue whomever is putting false information about the validity of PWU degrees out there on any websites. (talk) 01:01, 27 August 2024 (UTC)Reply
Pacific Western University's program requirements were all met and fulfilled by me. I completed all academic requirements (PRO 301,PRO 303, COM 349, then received Admission to Candidacy status, where I was also required to completed the following course requirements:Human Service Analysis Course #350.1, Com Critical Context #350.2, Integration of Personal & Professional Development Course #350.3, Com:450.1 Analysis of Human Services Administration (QE), Com:450.2 Critical Context of How can service providers help the cycle of domestic violence: the role of the public shelter, Com: 450.3 Integration of Personal & Professional Development, Com 455: Research Proposal In: Examining The Likeness And Differences Between The Counselings Process And The Helping Interview Skills Used In Counseling College Students -Reducing The Drop-Out Rate. Passed and approved, leading to PHD Candidacy status, where I completed the Dissertation Com.600, of which I completed and fulfilled satisfactorily all the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree with a major in Human Services Administration. I have vast years of Counseling experience and formerly hold a Master's Degree in Human Relations from New York Institute of Technology. I worked hard to complete and achieve Pacific Western University's Doctorial Degree Program, as I have done with all my other college and university school's programs. My Doctorial Degree from PWU took me hard work and sacrifices to achieve, and I am proud of my accomplishment. (talk) 02:19, 30 August 2024 (UTC)Reply
Pacific Western University
Logo of Pacific Western University
MottoSpanning the Globe with Quality Education
PresidentSteven Warfield, (Doctor of Chiropractic)
Academic staff
Location, ,
CampusUrban; Distance learning

Pacific Western University (PWU) is an unaccredited, private, postsecondary, distance learning university founded in Encino, California on November 23, 1976 and presently based in San Diego, California.[3][4][5][6] It has also operated under other names, including:

  • American PacWest International University, abbreviated American PacWest or APIU [7]
  • Pacwest Corporation, also Pacwest (Hawaii) Corporation[6]
  • Pacific Western University (Hawaii), abbreviated (PWU)(HI) or PWUHI[6]

PWU is not accredited by any recognised accreditation body. As such, its degrees may not be acceptable to employers or other institutions, and use of degree titles may be restricted or illegal in some jurisdictions.[8] PWU has approval to operate from the State of California through the California Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education (BPPVE) as a California BPPVE Approved Institutions - Degree.[9] However, approval by the BPPVE is not the same as accreditation.[10] In order for a California institution to become accredited, they first must have California state approval,[10] which Pacific Western University does not.

Since its founding, the history of this California university largely has been one of investigation and litigation by institutions all over the world, typically regarding the validity of PWU credits and degrees. According to Norman Henteleff, dean of the school in 1997, "A lot of people have called us a diploma mill."[11] In order to distance itself from past controversies, the institution is reported to be considering changing its name.[8]



Pacific Western dates to 1977[8]. Much of its history centers on repeated allegations in the press of its being a diploma mill: it awards degrees in return for a flat fee (rather than fees for individual modules and courses), and it awards substantial credit for "life experience". Both of these are common attributes of diploma mills. PWU was listed as number nine on The Irish Times' 1998 list of twelve famous diploma mills[12] and was named as one of three unaccredited institutions which cooperated with an investigation into Federal funding inappropriately issued to recipients of unaccredited degrees, referred to in the text as diploma mills[13]. Other evidence, however, calls this characterisation into question, stating that some courses at least offer adequate tuition and assessment.

In March 1980 PWU placed an advertisement in the Boston Globe offering its California degree awarding services to people in Boston, Massachusetts. In response to an inquiry to this advertisement, Lee Stallings of California's state education department stated that Pacific Western University was authorized under law to grant specific degrees in general studies, provided they give full disclosure to students and can show that they have at least $15,000 in net assets. She went on to state that credits earned at Pacific Western University are not transferable to accredited or approved institutions of higher learning, describing them as "practically worthless".[14]

In late 1986, Pacific Western University was reauthorized by California to continue awarding degrees[15]. According to the final report of the reauthorization evaluation team, there was ample evidence that adequate instruction was provided in some courses and "there is equally ample evidence that in other instances either inadequate or no instruction is given, and the degree is based entirely upon evaluation of the student's prior education and life experience and prior publications."[16]

In 1988, PWU offered a "nine-months-to-a-Ph.D" degree for US$1,675.[17] A California state committee investigated the University and found that some of the graduates completed a substantial body of new work before their degrees were conferred while other in other instances, either inadequate or no instruction is given, and the degree is issued based entirely on life experience and prior publications.[18] In 1989, Pacific Western University agreed not to seek licensing for its doctoral program.[18]

By August 1990, PWU set up degree programs in Louisiana and Hawaii.[18]

In April 1994, Louisiana's state Board of Regents closed Pacific Western's leased office, asserting that PWU offered too many credits for a thesis, had too few teachers, and not enough courses.[19]

On November 4, 1997, the State of Hawaii, Office of Consumer Protection (OCP), filed a lawsuit against Pacific Western University, seeking to prevent PWU from failing to provide mandatory state disclosures and from misleading consumers by asserting that Pacific Western University is registered with the State of Hawaii.[5] On April 28, 1999, Pacific Western University entered into a stipulated permanent injunction where PWU agreed to provide mandatory Hawaii state disclosures and to not make any representations to the effect that PWU is registered with or authorized by the State of Hawaii to confer bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees, and or award academic degrees. Moreover, without an admission of wrongdoing, PWU also agreed to pay Thirty Thousand Dollars (US$30,000.00) to the Office of Consumer Protection, State of Hawaii for costs of investigation.[20]. On March 28, 2005, the Hawaii OCP filed a further lawsuit against Pacific Western University seeking to prevent PWU from engaging in "unfair or deceptive acts or practices", seeking a court judgment that all contracts between PWU and its students are void, and seeking money.[6] On May 9, 2006, the Hawaiian court entered a default judgment against Pacific Western University.[21] According to the Oregon State Office of Degree Authorization, "degrees issued by the former Pacific Western University in Hawaii are not from the same entity as the current PWU of California. Employers should verify which entity issued any PWU degree."[22], but both Bear[3] and Thacker[8] note that both were operated out of the same building, by the same people.

Between July 2003 through February 2004, United States congressional investigators determined that at least 28 senior-level federal employees in eight agencies have "bogus" college degrees between three unaccredited schools.[23] Among those individuals identified by the General Accounting Office review were three workers with emergency operations roles and security clearances at the National Nuclear Security Administration, part of the Department of Energy.[23] The three unaccredited schools -- Pacific Western University, California Coast University, and Kennedy-Western University -- provided data showing that 463 of their students were federal employees, with most of those listed in the Department of Defense.[23] Federal funding is explicitly restricted to accredited programs.


  • Kolawole Tokunbo Iyanda, a former lecturer in the Department of Financial Studies, the Polytechnic Ibadan in the city of Ibadan in Africia, forged certificates which include a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration (Marketing) obtained in 1989, Master of Business Administration (Finance) allegedly secured in 1998 all from the Pacific Western University. Iyanda's deception was discovered since the documents listed Colorado rather than California as the location of PWU.[24]
  • In August 2002, the Thailand Ministry of University Affairs took legal action against U-Net Centre, which claimed to be the postgraduate education representative for Pacific Western University Hawaii and authorized to issue postgraduate degrees after just four months of study.[25][26]


  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^ a b Bears' Guide to Earning Degrees by Distance Learning 15th edition, John B. Bear, Ph.D. & Mariah P. Bear, M.A., Copyright 2003 by Ten Speed Press, ISBN 1-58008-431-1
  4. ^ California Secretary of State (2006). Pacific Western University corporate records. Obtained December 13, 2006.
  5. ^ a b Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs - Pacific Western University (Hawaii). (November 4, 1997) November 4, 1997 Complaint. (Obtained December 12, 2006) See generally Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs - Pacific Western University (Hawaii).
  6. ^ a b c d Pacific Western University (Hawaii) aka American PacWest International University. 2005 Complaint and Summons. (Obtained December 13, 2006).
  7. ^ Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs - Pacific Western University (Hawaii) aka American PacWest International University.
  8. ^ a b c d Paul D. Thacker (December 15, 2006). What’s in a Name? Inside Higher Education Retrieved December 16, 2006.
  9. ^ See California Bureau of Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education, specifically school
  10. ^ a b Private Postsecondary Educational Opportunities in California brochure. Obtained December 17, 2006.
  11. ^ Doyle, Pat. (March 10, 2001) Star Tribune Operator of alternative school required to repay state funds; He paid himself $191,500 salary and rent of $18,000. News section, age 1A.
  12. ^ The Irish Times (November 24, 1998) A dirty dozen - 12 famous diploma mills. Education & Living section.
  13. ^ Diploma mills], testimony to Senate of Robert J Cramer, Managing Director, Office of Investigations, Government Accountability Office, September 23, 2004
  14. ^ Boston Globe (March 7, 1980). Ask the Glob. Section: Run of Paper. (writing,"Q. An ad has been appearing in the paper for Pacific Western University, Encino, Calif., offering college degrees for work experience and life experience. Can you tell me something about this university? Does any school accept the degree for entrance to graduate school? - B.H., W.Newton. A. Lee Stallings of California's state education department, says there are certain schools in the state which are "authorized" under law to grant specific degrees in general studies, provided they give full disclosure to students and can show that they have at least $15,000 in net assets. Pacific Western is one of those "authorized" schools. Stallings said credits "earned" at Pacific Western, and other similar colleges, are not transferable to accredited or approved institutions of higher learning. In that context such degrees are "practically worthless.")
  15. ^ Sample, Herbert A. (January 29, 1989) The Sacramento Bee Despite law, State approval no guarantee of quality. Main news section, page A25.
  16. ^ Sample, Herbert A. (January 29, 1989) The Sacramento Bee Short staff, funds hurt regulators - Reviews of some schools due in 1987 still pending. Main news section, page A24.
  17. ^ Tedford, Deborah. (July 23, 1988) Houston Chronicle Mail-order college providing doctorates for HISD officials. Section 1, page 11.
  18. ^ a b c DeWitt, Dan. (October 13, 1990) St Petersburg Times A question of degree. Hernando times section, page 1.
  19. ^ Parker, Christina M. (August 28, 1998) The Morning Call School executive replaced; Panther valley hires lawyer and temporary superintendent. Local/region section, page B1.
  20. ^ Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs - Pacific Western University (Hawaii). Stipulated Permanent Injunction and Final Judgment Against Defendant PacWest (Hawaii) Corporation, dba Pacific Western University (Hawaii), Inc. (Obtained December 12, 2006)
  21. ^ Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs - Pacific Western University (Hawaii) aka American PacWest International University. Default and Final Judgment Against Defendant Pacific Western University (Hawaii) Inc.] (Obtained December 5, 2006)
  22. ^ Oregon Office of Degree Authorization - Unaccredited Colleges. State of Oregon list of unaccredited degree suppliers that do not meet the requirements of ORS 348.609(1). (Obtained December 13, 2006).
  23. ^ a b c Feller, Ben. (May 11, 2004) Deseret Morning News Investigation: 28 top federal workers have bogus college degrees. Section: Wire
  24. ^ (March 23, 2001) A Forger in the Net.
  25. ^ The Nation (Thailand) (August 14, 2002) Ministry goes after school offering '4-monthPhD'.
  26. ^ Bunnag, Sirikul. (August 14, 2002) Bangkok Post Centre faces legal action on degrees.

See also


What makes a degree real? Written by: Alan Contreras, 2011, and presented in federal court, State of Florida Strang v. Satz, 884F. Supp.504, 1995.


Alan Contreras'2021, indicated that in order to understand why certain credentials are not valid college degrees,and why some degree-granters are called degree mills or diploma mills, it is necessary to know what constitutes a valid degree. What this really means is that we need to know how a degree-granter obtains the formal authority to give someone a degree. According to the presented court evidence and documentation presented in Strang V. Satz's Case in Florida's Court case. Mr. Alen Contreras described that a degree is a type of public credential, an academic credential. A public credential is distinguished from other kinds of awards and recognitions in that it is used outside private life for a specific purpose. Legitimate degrees are given for certain accomplishment in fields of knowledge,within a structure that involves qualified teachers who evaluate student performance against a set of generally accepted norms. Mr. Alan Contreras indicated in his documentary that a degree is valid if it is properly granted (that is, not fraudulently or mistakenly granted) by an entity that has the legal authority to do so. Alan Contreras indicated in his report that there are three sources of authority to issue college degrees in or from the United States. A college can obtain that authority from: 1) Congress,2) a state government, 3)or a recognized sovereign Indian tribe. Alan Contreras indicated that when a Florida federal court concluded in 1995 that the state's statue against the use of bogus credentials was in part unconstitutional, it concluded that because unaccredited Pacific Western University held a California License to issue degrees, users of those degrees could not be barred from stating that they held the credential, as Pacific Western University is California State Approved to grant legal degrees. Alan Contreras indicated that the court decided the case correctly. Hence, Pacific Western University degrees are California State Approved under California Education Code, Section 94310, Degrees from Pacific Western University are legal and valid degrees, and not considered diploma mills. This is why Strang v. Satz case was won in Court. (talk) 01:15, 10 September 2024 (UTC)Reply