New article from scratch, my first. Adapted from an article I wrote for Everything2 almost a year ago; at that time I worked for the Ministry of Defence, and thus I have been careful to only use public sources. The 'mental' and 'stability' measurements have been given only a skimpy treatment. It's possible that the system was used in Canada before it was used in Britain, in which case the article will have to be mildly rewritten, starting with "PULHHEEMS is a system... devised in Canada, and used by the armed forces of..." and so forth. -Ashley Pomeroy 23:35, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)

There are very few Google links for 'PULHHEEMS'; there are more for 'PULHEEMS' and 'PULHEMS'. There aren't even very many for PULHES, the American system. I believe that, although the topic is esoteric and obscure, it is nonetheless notable (especially for servicepeople). -Ashley Pomeroy 23:43, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)

The system is spelled PULHHEEMS, with two H's, two E's, and a capital S. It does not stand for 'Pulse, Urine, Lungs, Etc'. -Ashley Pomeroy 23:43, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)

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