Talk:Origin of the Albanians/Archive 9

Latest comment: 4 years ago by Ktrimi991 in topic Georgiev
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Movements of Albanians in Illyria chronology

Recently I was reading Vladimir Orel's etymological dictionary, in the preface (here's the page [1] ) I read this particular sentence: "The Proto-Albanans migration to Illyria via the Eastern Slopes of the Balkans must have taken place before (but not considerably earlier than) their contact with Romance speakers at the end of the Proto-Albanian period in the history of the Albanian language". A page before ([2]) clarifies that Proto-Albanian precedes the contacts with Latin "before the I-II centuries CE" Shouldn't this be included? Perhaps added somewhere at "Thracian or Dacian origin"?

Studies of Albanians

Because Albanians speak a different branch of Indo-European language, that is not similar to any other branch, and also because genetically Albanians have a very interesting composition (with E-V13 being the dominant gene), there is widespread curiosity to know more about the population, including its genetics and DNA studies. A separate page for Albanians could serve also as a source to gather more information, but also to share it with each other. — (talk) 14:58, 11 June 2018 (UTC)

Umm, this is that article.Resnjari (talk) 10:49, 12 June 2018 (UTC)
Resnjari I think what the IP is saying is that we should have Genetic studies on Albanians (analogous pages exist for Bulgarians, Jews, etc...). But I disagree. The page for Jews is kind of a special case because, since Jews don't typically mix with non-Jews except in very specific historical situations (i.e. the US nowadays being one), their genetic makeup drifted away from non-Jewish populations, and there are various haplogroups that only occur in Jewish populations as they went extinct in all others (presumably). Such a page is also notable for medical research as thanks to long standing isolation many Jewish populations have unique susceptibility to genetic diseases. As for Bulgarians, the page exists for convenience only because after years of warring over how "Slavic" or "non-Slavic" the Bulgarian genome was (with the "Slavic" side typically having hte upper hand), a wiki-wide discussion initiated by Iryna Harpy resulted in the material being moved from the Bulgarian people page to a new page, but there are still some questions as to the notability of the page among other issues.
As for Albanians, there really have not been enough studies to say much, although there have been some interesting comparisons between Tosk and Gheg populations as well as some comparison of genetic makeup nowadays to in the Middle Ages (using Arbereshe as a proxy). As for your own commentary on Albanian genetic makeup, really it is not unique as it is quite similar to Greeks, the main difference being that some Greek islanders have more Near Eastern input, and that the Greek genome is overall much more diverse-- no surprise there, as it has been postulated that the Albanian population was effected by a genetic bottleneck occurring in the Dark Ages (hence the very low internal haplogroup diversity but high frequency of E-V13 among mountainous Gheg populations especially). ---- Calthinus (talk) 22:00, 13 June 2018 (UTC)
For the case of Albanians, best we keep it in one article as having is separate may open it open to POVish editing etc, like the Bulgarian case. That genetic studies data included in this article allows it to be placed within context of the wider topic of origins and thus things remain neutral. Best.Resnjari (talk) 07:10, 14 June 2018 (UTC)

Misuse of Belledi et al's abstract

Belledi et al, geneticists, not linguists, state in their abstract that "Albanians are clearly different from all other Indo-Europeans linguistically". This is the sort of clumsy statement that one might often see about historical linguists from people whose field is not historical linguistically. You see it is at once true and false. It is true because Albanian is on its own branch of Indo-European that no other living language belongs. But it is false because it in English (not the native language of the authors, nor of Skylax) can be read to mean that Albanian is more different from all other Indo-European languages than the remaining members of the family are with each other. This is flagrantly false. Albanian lexically has some surprising things, but it is nowhere near as divergent as the Anatolian languages or Tocharian, and is also usually considered less divergent than other "eccentric" branches like Armenian. It is entirely inappropriate that Skylax is insisting on using the abbreviated abstract of genetics paper to make a point about linguistics; more bizarre still his rants about "censorship". --Calthinus (talk) 17:53, 13 November 2018 (UTC)

It is more bizarre that a user, claiming to be expert, wants to cut in half a phrase from a source, becouse "he knows better".--Skylax30 (talk) 12:39, 14 November 2018 (UTC)

It is even more bizarre that you are using an argument that is entirely a strawman :). Geneticists cited for linguistics makes a quote immediately suspect if it sounds off, likewise economists for biology, sociologists for physics... Alas, don't take it from me.
Calvert Walkins, in Ramat and Ramat, The Indo-European languages, page 31: "A number of archaic features in morphology and phonology set Anatolian apart from other branches, and show it was the earliest to hive off".
The morphological features of Hittite, the best known Anatolic language, are strikingly different from all the rest of (non-Anatolic) Indo-European. For example, most Indo-European languages differentiate nouns grammatically by gender, or did historically in fairly recent times (English does not, but Old English did; same deal with Persian). Well, Hittite had no gender distinction and instead distinguished animate versus inanimate (see Hittite_language#Nouns), and has from the earliest stages of the language over three centuries ago, being the earliest attested IE language. Well this seems very enlightened (not sexist), but it's not typical of IE branches. Other such examples are manifest. That is why scholars think Anatolian was the first to branch off, and some even seriously propose (and many others disagree) the prospect of Indo-Hittite whereby Anatolian is a "sister" to Indo-European. Literally nobody proposes that Albanian was the first to branch off. Albanian has a few debatable phonological peculiarities but even these are disputable : Albanian's proposed preservation of PIE laryngeals is also disputed, because there is some evidence that Albanian actually may have had laryngeal insertion instead, leading to a counterexplanation for hte presence of h in this small set of etyma (these appear in ancient Latin loans too: Latin admissarius > Albanian hamshor; Latin arcus > Albanian hark, etc...). I hope I don't need to go on? --Calthinus (talk) 15:45, 14 November 2018 (UTC)


The text "The theory of Illyrian descent became the principal pillar of the Albanian nationalism in the 19th century, replacing the previous romantic theory of the "Pelasgian origin". Its importance was that it claimed historical continuity in Kosovo and other areas contested by Serbs and Greeks.[64]" violates WP:CLOP, IMO. Please have a look though, coz I am not very certain. Maybe an attribution would solve the problem. Cinadon36 (talk) 20:39, 18 December 2018 (UTC)

May need to be better written. Going through it there are parts of the sentence that are taken from the book in whole like "historical continuity in Kosovo", "areas contested by Serbs and Greeks" which goes into Plagarism territory. CLOP problems are more with the rest of the sentence.Resnjari (talk) 02:23, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
@Cinadon36: has a point here. The content was placed in a very improper place. I am not sure whether it should be allowed on this article at all or not, as similar content is not covered on similar articles. For instance, a similar addition of @Resnjari: was not accepted on Pelasgians. Thoughts? Ktrimi991 (talk) 16:00, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
I think your referring to @Alexikoua's opposition on the Pelasgian talkpage [3]. Yeah i remember that well. It will interesting to see the comments on this.Resnjari (talk) 16:05, 21 December 2018 (UTC)

Additional arguments "against"

The pre-Albanian-pre-Romanian co-existence is included in a list of arguments against Albanian-Illyrian continuity in the work of Matzinger. There is further explanation on the issue in his work (about a pre-/Albanian population that possibly arrived from the east). It's certainly not a personal created POV. This may be merged with the Dacian hypothesis, but I would be very reluctant about a full removal.Alexikoua (talk) 17:43, 19 December 2018 (UTC)

There has been much discourse on this issue and simply adopting the view of Matzinger is not in line with NPOV. Another view is that the Romanian ethnogenesis occurred in Kosovo, yet another that Romania was settled by Illyrians in Roman times, et cetera. Not only Albanian vs. Serbian/Greek, but also Hungarian vs. Romanian scholarship has to be considered here. The best way to handle it, imo, is a section that is not under any "side" regarding the "Relationship between Albanians and Vlach populations". And all info from either "side" about this should be moved there. Arguments about what this means are the only thing that can remain in "Arguments for/against" sections. --Calthinus (talk) 17:48, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
I admit that theories like Romanian ethnogenesis occurred in Kosovo, yet another that Romania was settled by Illyrians in Roman times sound very interesting, however I can't cofirm them in western scholarship. If such theories have some merit I can definetely agree that this part should be moved.Alexikoua (talk) 18:07, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
Alexikoua they float around. Here's another one, see the map attached, a theory currently popular with many Romanian scholars, that Albanian ethnogenesis occurred in Kosovo which was part of a much wider area also inhabited by proto-Vlach people. See map. --Calthinus (talk) 18:11, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
One Romanian view on the issue which has proto-Romanians and proto-Albanians both in Kosovo and Northern Albania prior to Albanians being pushed south in the Middle Ages


Alexikoua: Some more Hungarian/Romanian views here [[4]].
Also, Stadtmiller's theory about Romanians coming from the Morava-Kosovo region and it's relevance to Albanian ethnogenesis, summarized by Malcolm [[5]], here : The main area of the Balkan interior where a Latin-speaking population may have continued, in both towns and country, after the Slav invasion, has already been mentioned: it included the upper Morava valley, northern Macedonia, and the whole of Kosovo. It is, therefore, in the uplands of the Kosovo area (particularly, but not only, on the western side, including parts of Montenegro) that this Albanian-Vlach symbiosis probably developed. [71] All the evidence comes together at this point. What it suggests is that the Kosovo region, together with at least part of northern Albania, was the crucial focus of two distinct but interlinked ethnic histories: the survival of the Albanians, and the emergence of the Romanians and Vlachs. One large group of Vlachs seems to have broken away and moved southwards by the ninth or tenth century; the proto-Romanians stayed in contact with Albanians significantly longer, before drifting north-eastwards, and crossing the Danube in the twelfth century. [72] --Calthinus (talk) 18:31, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
I think the input of Pasztilla here would be very useful as I cannot read Hungarian and he obviously can, and much has been written on this in Hungarian I believe.--Calthinus (talk) 18:31, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
Ok, I see the point & agree to move that piece to a more relevant section. Thanks.Alexikoua (talk) 20:17, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
Alexikoua, Calthinus actually there is a very detailed PHD [6] titled The Origin and Spread of Locative Determiner Omission in the Balkan Linguistic Area by Eric Heath Prendergast done at the University of California, submitted in 2017. In it it refers to Aromanians and Romanians having stemmed/or being closely associated with proto-Albanians see pp. 79-80, 96-100, 135, 149-152, as per new analysis of certain common linguistic features. Additions for the article? Resnjari (talk) 03:21, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
Resnjari Yeah looks great. --Calthinus (talk) 03:32, 20 December 2018 (UTC)

Calthinus indeed, Romanian-Albanian, then Romanian-Cuman coexistence has a huge literature that recently (last few decades) have been strengthened further with linguistic researches. At the same time, only a few Hungarian scholars were deeply involved in the topic (István Schütz, Ambrus Miskolczy et al.), I am more aware of Romanian sources. What do you need exactly? Pasztilla (talk) 18:51, 20 December 2018 (UTC)

Pasztilla wherever it concerns the origin of Albanians, i.e. this page, is what is of interest. Thanks a million!--Calthinus (talk) 19:27, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
That is huge! :) Pasztilla (talk) 19:29, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
Oh... right. Umm, well, either source discussing theories concerning (a) discussion oh the hypothesized Romanian-Albanian coexistence/symbiosis in the Kosovo/North Albania/Praevalitana-Dardania region, (b) Romanians possibly having some influence from Romanized Illyrians whether they crossed the Danube in the 12th century or the 2nd, or (c) general discussion about Hungarian/Romanian views on the origin of Albanians and the differences between the two sides --- would all be very interesting and useful here. --Calthinus (talk) 19:32, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
@Calthinus: Could we create a "Relationship between Albanians and Vlach populations" section? Ktrimi991 (talk) 16:04, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
@Ktrimi991: Yes it is a good idea. Just let's not let it get too big.--Calthinus (talk) 23:45, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
@Calthinus: Since you have much more knowledge on this topic than me, can you prepare some content when time permits? Ktrimi991 (talk) 23:57, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
When I have time sure. I've been planning a new E-V13 map too. --Calthinus (talk) 14:45, 23 December 2018 (UTC)

Possibly. At least we have some lexicographic sources on the word "Arvanitovlachs".--Skylax30 (talk) 21:31, 22 December 2018 (UTC)


The geographic coincidence might be one argument (though contuinuity is still a serious issue), the source states something else Even very common words such as mik "friend" (<Lat. amicus) or këndoj "sing" (<Lat. cantare) come from Latin and attest to a widespread intermingling of pre-Albanian and Balkan Latin speakers during the Roman period, roughly from the second century BC to the fifth century AD [[7]] Skylax' edit has (some) merit about a widespread intermingling of pre-Albanian and Balkan Latin speakers during the Roman period. No need to avoid that.Alexikoua (talk) 08:02, 19 December 2018 (UTC)

Yo Alexikoua, Skylax's edit was reverted because the editor was changing a piece of text that is already sourced. Thank you.Resnjari (talk) 08:10, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
I assume this means you are not against addition of the intermingling of pre-Albanian speakers as the source states it (I fail to see where I'm against the geographic distrubution of Illyrian-Albanian speakers) Alexikoua (talk) 08:55, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
As it was POV pushed repeatedly, i want to see something here first and roughly where it would go into the article to avoid disruption.Resnjari (talk) 09:19, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
By the way the inline doesn't support the existing version. The concept "that the Albanian language is spoken in the same region where Illyrian was spoken in ancient times" might be one argument, but simply saying that because Albanians live in a region once inhabited by some ancient group means nothing about ancestry. Even children's books avoid too naive explanations.Alexikoua (talk) 17:36, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
This page isn't about "ancestry", it's about ethnogenesis. Unless you're a racialist, obviously ancestry does not equal ethnic group history. I.e. for example Greeks can have an ethnogenesis at some point, absorb many Slavs, Albanians, Vlachs, Bengalis whatever, and still be Greeks, and their ethnogenesis has not changed, because that was still the origin of the sociological unit. That's what ethnogenesis, i.e. origin of ethnic groups is. Not about some sort of biological subdivision of humanity. --Calthinus (talk) 17:40, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
The article is about origins however simply the existence of a specific ancient population in this area means nothing about "the origins of the Albanians" especially when the source doesn't state this it's OR.Alexikoua (talk) 21:51, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
Actually it does. Everything in Adams from page 9-11 discusses origins of the people in the context of their language.Resnjari (talk) 02:01, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
Well, Adams was recently replaced by Harding. I'm not sure why. However, I doubt if Adams uses such quality of simplistic arguments for ab Illyrian-Albanian connection (Albania's people in most territories were Illyrians in the Classical Age.).Alexikoua (talk) 07:23, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
So then going by what you say there, in another matter Klein (most recent) replaces Matzinger?Resnjari (talk) 08:10, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
The wording is problematic: when saying that people X lived once where people Y are living now that's not an argument on it's own. Something's missing. I fail to see that in Klein & and rest.Alexikoua (talk) 10:39, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
Maybe in your reading your overlooking things like this recent edit on the Illyrians page where in your edit summary [8] you claim its not in the citation when it clearly is.Resnjari (talk) 11:26, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
Maybe you have run out of arguments to support your position about this topic.Alexikoua (talk) 15:04, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
Nope i stand by what i have said.Resnjari (talk) 16:00, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
You need to follow wp:BRD. I'm afraid that simply saying that because this is about Albanian genetics it doesn't warrant inclusion of typical pictures with typical white race people raising Albanian flags.Alexikoua (talk) 18:56, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
I have wp:BRD. You have no consensus for your edits. Your reasons for pic removals are based on wp:idontlikeit and nothing more.Resnjari (talk) 04:07, 25 December 2018 (UTC)

For or against

I faill to see why the following argument is against Albanian-Illyrian continuity. This appears more suitable for the "for" section: "The Albanian language is a close relation of both Messapian and Illyrian that as such Albanian words in certain instances have been able to explain Messapic and Illyrian words.[88] Examples include the Illyrian tribe".Alexikoua (talk) 07:47, 19 December 2018 (UTC)

Well Alexikoua because the source that you placed states the following [9] p. 1790: "Consequently, Albanian cannot be regarded as an offspring of Illyrian or even Thracian but must be considered to be a modern continuation of some other undocumented Indo-European Balkan idiom. However, Albanian is closely related to Illyrian and also Messapic (a language spoken in Southern Italy in antiquity but originally of Balkan origin ), which is why Albanian in some instances may shed some light on the explanation of Messapic as well as Illyrian words." Its why your addition was moved to the section about it being against an Illyrian origin as that whole section from the source is against the view of Albanian having an Illyrian origin.Resnjari (talk) 08:08, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
A source can provide arguments both for and against. It's fine if you believe that the "for" arguments are too weak for inclusion in the correspondent section. Matzinger states that those Messapian - Albanian evidence is quite few by the way.Alexikoua (talk) 08:50, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
There is no interpretation for it being a "for". The source speaks for itself. The sentence is quite clear i.e: "Albanian cannot be regarded as an offspring of Illyrian or even Thracian but must be considered to be a modern continuation of some other undocumented Indo-European Balkan idiom." The whole section expands on that view, hence it being in the 'against' section. With evidence, its scant either way due to a limited corpus of Illyrian words and Messapian.Resnjari (talk) 09:18, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
Matzinger doesn't state that this happens simply due to the limited corpus. There are more serious issues that make this hypothesis problematic.Alexikoua (talk) 10:32, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
Remember in your edit summary the source by Klein according to you was the most "recent" scholarship [10] which comes after Matzinger. As for problems, the origins of the Albanian language will continue to be contested. All one can hope for is that scholars engaging in research and debate have the multilingual skills necessary for the endevour and do it in a way that is devoid of nationalistic jibberish (and i'm not talking about just the Albanian here, but much more wider in the Balkans who still have 'ideas' that Albanians and their language are an invention of the 20th century).Resnjari (talk) 12:13, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
I wonder why the product of this discussion entirely vanished. Since no argument against inclusion of the correspondent text was presented this wp:NINJA needs rv.Alexikoua (talk) 14:17, 23 December 2018 (UTC)
It would be constructive to avoid removing the text that was produced from this discussion by pretending that it didn't happen at all.Alexikoua (talk) 17:24, 23 December 2018 (UTC)
@Skylax30: Re the argument you want to modify, we all agree to modify it, though not entirely as you are trying. That is not a problem. We will make the modification after we sort out all ongoing disputes. The rest of your changes need consensus here. Ktrimi991 (talk) 21:36, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
I assume Resnari needs to explain why he selfreverted the agreed text.Alexikoua (talk) 11:20, 25 December 2018 (UTC)


I simply wonder why pictures of modern day people have been recently added in the dna section.Alexikoua (talk) 13:03, 19 December 2018 (UTC)

Alexikoua, they were added to the section about DNA discussing modern day Albanians. Can you explain why is this an issue (otherwise your edit will be reverted)? The article is about Albanians and the pictures are of Albanians.Resnjari (talk) 13:13, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
Pardon me but the article is about the "origin of the Albanians" & the section about genetic studies. By the way there is no reason for us to believe that those in the pictures belong to the specific DNA categories. In case you have access to RS that states that the specific persons in the pics belong to those "genetic DNA categories" I'm ok (raising a flag proves nothing about genetics). By the way they look like typical Caucasian people (feel free to add them in "Albanians" article but nothing can be added without concensus here.Alexikoua (talk) 16:10, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
Alexikoua has a point here. Genes only poorly correlate with phenotype -- Finns have substantial Siberian input yet look like Swedes, half of Hausa people have a Y-haplotype quite closely related to the dominant one in Western Europe but you'd never guess looking at them, etc.--Calthinus (talk) 16:25, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
There seems to be a misunderstanding of what i meant here. The section refers to modern day Albanians, so i thought i picture or two of modern day Albanians would suffice. Nothing about them looking "Caucasian", having "flags" or "proving genetics".Resnjari (talk) 02:47, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
Wasn't responding to you, just was agreeing the pics shouldn't be in the section (I made this mistake once years ago myself on a diff page). The "Caucasian" comment was unfortunate since it could also refer to Peoples of the Caucasus, i.e. cringey. --Calthinus (talk) 03:33, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
My response wasn't also to you either, it was to @Alexikoua.Resnjari (talk) 03:36, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
Okay just being sure. Awk :) --Calthinus (talk) 04:01, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style/Images#Choosing_images.Alexikoua (talk) 07:30, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
@Alexikoua maybe if your referred to this in the first place instead of going on about "Caucasian people" and so on the thread would not even be here.Resnjari (talk) 08:12, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
We need to follow Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style/Images#Choosing_images. The pictures were removed because there are completely irrelevant to the subject. Images of people with typical Caucasian characterics prove nothing.Alexikoua (talk) 10:19, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
Please don't go into 19th century style polemics about a 'Caucasian race' or as you put it "typical Caucasian characterics". Eugenics, which used such terminology is a discredited practise and if your interpreting the section on DNA and Albanians in those terms i really feel sorry for you. The whole section on DNA and Albanians is about what DNA clusters people who identify as Albanians posses, how much or little they resemble other peoples in the area and has that been a long term or more short term development in relation to habitation within a historical context. The section has nothing to do with Albanians being "Caucasian" or whatever that outdated concept means. If your removal of the images was based on flimsy reasonings like that i am really inclined now to place back those images.Resnjari (talk) 11:34, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
It appears you misunderstood something: Caucasian is widely used as an alternative for white people. [[11]]. Try to calm down and avoid 19th century polemics.Alexikoua (talk) 14:16, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
Nope, i misunderstood nothing. In your most recent post there you just placed a link to an outdated 19th century map about 'races' by Carleton Coon! @Alexikoua, no one mentioned "typical Caucasian characterics" or "raising a flag proves nothing about genetics" about the pics. The DNA section of the article does not discuss anything about Albanians being 'white people' or 'Caucasians' or the pics for that matter and i fathom as to what made you come to such a conclusion. Its only yourself who brought up this kind of thing here. Pics were added to show some Albanians in a generalised sense as the article is about Albanians after all and that section does discuss modern day Albanians. Pics were ok. I can only deduce by what you have written thus far that removal of the images were based more on wp:idontlikeit reasons then anything else.Resnjari (talk) 14:54, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
C. Coon was born in 20th century (LOL). I assume you need to present a decent argument in this topic and to understand that raising the Albanian flag doesn't affect your genetics. Such pictures are unaccaptable in genetics section & non-Albanians can also raise Albanian flag or any other flag.Alexikoua (talk) 15:15, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
Indeed Coon was born in the 20th century and his ideas on race are outdated and discredited yet there you go placing a link map by by the guy intended in your comments to make a point about the meaning of "Caucasian". I fail to see the humor. All i see is you having deleted the pictures based on wp:idontlikeit as this comment "to understand that raising the Albanian flag doesn't affect your genetics" shows. Indeed anyone can hold the Albanian flag but the pictures are not of "non-Albanians" but modern day Albanian people. So what if they a holding symbol that is associated with them. How does that preclude the pictures by default? This article is about Albanians, not some other ethnic group. So again @Alexikoua why is placing a picture of Albanians in a section which refers to modern day Albanians "unaccaptable"?Resnjari (talk) 15:38, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
I am not going to intervene much here as the topic is not of any particular interest to me, but I wish to remind everyone that this is a collaborative project. If some editors want to add decent content, all of it should be added. In other words, if you all do not agree on the addition of the said pics, as you agreed on the addition of content of Resnjari, Alexikoua, and Calthinus, I am willing to revert back to the stable version. Ktrimi991 (talk) 15:34, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
per wp:BRD a addition of controversial nature should have consensus. Needless to say that the images are a recent addition and were added without approval.Alexikoua (talk) 16:40, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
Yes, and your recent additions need approval too. Ktrimi991 (talk) 16:46, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
The pics are only "controversial" for @Alexikoua who made it all about a flag and "typical Caucasian characterics". No one else made it about that. @Ktrimi991 is right if you want to go back to the stable version, then all our edits from the past few days go.Resnjari (talk) 01:23, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
The pics are of low encyclopedic value and add nothing to the article. And you can't demand that Alexikoua's addition of relevant sourced info cannot proceed without consensus while adding those pics without consensus. Can't have it both ways. Khirurg (talk) 04:05, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
Yo Khirurg, please explain how those pics are of "low encyclopedic value and add nothing to the article"? I just keep seeing wp:idontlikeit reasons. The section is about modern day Albanians. Why shouldn't there be pics showing modern day Albanians in that section?Resnjari (talk) 05:12, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
How about you explain to us what these pics add to the article? In my opinion, they add nothing. They are just pictures of random individuals. Also please explain why Alexikoua's additions require consensus, but these pictures don't. Khirurg (talk) 05:29, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
Khirurg, they show randomly modern day Albanians. Other articles have such pictures. The section discusses modern day Albanians, why not have a random picture or two of the sort? On @Alexikoua's additions you can;t have it both ways i like the content but one does not don't like pictures of Albanians.Resnjari (talk) 05:43, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
Agree with Khirurg nothing useful from this recently added pictures. I have the feeling that the motive is somewhat racist here: genetically purfor the part aboute Albanians can raise the national flag, white race characteristics etc. etc..Alexikoua (talk) 18:30, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
Are you kidding me. "Racist". Do you even know what the word means? You have inferred all by yourself without evidence that apparently what the pictures mean to you. I'm pinging Shikuesi4 to see what the editor who added the pictures has to say about the motivations behind the pictures. But i'm getting the sense this may have to be taken to one of the forums etc for further comment. Having pictures of Albanians is not racist or whatever preconceived conceptions you have stated there.Resnjari (talk) 18:43, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
Sure, actually no similar article on racial or (pseudo)racial information displays typical white race people with national symbols. Well there are some exception of this rule, like Herrenvolk. But that's an example to avoid.Alexikoua (talk) 22:26, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
By the way. Why they should be Albanians? RS please.Alexikoua (talk) 22:33, 22 December 2018 (UTC)

@Alexikoua:, maybe you placed your latest comment on the wrong section [12]. Resnjari modified his comment without modifying the time stamp, so Shikuesi4 will not get any ping notification. Pinging again: @Shikuesi4:. As there are several disputes ongoing, I reverted back to the stable version. Ktrimi991 (talk) 22:20, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
Ktrimi: I won't agree that all changes were controversial, for example Clathinus' contribution about the part that analyzes "The characteristics of the Albanian dialects Tosk and Geg" is fine too me.Alexikoua (talk) 21:42, 22 December 2018 (UTC)

I do not have any particular interest in this topic, and the article already gives a good summary of the situation. All I want is to avoid further reverts. All of you discuss, agree on all changes you wish to make and then edit the article. Ktrimi991 (talk) 21:46, 22 December 2018 (UTC)

In case you have no specific objection I'm going to restore the "Tosk and Geg divide" as editted by Calthinus which solves various problematic issues [[13]].Alexikoua (talk) 22:11, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
If nobody disagrees with it, it can be restored. But only after all disputes are sorted out. Discuss with the interested editors on the said pictures and the pro/against arguments. After all disputes are sorted out, edit the article. Otherwise everything becomes a mess. Ktrimi991 (talk) 22:17, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
I don't know if you have serious disagreements with Clathinus' edits. In case you haven't this means that per wp:BRD a large scale revert was completely unnecessary per wp:BRD cycle. Alexikoua (talk) 22:28, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
Yes, I have. Those changes were a result of other changes. Ktrimi991 (talk) 22:37, 22 December 2018 (UTC)

A much more useful picture to have would be a pie chart of haplogroup distributions. --Calthinus (talk) 23:52, 22 December 2018 (UTC)

Does WikiCommons have a map for them? Ktrimi991 (talk) 23:55, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
@Calthinus: Indeed I remember that this article once had a number of charts and maps on haplogroup distributions. @Ktrimi: I really wonder why you reverted Calthinus' recent edits as disruptive on the Gheg-Tosk division. Massive reverts without touhcing the topic isn't a cool approach.Alexikoua (talk) 13:45, 23 December 2018 (UTC)
Where did I say that Calthinus' edit was "disruptive"? Ktrimi991 (talk) 13:47, 23 December 2018 (UTC)
You disputed Calthinus' edits as part of your massive revert which removed. Not only this but you removed another section which was editted by me&Resnjari.Alexikoua (talk) 13:55, 23 December 2018 (UTC)
No, provide diffs where I say that Calthinus' edit was "disruptive". Ktrimi991 (talk) 14:02, 23 December 2018 (UTC)
You clearly stated twice that you removed "disputed content" without previous discussion. Though you vanished the product of long discussions and text editted by various editors: me, Resnjary, Calthinus. The text vanished with the excuse that there was no discussion at all.Alexikoua (talk) 14:32, 23 December 2018 (UTC)
Provide diffs where I say that Calthinus' edit was "disruptive" and "without previous discussion". You added the recent changes again, they will be removed again. Either have a broad consensus on all disputes, including the pictures between you and Resnjari, or see how you are reverted again, of course not by me but by the community. Ktrimi991 (talk) 14:44, 23 December 2018 (UTC)
Calthinus' edits are restored and another part which was the result of a detailed discussion between me&Resnjari. If you still believe that all 3 editors are being disruptive and our contribution needs to be massively reverted then you need to do it per wp:BRD. Please avoid wp;NINJA.Alexikoua (talk) 17:22, 23 December 2018 (UTC)
I will return soon. If the issues are not solved, you will be surely reverted. Cheers, Ktrimi991 (talk) 12:30, 24 December 2018 (UTC)
I will be reverted? The edits were performed by me&Calthinus&Resnjari. Cheers.Alexikoua (talk) 22:42, 24 December 2018 (UTC)
In case you do not rememeber your own actions, the latest addition of the said content was made by you. Ktrimi991 (talk) 22:44, 24 December 2018 (UTC)
Actually with your massive revert you removed text added by Resnjari [[14]][[15]], Calthinus [[16]]. It's sad you insist that those edits are not constructive. I restored those parts since you offered no explanation.Alexikoua (talk) 01:06, 25 December 2018 (UTC)
I have said zillions of times that I do not consider any of those edits as "unconstructive". Either this is a strategy of yours to mess the discussion or you do not read what I write at all. I reverted all the changes and advised all editors to solve all disputes and only then make any needed change to the article again. After that you reverted me. Hence, the latest addition of the said content was made by you. Anyways, I will return soon. If you continue messing the situation instead of sorting out all the disputes, I will revert. There are several discussions open on this talk page and massive changes and reverts on the article. We have also to continue our discussion on what happened in the late 2016. But not here, in other places. Ktrimi991 (talk) 01:29, 25 December 2018 (UTC)
What's @Alexikoua on about? I never agreed to their additions or removals. Please don't infer something of me. Achieve consensus. Ktrimi991 was right in reverting to the stable version until this gets all sorted out.Resnjari (talk) 04:09, 25 December 2018 (UTC)
To be precise most of the following part were edited by various editors and per correspondent discussion:
Edited by Restored text
text edited by Resnjari [[17]][[18]] per talkpage discussion in Talk:Origin_of_the_Albanians#For_or_against #1:Local or personal names considered Illyrian were not passed down to Albanian without interruption (for example Scodra > Shkodra, a loan from Latin, and various other toponyms and hydronyms in modern Albania such as Vlorë and Vjosë which are loans from Slavic).[84][85][86] As such Albanian could not be considered a linguistic descendant of Illyrian or Thracian except from an undocumented Balkan Indo-European language.[85] Instead some toponyms that follow a phonetic development consistent with sound laws of the Albanian language are located within the inner Balkans such as Nish < Naissus, Ναισσός[86] though that etymology is a matter of dispute.[87] The Albanian language is a close relation of both Messapian and Illyrian that as such Albanian words in certain instances have been able to explain Messapic and Illyrian words.[85] Examples include the Illyrian tribe Taulantioi > Albanian dallëndyshe (swallow), the Messapic word βρένδο/brendo- (stag) and the toponym Brundisium (modern Brindisi) > Old Gheg bri, Messapic ῥινός/rinos (clouds) > Old Gheg/Old Tosk re (cloud)
edited by Calthinus [[19]] #2:The characteristics of the Albanian dialects Tosk and Geg[75] in the treatment of the native and loanwords from other languages, have led to the conclusion that the dialectal split occurred after Christianisation of the region (4th century AD) and at the time of the Slavic migration to the Balkans[69][76] or thereafter between the 6th to 7th century AD[77] with the historic boundary between the Geg and Tosk dialects being the Shkumbin river[78] which straddled the Jirecek line.[65][79]

Both parts above 1. were product of talkpage participation, 2. various users contributed, 3. per wp:BRD circle a sudden rv with a "back to stable version" excuse equals disruption. Alexikoua (talk) 11:14, 25 December 2018 (UTC)

In case you still find Calthinus & Resnjari's edits disruptive I assume you need to explain them some reasons. Simply saying that they added desputed content without going into detail isn't a cool approach. By the way both parts above solve several issues.Alexikoua (talk) 11:14, 25 December 2018 (UTC)

Alexikoua its disappointing that your placing in content into the article while there is an ongoing discussion. Please revert and show good faith. I have removed my edits and so should you with content you added until there is consensus.Resnjari (talk) 11:21, 25 December 2018 (UTC)
It's disappointing why you partially self reverted while #1 above was mostly edited by you. Not to mention that there has been a discussion on this issue. Why should you self revert on a text that was agreed?Alexikoua (talk) 11:25, 25 December 2018 (UTC)
Alexikoua, you don't get it. I don't want you to restore my edits etc. I do want consensus however and ramming in content is not conducive to the matter. Please restore the page back to the stable version until there is proper consensus from participating editors. Thank you.Resnjari (talk) 11:26, 25 December 2018 (UTC)
That's a weird argument I don't want you to restore my edits etc. . I assume you need to explain why you insist to self-rv your edits [[20]][[21]] which were a result of a discussion . I'm sorry per wp:BRD you need to explain this position since those edits were already disccussed here [Talk:Origin_of_the_Albanians#For_or_against]]. Please avoid wp:NINJA.Alexikoua (talk) 11:33, 25 December 2018 (UTC)
Alexikoua, no its not a weird argument. There is a talkpage discussion and unresolved issues and i don't want my edits being misused by others. I prefer the stable neutral version until issues are resolved in the talkpage by editors. Please revert to the stable version in the spirit of good faith.Resnjari (talk) 11:40, 25 December 2018 (UTC)
Resnjari part #1 above was a product of this discussion: Talk:Origin_of_the_Albanians#For_or_against. I would appreciate if you provide there arguments that self refute your previous position, per wp:AGF. Take in mind that I resotred only those parts from this massive revert [[22]] which were a result of constructive discussion & editting by various editors.Alexikoua (talk) 12:59, 25 December 2018 (UTC)
@Ktrimi: if the above parts (edited by Clathinus & Resnjari) are once again reverted without explanation you leave me no choice but to report you immediately.Alexikoua (talk) 16:47, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
Yes, they will be reverted again till you stop IDONTLIKEIT and start a serious discussion on every dispute, including the pictures. Resnjari, as you do not agree on the massive reverts of Alexikoua, feel free to return the stable version. A solution to the pictures problem should be given before the stable version is changed. Otherwise everything becomes a mess. Ktrimi991 (talk) 16:53, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
As I've stated there has been already a discussion Talk:Origin_of_the_Albanians#For_or_against. Resnjari & Calthinus edited those parts and solved various issues and they made good additions. I'm afraid that wp:IDONTLIKE applies to you. Pls avoid further wp:NINJA.Alexikoua (talk) 16:57, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
I would appreciate if you present some form of argument that those editors (Resnjari&Calthinus) added something that's not appropriate. Especially Resnjari defended his edits very good in this talkpage. It's not good to remove his additions by pretending he didn't participate in any discussion.Alexikoua (talk) 17:03, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
Resnjari is saying the opposite [23]. I do not have any problem with that content as I even have not read it. The problem is the pics case that is patent IDONTLIKEIT from your side. You are trying to make massive changes to avoid discussing about them. I will return soon, and see if you I need to revert again. You should forget that you can change the article without addressing the pictures' problem. Ktrimi991 (talk) 17:04, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
Resnjari is strongly defending #1 addition here (However, Albanian is closely related to Illyrian and also Messapic (a language spoken in Southern Italy in antiquity but originally of Balkan origin ), which is why Albanian in some instances may shed some light on the explanation of Messapic as well as Illyrian words." Its why your addition was moved to the section about it being against an Illyrian origin as that whole section from the source is against the view of Albanian having an Illyrian origin). Both #1, #2 additions have been made by various editors & are products of talkpage participaton. You have not presented the slightest argumment & no wonder you admit that you have not even read the correspondent text....Alexikoua (talk) 17:16, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
Resnjari is demanding reverting back to the stable version. And so will be till you accept a solution to the pictures problem. Ktrimi991 (talk) 17:20, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
Per wp:BRD for a new version a new discussion should take place. Simply saying IDONTLIKEIT means nothing. Also about the pictures I agreed with Calthinus A much more useful picture to have would be a pie chart of haplogroup distributions.Alexikoua (talk) 17:25, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
A map of halogroups is indeed needed, though it will take some time till Calthinus makes it. Someone added two pics of Albanians. Since the article elaborates on the Albanian people, one of those two pics (not both as this article is not a collection of Instagram pics) should stay. Choose one of them and the discussion ends. Ktrimi991 (talk) 17:30, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
Instead of modern day people wearing typical westen-type clothes I won't object some traditional style picture which shows distinct Albanian characteristics. What about one of those here Albanians#Gallery or similar?Alexikoua (talk) 17:38, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
There is no "westen-style" (what does that mean?) there. Maybe you want to say "western-style". Whatever. That fashion style is part of worldwide culture. Anyways, I do not care much. It is up to @Resnjari:. Ktrimi991 (talk) 17:47, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
Pictures or drawings that portray Albanian people in traditional clothes or in folklore festivals etc or in general typical images used in the "Albanians" article can be of some use here.Alexikoua (talk) 21:23, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
Alexikoua, that sounds reasonable. You should have said that in the first place instead of going off into a tangent about something that no one else did. In future avoid that kind of stuff, it does not help a discussion.Resnjari (talk) 07:03, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
On pics, have two for the section (one from the north and one from the south in traditional costume and for it to be in the article of a reasonable size -not big like before with the other pics.Resnjari (talk) 07:03, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
I looked around on wiki commons. For southerners seems there is a lack of pics from this millennium so i've went with the fustanella one. For northerners there are plenty but i want gender diversity so i found one that shows lot of women (along with some men) of the unique costume worn by both genders in the north:Resnjari (talk) 07:33, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Southern Albanians in traditional costume
Northern Albanians in traditional costume

It's a good step we agree that typical white people in modern western style clothes are not helpful in an article about a specific ethinc group. I'm ok with your proposal. Both pics look fine and are helpful for the reader in the same fashion as in the "Albanians" article.Alexikoua (talk) 08:02, 27 December 2018 (UTC)

Please just don't go there about the "white people" and now adding "in modern western style clothes". Whatever your personal views, editors partaking in discussions here don't need to know and also once again no other editor made it about such things.Resnjari (talk) 08:07, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
My intervention is giving results. If there is no other dispute, the changes to the article can be made. On Albanian literature stuff, it should be more expanded, as proposed by me below. Ktrimi991 (talk) 08:12, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
I have the feeling that unnecessary wp:BRD breaches aren't contructive. Reverting without reading what's going on (as you admitted you didn't read the text) is something you need to avoid.Alexikoua (talk) 08:19, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
I'm going to add those pics. Objections about the new stable version?Alexikoua (talk) 15:19, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
You are free to add the pictures.Resnjari (talk) 15:32, 27 December 2018 (UTC)

Do you read the sources?

Mr. Cinadon36, and former Tzeronymo, I know that you revert what I post withour reading the sources, only because I am Greek. I improve the article with academic sources and I don't need anybody's permission to do so. Stop warring because your record is not better than mine.--Skylax30 (talk) 21:57, 22 December 2018 (UTC)

Please stop edit warring, as you have been warned by Ktrimi996[24], and try to establish consensus. Also, I am not deleting you because you are greek ( I do not know that and I do not really care about anyone's ancestry). Your source was not discussing the origin of Albanian language, there is just a brief, insignificant mention about it. We editors, should find sources that examine the subject in a certain depth and summarize them. Cinadon36 (talk) 22:06, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
Skylax30, the same source, Matzinger, is being used to reject claims of several academics. Let the rest of editors read Matzinger and make an evaluation of him. Ktrimi991 (talk) 22:07, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
Who told you that you can "evaluate" the sources? Can we see your credentials?--Skylax30 (talk) 22:50, 22 December 2018 (UTC)

Oh really Cinadon, you don't remember our meetings in the Greek WP and your fights against greek history and religion?--Skylax30 (talk) 22:22, 22 December 2018 (UTC)

No- I never fought "against greek history and religion", but lets stick to the topic- this is not a forum. Cinadon36 (talk) 22:32, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
@Skylax30, if you propose changes based on a source, other editors have the right to check the source and the said changes and see if it is what the article needs. Ktrimi991 (talk) 23:02, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
Ok, check the source, and tell us where in the WP this piece of info should be. If you answer "nowhere", means bad faith.--Skylax30 (talk) 13:04, 23 December 2018 (UTC)

Skylax, referring to people by their former usernames is strictly forbidden, and your references to your interactions with Cinadon on Greek Wiki where last I heard you were... permabanned... is unfortunate as well. Focus on the matter at hand and not your colleague, thank you.--Calthinus (talk) 23:46, 22 December 2018 (UTC)

I didn't know that mentioning an earlier nickname of a user is forbidden. Does the "right to forget" apply here? On the other hand, I think the user in question has recently mentioned here the fact that I was previously blocked in the greek WP, which did not provoke your reaction, sir.--Skylax30 (talk) 13:00, 23 December 2018 (UTC)
Skylax30, nobody here cares about your "bad faith" assumptions. If you do not like the discussion process, do not edit Wikipedia at all. Re the Meshari (16th century), I highlighted it as the first literary work in Albanian long ago before you started to do. It is accepted by every Albanian scholar. But since there is another theory on the article, working out a neutral wording for both is the issue. Ktrimi991 (talk) 13:41, 23 December 2018 (UTC)

Where is that about Meshari? I can't find with a search.--Skylax30 (talk) 10:24, 24 December 2018 (UTC)

Of course you can not find it. The first Albanian literary book written in the 16th century is Meshari by Gjon Buzuku. Based on several sources, I will post here a proposal for the said section. Do not revert again, wait till things are sorted out here. Ktrimi991 (talk) 11:36, 24 December 2018 (UTC)

The sources are Elsie, Matasovič and those used by Skylax30. Ktrimi991 (talk) 12:28, 24 December 2018 (UTC)

What you tried to do is patent fringe. I will return soon. The end of the year demands more concentration on things other than Wikipedia. Ktrimi991 (talk) 13:11, 24 December 2018 (UTC)
@Florian Blaschke: Did you know there is a talk page to discuss? Ktrimi991 (talk) 22:37, 24 December 2018 (UTC)
@Skylax30: Every single change made by you will be reverted till you respond here. Cheers, Ktrimi991 (talk) 14:16, 26 December 2018 (UTC)

That was an aggressive invitation to "respond" to the "owner", which I will not buy. Article will be improved with credible sources. If you want to discuss, you are welcome. Explain why you delete all this material.--Skylax30 (talk) 16:31, 26 December 2018 (UTC)

If you are capable of reading, read what I have written above. Ktrimi991 (talk) 16:37, 26 December 2018 (UTC)

I was able to write and read for the last 3.600 years. I also invented irony.--Skylax30 (talk) 19:38, 26 December 2018 (UTC)

What on earth are you on about ?Resnjari (talk) 07:06, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
We might be able to understand that after "3.600 years". Do you understand why Wikipedia is losing credibility? Ktrimi991 (talk) 07:08, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
The manuscript allegedly written by Theodor of Shkodra in the 13th century is an odd case. Its discoverer claimed it was in Albanian, but never published a single word of the text (except for the colophon) and hasn't allowed any other scholar to examine the manuscript. Even 20 years since the discovery, the manuscript remains unpublished, which is completely unusual and in blatant contradiction with scholarly norms. There is absolutely no way to verify any of the discoverer's claims. There is no way to verify that the manuscript is in Albanian. We have only the word of a single man, who refuses access to the manuscript. There is no way to be certain that the manuscript even exists. The discoverer could be a fraud, and his strange behaviour for a scholar is certainly in agreement with that possibility.
I'm not opposed to mentioning the alleged manuscript in the text. However, to claim such a shaky case as "the oldest evidence for Albanian" (when the evidence isn't even public) and delete all mention of uncontroversial early Albanian texts is unacceptable, counter to Wikipedia's scholarly standards and reeks of ultra-nationalistic POV warrioring. --Florian Blaschke (talk) 20:46, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Albanian media itself has been scathing of the find. This article [25] by Ramaj (first published in the Iliria newspaper in 2007 for Albs living in the USA) brings up the same issues you have Florian Blaschke. In the end i'm in favour of removing the reference about Shkodrani from the article.Resnjari (talk) 21:11, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
By the way, I'm far from alone in my extreme scepticism. An Albanologist I talked about the manuscript many years ago was highly suspicious of the story too. According to Nick Nicholas, Joachim Matzinger, a leading expert on Old Albanian, has dismissed the manuscript as a "pure hoax". --Florian Blaschke (talk) 20:57, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Assuming about "reeks of ultra-nationalistic POV warrioring" while yourself blindly reverted without even considering participating in the discussion is not of help to this discussion. Nobody is trying to give credit to the said manuscript or claim that it is "the oldest evidence for Albanian". Not sure where did you find that. Indeed the manuscript is sth very controversial, and a problem to be solved. Do you have suggestions for the wording as proposed by above? Cheers, Ktrimi991 (talk) 21:06, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
I would accuse various editors who are into revert-warring and not participating in this page. Florian Blaschke is certainly "not" one of them.Alexikoua (talk) 21:11, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Who are those editors who are not participating in this page? If time permits, invite them to come and discuss here. Thanks, Ktrimi991 (talk) 21:23, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
You haven't paid attention. The only one who was blindly reverted was me. The version that was reverted to indeed presented the manuscript as the oldest evidence for Albanian and suppressed mention of any other text, counter to sources. The version I had instated was cited, and explained.
To call the manuscript "controversial" is an understatement. There's a single Albanian scholar who claims to have found a manuscript, but refuses to provide evidence. Leading experts in Albanian rightly dismiss his claim. That's at the very least WP:FRINGE territory.
"Reeks of" is not an assumption, by the way. It's a suspicion, or even a deduction from the evidence. Whoever unduly pushes this manuscript as the oldest text in Albanian to the exclusion of other, uncontroversial texts, which are generally recognised by experts as the oldest Albanian texts, is acting like an ultra-nationalist POV warrior. --Florian Blaschke (talk) 21:14, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
It does not making sense. You reverted without making a single comment here and accuse others of blindly reverting! Anyways, this discussion is not about perceived "reeks" or "ultra-nationalist POV warrior", it is about content. What changes do you propose to be made to the proposal above? Ktrimi991 (talk) 21:23, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Its best to remove it from the article. The article should just refer to certified texts. Musa Ahmeti has been criticised within the Albanian world as well [26]. When scholars first cited this in their works it was at the time when Ahmeti said he made the find. Many waited for something to appear and years later it was disappointments all round.Resnjari (talk) 21:26, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
If so, the Theodor of Shkodra article should be modified as that way it is misleading. Ktrimi991 (talk) 21:29, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Ktrimi991 Ahmeti took the scholarly world on a ride. Its been more then a decade. Something should have come up. If he couldn't publish further then other scholars could have went to the Vatican archive and taken over researching his "find". Getting funding for a grant from a university about things like this would not be hard, it would be too good a opportunity to pass up by either an institution or an up and coming scholar wanting to make a name for themselves.Resnjari (talk) 21:40, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
It it is a good rationale. The Theodor of Shkodra put aside, do you have any other suggestion to the proposal above? The current version of the section on the article is entirely POV. Ktrimi991 (talk) 21:47, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Florian Blaschke Your arguments are persuasive and you have my full support. The article is indeed plagued by a couple of nationalist editors that refuse to allow any changes to the article and continuously stonewall any changes with claims of "stable version" and "no consensus". Khirurg (talk) 21:22, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Khirurg do you care to elaborate and name these "nationalist editors". Or is it more bluster from you?Resnjari (talk) 21:26, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
I take it there are no further objections to removing the Theodore of Shkodra manuscript stuff then? Khirurg (talk) 21:31, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
No, you will not remove anything. We are discussing a whole section to be modified. Do not rush and answer: Who are those "nationalist editors"? Ktrimi991 (talk) 21:34, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Khirurg who were you referring to as "nationalist editors"?Resnjari (talk) 21:40, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Ktrimi991 Stop giving orders. There is no way we are going to allow this hoax to be included in a neutral encyclopedia. Khirurg (talk) 21:47, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
If you wish to have consensus to have the Theodore of Shkodra stuff removed, you should stop making off-topic comments. Before I change my mind. Ktrimi991 (talk) 21:50, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
I'm going to remove the Theodore of Shkodra hoax, and I strongly advise that you do not revert. If you know what I mean. Khirurg (talk) 21:54, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
After some reflction, the Thodore of Shkodra should be on the article. Both POVs, that is a hoax and that it might help Albanology (as per Elsie) should be present. Ktrimi991 (talk) 21:56, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Ktrimi991, when Elsie wrote it was a short time after Ahmeti announced his find. But many, many years later scholars have not included it in their works. Plus even in the Albanian world this "find" and Ahmeti has been criticised [27]. Maybe this can stay for the Albanian litreture article, but for this page it becomes a problematic centre of attention.Resnjari (talk) 22:04, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Idk. On one hand the logic is viable but on the other hand Elsie had enough time to change his mind but apparently he did not. I agreed to remove it but changed my mind again and now think that both POVs regarding Theodore Shkodrani should be present. Ktrimi991 (talk) 22:10, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Ktrimi991, i know where your coming from but Elsie did not update his book and by the time Ahmeti's handywork was revealed Elsie was ill and later passed away. Khirurg, you still haven't provided a reply as to who were you referring to in here as "nationalist editors"? I am very curious.Resnjari (talk) 22:31, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
OK Resnjari, I trust your desire to improve the coverage of the topic as much as possible. I am not going to revert to the stable version, regradless of some word games by Khirurg. He takes some things very personally but I am not going to pay attention to that. Since you Resnjari wish so, I agree with changing the stable version. Cheers, Ktrimi991 (talk) 23:01, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
With @Khirurg, i'm never surprised. lolResnjari (talk) 23:05, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Yo Khirurg, you still haven't clarified as to who you where refering to in here as "nationalist editors"?Resnjari (talk) 01:35, 29 December 2018 (UTC)

"stable version" stonewalling

When removing relevant sourced material, the burden of proof lies with those removing the material. They need to provide a very good reason why it should not be included in the article. So far, I have not seen any sign of this, only appeals to "muh stable version", which is nothing more than WP:IDHT type stonewalling and disruption. Khirurg (talk) 06:12, 27 December 2018 (UTC)

So you 'd suggest we bypass the consensus building procedure? I have seen some very reasonable explanations for going back to stable version.Cinadon36 (talk) 06:15, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Khirurg, you never "see" reasons . You might rv desperately but that will give nothing. Consensus is important. Anyhow, I am waiting for Resnjari and Alexikoua to sort out the last ongoing dispute before changes are made to the article. Meanwhile, if it happens that you have some free time, have a look at the discussions above. You might be able to create an idea about what editors are discussing. Ktrimi991 (talk) 06:34, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Let me remind you that those parts have been agreed by several editors:
Edited by Restored text
text edited by Resnjari [[28]][[29]] per talkpage discussion in Talk:Origin_of_the_Albanians#For_or_against #1:Local or personal names considered Illyrian were not passed down to Albanian without interruption (for example Scodra > Shkodra, a loan from Latin, and various other toponyms and hydronyms in modern Albania such as Vlorë and Vjosë which are loans from Slavic).[84][85][86] As such Albanian could not be considered a linguistic descendant of Illyrian or Thracian except from an undocumented Balkan Indo-European language.[85] Instead some toponyms that follow a phonetic development consistent with sound laws of the Albanian language are located within the inner Balkans such as Nish < Naissus, Ναισσός[86] though that etymology is a matter of dispute.[87] The Albanian language is a close relation of both Messapian and Illyrian that as such Albanian words in certain instances have been able to explain Messapic and Illyrian words.[85] Examples include the Illyrian tribe Taulantioi > Albanian dallëndyshe (swallow), the Messapic word βρένδο/brendo- (stag) and the toponym Brundisium (modern Brindisi) > Old Gheg bri, Messapic ῥινός/rinos (clouds) > Old Gheg/Old Tosk re (cloud)
edited by Calthinus [[30]] #2:The characteristics of the Albanian dialects Tosk and Geg[75] in the treatment of the native and loanwords from other languages, have led to the conclusion that the dialectal split occurred after Christianisation of the region (4th century AD) and at the time of the Slavic migration to the Balkans[69][76] or thereafter between the 6th to 7th century AD[77] with the historic boundary between the Geg and Tosk dialects being the Shkumbin river[78] which straddled the Jirecek line.[65][79]

The above edits 1. are a product of discussion , 2. contributed various editors. Suddenly Ktrimi performed wp:NINJA by pretending that this isn't a stable version but he admits that he didn't even read the text... clear wp:IDONTLIKEIT and violation of wp:BRD procedure.Alexikoua (talk) 08:35, 27 December 2018 (UTC)

Alexikoua can you please stop invoking me and my edits in your comments that i have somehow agreed. Ktrimi991 was right to restore the stable version of the article until issues are resolved in the talkpage.Resnjari (talk) 08:58, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
I assume you need to explain why you are now against your own edits & arguments. Nevertheless its disappointing that you remove entirely even Calthinus additions. Care to explain what makes you now against the above additions?Alexikoua (talk) 09:31, 27 December 2018 (UTC)

The supporters of the Albanian-national-myths-POV, lacking any explanations on why certain sources should be excluded, they're trying to drag everybody to eternal discussions and the quest of a "consensus" which will never be. At least one of them, has taken the path to personal insults, like questioning my ability to read, warning that "I will be reverted for ever", and behaving like owner. Another one, having contributed nothing to the article, prevents the addition of new material, for reasons that the Greek speakers know very well. If there are problems with the material and the sources I add, let us know what exactly is the problem. "Stability" is not the dogma of WP. Development is. --Skylax30 (talk) 11:02, 27 December 2018 (UTC)

In our case the "back to stability" excuse but refusing to provide counter-arguments equals wp:NINJA considering that the above additions are a product of discussion and constructive editing by multiple users.Alexikoua (talk) 12:07, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Nope and don't misuse my past edits to the article for your use here. I removed them from the article to build good faith. Stable version is fine for now. Achieve consensus.Resnjari (talk) 13:36, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
wp:NINJA isn't an excuse to remove Calthinus and even your edits as disruptive. No wonder no argument for BRD disruption provided.Alexikoua (talk) 14:32, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
I removed my edits first as discussion is ongoing here and you added them back. Ktrimi991 went back to the stable version something which i suggested for you to do but you continued with your way. Now a constructive discussion can be had to end the impasse or the alternative is there is no point in engaging with this further.Resnjari (talk) 14:41, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
No explanation about reverting equals NINJA. Especially if you believe that your own edits don't deserve addition. But it's sad you also insist that Calthinus addition has to suddenly vanish as non cosntructive. Calthinus wasted much time to fix several issues in this one.Alexikoua (talk) 15:00, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
No i on insist the stable version (so good faith is maintained) until issues are sorted out something which i said to you but you did not take into account. No one has said that content wont go into the article or that all of it wont go back in. I myself added a lot of things recently to the article as well, so its no just one person or two who are at a loss. But things need to be sorted out here first.Resnjari (talk) 15:08, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
The correspondent section about #1 part awaits your latest comments here [[31]] (in case you are against inclusion of part #1 ).Alexikoua (talk) 15:15, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Yes, yes, its fine just make sure they have the wikilinks (i.e like to Brindisi etc) in that section when you readd it.Resnjari (talk) 16:30, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Alexikoua's strange insistance to put words on other editors' mouth or to demand explanations from others while they have made them several times put aside, if there is no other dispute to solve, make the changes you all agreed on. Re the first attestation section, place there the expanded paragraph I have posted in the section above. Ktrimi991 (talk) 16:36, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Since we settled things about #1, let me present you Calthinus' changes about #2:
Previous version After' Calthinus' intervention
The characteristics of the Albanian dialects Tosk and Geg[1] in the treatment of the native and loanwords from other languages, have led to the conclusion that the dialectal split preceded the Slavic migration to the Balkans[2][3] which means that in that period (5th to 6th century AD) Albanians were occupying pretty much the same area around Shkumbin river[citation needed] which straddled the Jirecek line.[4][5] The characteristics of the Albanian dialects Tosk and Geg[6] in the treatment of the native and loanwords from other languages, have led to the conclusion that the dialectal split occurred after Christianisation of the region (4th century AD) and at the time of the Slavic migration to the Balkans[2][7] or thereafter between the 6th to 7th century AD[8] with the historic boundary between the Geg and Tosk dialects being the Shkumbin river[9] which straddled the Jirecek line.[4][10]

Calthinus removed cn tags, made the prose more clear, fixed issues with the inline citation. Objections about his intervention?Alexikoua (talk) 22:08, 27 December 2018 (UTC)

Discuss with @Resnjari: about these. If he agrees, add them. Ktrimi991 (talk) 22:12, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Actually with this bit too i added much and tweaked stuff. Overall its fine. The only thing is Jirecek needs to be spelt Jireček with a č.Resnjari (talk) 22:18, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
Agreement isn't a bad concept. I still wonder why the z from Jizerek trigerred such a reaction and one failed report. Consider that BRD cycle is a less frustrating procedure.Alexikoua (talk) 14:51, 28 December 2018 (UTC)
It wasn't about Jirecek. The disputes were outlined in the above threads.Resnjari (talk) 01:16, 29 December 2018 (UTC)
Let me sum up: #1 and #2 were reverted and the objection was one 'z' and one internal link for Brindisi. Well I don't know if this deserved so much frustation which culminated with one failed report.Alexikoua (talk) 23:10, 29 December 2018 (UTC)
Nope it had to do with page removals based on things like race. Until that got sorted out stable version was fine.Resnjari (talk) 11:39, 30 December 2018 (UTC)

Requested move 4 January 2019

The following is a closed discussion of a requested move. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on the talk page. Editors desiring to contest the closing decision should consider a move review after discussing it on the closer's talk page. No further edits should be made to this section.

The result of the move request was: consensus not to move the page to the proposed title at this time, per the discussion below. Content issues can be discussed separately or taken elsewhere, such as WP:RSN. Dekimasuよ! 20:32, 11 January 2019 (UTC)

Origin of the AlbaniansProto-Albanians – Simply per WP:CRITERIA.

  • Proto-Albanians meet WP:CRITERIA better than current title in all of WP:CRITERIA characteristics. The real topic of this article are Proto-Albanians. Proto-Albanians is recognizable and natural title, as defined by WP:CRITERIA policy. Precise and concise.
  • Proto-Albanians are topics covered by thousands of sources (more than 700 only English language sources only on GBS). Including sources used in the article.
  • The current title is wrong, misleading and violates WP:NPOV. In the above discussions there is a consensus reached that according to reliable secondary sources Albanians are like other Balkan people, mix of different ethnic groups. In case of Albanians they descend from Slavs, Vlachs, Greeks, RomanoItalians, Celts, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Gepids.... and Proto-Albanains. The current title corresonds to POV myths of Albanian nationalism. Precisely to myth of origin, of ethnic homogeneity and cultural purity. The current title may serve as magnet for editors who might try to misuse wikipedia to promote antiAlbanian POV. Antidiskriminator (talk) 20:13, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
    Oppose - other wiki pages with similar names that deal with the topic of origins of a particular ethnic group exist: i.e Origin of the Székelys, Origin of the Azerbaijanis, Origin of the Kurds, Origin of the Huns, Origin of the Basques, Origin of the Romanians. There is a misrepresentation on the part of the filer. The article on Albanian origins is not about Albanian nationalism and nor does it contain content about those things as a separate article exists that treats the topic in its own scope. Nor does the article refer to or promote "ethnic homogeneity" and "cultural purity". The article is based on WP:RS scholarship. The current name: Origin of the Albanians allows for the topic of proto-Albanians to be treated, as does scholarship, within the context of origins of an Indo-European ethnic group, their language and modern Albanians. I do agree on one thing with the filer that the current article is a magnet for certain editors over the years who try to misuse and push their anti Albanian POV. Often that has entailed denying the existence of Albanians or pushing various WP:FRINGE POV. That however had nothing to do with the pagename of the article. The current requested pagemove is more about WP:IDONTLIKEIT and WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS than anything else.Resnjari (talk) 20:51, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
You Resnjari do understand that:
  • examples you brought are not about Balkan ethnic groups - while RM rationale is clearly based on the fact that there is a consensus reached that according to reliable secondary sources Albanians are like other Balkan people, mix of different ethnic groups.)?
  • Wikipedia:Other stuff exists is not valid argument here,
  • there is consensus reached that Having an article about the origin of Albanians is the same as having an article about the ethnogenesis of Manchester United fans?--Antidiskriminator (talk) 23:56, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
Antidiskriminator what does geography have to do with anything for the existence of such articles? There is similar origins article on the Romanians whose country Romania often gets placed within the confines of the Balkans. Your argument does not suffice. Anyway why can't an article on the origins of Albanians exist? It is a topic discussed in RS scholarship. As for the rest of your comments they just ooze of having a personal axe to grind and fall into the area of WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS.Resnjari (talk) 00:13, 6 January 2019 (UTC)
Oppose attempt to change the long standing consensus title.--Calthinus (talk) 21:06, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Calthinus yep indeed. This pagemove is a WP:IDONTLIKEIT based on WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS. Comments like "Proto-Albanian usually refers to 16th-18th Albanian literature/speech" just further confirm this.Resnjari (talk) 21:40, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Matzinger and Schumacher are top Albanologists [[32]]. All scholar views should be part of this article. It's really sad that Matzinger's work was removed in NINJA fashion recently. Scholarship tends to reject PRA stereotypes and that's reasonable.Alexikoua (talk) 21:55, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
That content was restored within the article. Prior to that the previous stable version was restored until certain issues as the above threads show were hashed out. During that process when it went to the stable version many of my edits were also removed (the bulk of them were my edits to begin with).Resnjari (talk) 22:26, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Anyway on the matter of Matzinger, he does not refer to Proto-Albanian as having formed in the "16th-18th Albanian literature/speech." In one publicly available study [33] where Matzinger discusses his position on Proto-Albanian, he locates its formation within the inner Balkans from a period stretching from late antiquity (late Roman period) for a few centuries until the early medieval period (see pages 11-12, 17, 18). Its in line with other scholars like Orel, Hamp and so on.Resnjari (talk) 22:26, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
In one occasion this "supposed" proto-Albania language has some Slavic loanwords. It appears your knowledge of German is really bad, but it's ok. Matzinger is a top scholar as soon as cherry picking is avoided.Alexikoua (talk) 22:37, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
You said what you said in your previous comments. My German is ok. I know who Matzinger is and yes he is a top notch scholar and so is Hamp and Orel and many more coming through after them. All i see is a cherry picking of a favorite scholar by you and a distortion for what he wrote. No where does it push the WP:FRINGE that Proto-Albanian as having formed in the "16th-18th Albanian literature/speech." But this topic of origins has been discussed outside Matziger as well.Resnjari (talk) 22:48, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Also unlike you i provided citations from Matzinger that referred to those issues.Resnjari (talk) 22:49, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Also unlike you i provided citations from Matzinger Yes, the usual endless accusations. You need to read the discussion before launching another one. I've provided a url. You need to focus on content and avoid this disruptive pattern.Alexikoua (talk) 00:38, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
Nah no accusations, just facts. As for your link, that does not suffice. You made a serious claim and could not back it up by saying its in so and so book in so and so page. All that link does is refer to a book written by Matzinger and Schumacher. Heck i can do that. Out of respect to editors in here i at least gave page numbers and a source. As i can get a digital copy of the Matzinger and Schumacher text, what page etc. You provided nothing thus far. Please give it a rest with the projection of saying others engage in "disruptive editing". All one sees here is yourself making fringe claims based more on personal views rather than what scholars say. If those claims are going to be made at least own them and not pass them off as the positions of scholars.Resnjari (talk) 01:04, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
Oppose, as per other good examples like Origin of the Romanians. Anyway literally Origin of the "X" is better to be understood in common language like "proto-" that may have also other specialized meanings. I really the change is someone's great wish, I could at least imagaine "Albanian prehistory" as per Hungarian prehistory.(KIENGIR (talk) 01:06, 5 January 2019 (UTC))
Quite erroneous Resnjari blindly reverted everything about Matzinger recently with the excuse "back to stable version" (not to mention trolling comments in a failed -bad faith- report with obvious boomerang effects). It's a huge step finally serious scholarship like Matzinger are in this article. Matzinger should stay and additional inline reference is needed. This P.R.Albania-era stereotype sooner or later will vanish since scholarship tends to completely reject those "authoctone" myths. Alexikoua (talk) 11:12, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
Nope i reverted to the stable version of the page as others had done. While the stable version of recent times existed it not only temporarily removed your edits but mine too (the bulk of content as added by me by the way). Its was so consensus could be built in the talkpage in what one hoped would be good faith. As with previous comments of yours here this new comment: "This P.R.Albania-era stereotype sooner or later will vanish since scholarship tends to completely reject those "authoctone" myths"" just goes to show from what perspective your approaching this topic. Content in this article is cited to RS scholarship and not something fringe. Once again we are not here to WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS.Resnjari (talk) 11:33, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
You reverted all inline references about Matzinger because it was against your personal POV (yet again ninja is called "stable version"). That wasn't a cool move, but since you finally being to accept wp:RS and avoid a stubborn denial that's good step. Modern scholarship is going to be added no matter if editors prefer those PRA stereotypes and insist on filling bad faith (and BOOMERANG) reports.Alexikoua (talk) 14:03, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
As there was a ongoing talkpage discussion my revert of my edits was in good faith. The stable version of the article at the time was that. I fail to see what is personal POV. When there is no consensus, a good faith measure is to revert to the stable version of the article until issues are sorted out. The rest of what you say is just trolling as you did not get your way with POV pushing.Resnjari (talk) 14:21, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
Its a big step forward that the so-called autochtone nonsense gets replaced by serious scholarly work like Matzinger. This obsessive Matzinger removals had to stop and no wonder after a childish 3rr report against me disruption subsided and problematic issues were immediately sovled due to mine insistence.Alexikoua (talk) 17:23, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
what "autochtone nonsense"? The article is sourced to RS scholarship. Matzinger is not the only scholar to have written on the topic. All one gets from your comments is that you have a intense dislike of this article and if you could get away with it would rewrite probably only using one source affirming your view (as you have outlined ad nauseam).Resnjari (talk) 21:15, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
Don't say inappropriate words. The article is in much better state after my personal initiative to add important conclusions from modern scholarship. I don't know why you personally dislike Matzinger but it's ok since you avoid this kind of NINJA now. POV pushing should be fixed & all productive editors should contribute in order to deal with such issues.Alexikoua (talk) 23:48, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
What "inappropriate words"? Your main contribution was to add some extra info. At least two thirds of recent additions are mine. I never said i disliked Matzinger. In previous comments i said he is a fine academic. However the article is not written with sources coming from one academic that ones likes to the detriment of other RS sources. This topic of Albanian origins is by no means a settled matter within the scholarly world and hence should reflect the wider RS on the subject to maintain neutrality.Resnjari (talk) 23:59, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
By removing a certain scholar like Matzinger with the excuse "back to stability" isn't exactly a product initiative. This article is in need of large scale improvements else it offers the wrong impression that the Illyrian-Albanian connection is a 50-50 posibility. Some editors may interpret those improvements as "intense dislike". That's their personal POV.Alexikoua (talk) 14:22, 6 January 2019 (UTC)
Yo Alexikoua, i've lost count of how many times this has been said to you, but when the stable version of the time was reverted, out of all editors who would perceive it as a 'loss' it would have been me as at least roughly two thirds of that content added was mine. I did not sook about it and preferred the stable version until issues were sorted out to maintain good faith in the talkpage. That's what being a responsible editor is about. As for the rest of your comments its just trolling. Its self evident that you have a wp:idontlikeit outlook with any RS scholarship that even remotely discusses anything to do with a "Illyrian-Albanian connection". Oh well, i guess everyone has their schtick.Resnjari (talk) 19:24, 6 January 2019 (UTC)
oppose Different topics? There is no nationalistic narrative in this title, as title does not imply a single origin. According to WP:TITLE Article titles should be recognizable, concise, natural, precise, and consistent. This specific title complies with these criteria hence it is perfectly suitable. Cinadon36 (talk) 15:14, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
Oppose, on formal grounds. The proposed term "Proto-Albanians" is itself ambiguous, since it is attributed with several meanings by different authors, some using it in reference to ancestors of modern ethnic Albanians, others using it as a general designation for various ancient proto-historic populations on the territory of modern Albania, not to mention occasional uses for later periods, and also some alternative uses in reference to ancestors of Caucasian Albanians, and so on ... The proposed term "Proto-Albanians" might be a good candidate for a disambiguation page. Sorabino (talk) 15:48, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
Oppose, I believe that th article title is fin and self explanatory. It would be better to reflect the mixed origin of Albanians in this article itself and not concentrate only on the linguistics. I know that as Resnjariri said above, most of the reasearch relate to Albanians is done on linguistics basis and we lack of information further information about their origin. But we all know from the sources that Huns, Romans, Illyrians, Greeks, Goths, Thracian, Slavs with tha Bulgarian and the Serbian Empires most from Early to High Middle Ages, Turks etc. Duelled on that land. Othon I (talk) 17:52, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
That would bring up many more issues due to the word "ancient" and invite all sorts of POV. Anyway scholarship does not use the word ancient, its mainly "proto", carrying the connotations of the first, early.Resnjari (talk) 23:58, 7 January 2019 (UTC)
I agree and could not find out better that "Origin of the Albanians" or "Albanian prehistory", although you might say why I am following Hungarian or Romanian related examples, but there has been also boiled hot waters...if you could bring up other possibilities based on other well-established title's regarding other nations, then I could say an opinion about them.(KIENGIR (talk) 22:19, 8 January 2019 (UTC))
Prehistory more connotes an era like the neolithic and stone ages. Scholars really have not placed Albanian (as we know it today) as having emerged back then, only from the late Roman period encompassing a few centuries until the early Middle Ages. I'm not aware of other name formulations for pagenames on things like this, but editors may be aware of articles. Origins, although imperfect does the job for this subject matter. Best.Resnjari (talk) 22:25, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
I see, but my comment was not meant to your reaction, but for the question asked, just asnwered right after you. Regards!(KIENGIR (talk) 00:19, 9 January 2019 (UTC))
KIENGIR, its all good ! :-) Resnjari (talk) 00:22, 9 January 2019 (UTC)

Re Antidiskriminator overall I think this page's title does effectively imply "Origin of the (proto-)Albanians". Just as is the same for Romanians and the corresponding pages for Serbs, Croats, etc. All of these pages concern ethnogenesis, not irrelevant ancestry admixtures that happened later. --Calthinus (talk) 01:59, 9 January 2019 (UTC)

The above discussion is preserved as an archive of a requested move. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on this talk page or in a move review. No further edits should be made to this section.

Too much about language

I think most of the text about language would be better in the relevant article. Origin of a nation and origin of a language are not necessarily the same. See for example the turkish language of the present day Turks of Turkey. The language is Mongolian and the people are locals. The same with Romanian and Spanish.--Skylax30 (talk) 19:15, 28 December 2018 (UTC)

The Albanian language is often the main area of discussion in scholarship about the origins of the Albanian people. Without the language, Albanians would not be classified in scholarship as an Indo-European people, yet alone would any areas of study exist about them. As for Turks and their language just to clarify they speak a language that belongs to Turkic language family and not Mongolian which belongs to the Mongolic language family.Resnjari (talk) 01:22, 29 December 2018 (UTC)
IE are not a race but a linguistic category. Albanians, Greeks or Serbs who were "turkified" and speak turkish (and even feel turks), still have the same origin with the rest balkanians, and certainly don not have a Central Asian origin. Equally, Afroamericans who speak english and only english, are not of english origin. I mean, origin of people and origin of language can be different, unless it is proven that they overlap.--Skylax30 (talk) 08:07, 29 December 2018 (UTC)
Yo Skylax, no one in this thread brought up the outdated and discredited concept of race apart from you, so i don't see the point of wh ere your going with this. As for "turkified" the foundational population group of most modern Anatolian Turks (who today are around 50 million people) are Orthodox Greek speaking Byzantines that after embracing Islam linguistically switched to Turkish. There is a book i recommend to you about the four centuries process: The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the Process of Islamization from the Eleventh through the Fifteenth Century [34] by Speros Jr. Vryonis (1971). Even today there are Muslim Greek speaking people in Turkey, but due to Islam they identify as Turks (see Greek speaking Muslims). The process of "Turkification" or becoming Turks has most affected Orthodox Greek speaking people for the past millennium in the Balkan and Anatolian regions.Resnjari (talk) 09:57, 29 December 2018 (UTC)

Thanks, I know the work of Vryonis. He lost his proffessorship in USA because of this.--Skylax30 (talk) 19:12, 30 December 2018 (UTC)

I'm glad your familiar with the work and have actually read the whole book, because its a big thick text of hundreds of pages. On Vryonis' career i've have never heard that his career suffered due to publishing this scholarly work. If anything his bio shows he was active well after publishing this book. Unless you have evidence, rumor and innuendo don't count. His study still counts and has not been refuted apart from the margins on how the process differed within Anatolia.Resnjari (talk) 21:13, 30 December 2018 (UTC)
  • Comment - I think that there is some point in what Skylax said about most of the text about language would be better in the relevant article. There is a scientific consensus perfectly summarized by John Van Antwerp Fine and quoted in this article:"the present-day Albanians, like all Balkan peoples, are an ethnic mixture ". Therefore the origin of Albanians and origin of Albanian language are different and not directly related topics so this article should not extensively (or maybe at all) deal with language and its origin. --Antidiskriminator (talk) 00:05, 30 December 2018 (UTC)
Scholarship often discusses both in the same context. If you remove the linguistic factor whats the point of having this article? I should also note that other similar articles in English Wikipedia are structured that way i.e Origin of the Romanians etc.Resnjari (talk) 11:47, 30 December 2018 (UTC)
That is very good observaton Resnjari. I completely and fully agree with you. There is absolutely no point on having this article. I don't about all other non-Balkan people, maybe some of them are not mixtures like Balkan ones. Just because WP:OTHERSTUFF EXISTS does not mean this stuff should exist too. Having an article about the origin of Albanians is the same as having an article about the ethnogenesis of Manchester United fans. I think this is the first time you and I agree about something. Thank you very much for your very good observation. I propose to delete trough renaming this article to Hypothesis about the origin of Albanian language, just like Template:Albanian language suggests so? Or to rename it to Origin of Proto-Albanians? --Antidiskriminator (talk) 21:36, 30 December 2018 (UTC)
My point was if one was to remove the linguistic factor in a hypothetical sense. You'll be hard pressed to find wide support for that. What will most likely happen if this article got deleted and the linguistic content got moved to the Albanian language article or some alternative article is that people then will start placing DNA content on that article and then disputes will arise whether that should be there or whether this article should be revived to allow space for that stuff and more time will get wasted on bs like that. We have what we have, its imperfect but it does the job. Renaming this article will also be difficult. Its the most neutral sounding name on the subject for the article pagename. "Hypothesis about the origin of Albanian language" wont get far on that front. You can try as wiki rules allow for it via a pagemove nomination. On the Albanian language template, its layered that way for easy reference to the subsections of this article and so on.Resnjari (talk) 21:57, 30 December 2018 (UTC)
Don't worry Resnjari. I interact with you for many years on wikipedia and I know your editing pattern very well. I knew from the beginning that you will avoid to put your money where your mouth is on this matter. Re your statement: You'll be hard pressed to find wide support for that. On wikipedia the decisions are reached through consensus grounded in arguments and wikipedia rules. Not through wideness of support. All the best. --Antidiskriminator (talk) 19:13, 31 December 2018 (UTC)
tsk, tsk, tsk Antidiskriminator. You talk big, so do something big. Its simple, initiate an RFC on the matter. Then i'll engage in the process and so will others. As for my edits its great that your fan of my work. :)Resnjari (talk) 07:36, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Good evening everyone. This thread is not helpful. It is predicated on a false equivalence between the Turkish case and the Albanian one. In the latter there is a mountain of multidisciplinary evidence demonstrating that elite dominance mediated language replacement not accompanied by demic replacement occurred. No such evidence exists for Albanian aside from hand wavey statements with no real evidence like the one Antid is trumpeting above. I must add that I personally do believe a language replacement via Albanization did occur in certain regions but that is just my personal view. Even in the Turkish case however, the ethnogenesis of the group does indeed have language taking a critical role. One thing more: simply equating ancestry and ethnicity, as Skylax has done above, will not help you be taken seriously in a discussion informed by modern scholarship. Cheers.--Calthinus (talk) 15:11, 30 December 2018 (UTC)
Cheers Calthinus. My point was just to reduce the language section here and move it to a better place. The rest of the discussion above are irrelevant. However, "modern scholarship" does connect ancestry and ethnicity when history has a place in the national identity. You could ask, for example, a Jew about that, although you probably realized that some of us are trying to find historical roots as old as possible, even inventing non-existing manuscripts. Cheers again and happy new year.--Skylax30 (talk) 19:08, 30 December 2018 (UTC)
Remember Skylax30 you brought up the other "irrelevant" stuff and made it part of the discussion. And you got a reply. On people trying to find "historical roots as old as possible", i didn't see anyone here express an interest or be obsessed with classicism in an attempt to find purpose in who they are. Not everyone engaged with or originating from the Balkans is silly with those kinds of things.Resnjari (talk) 21:13, 30 December 2018 (UTC)
Your comments are pretty bizarre. Jewish ancestry happens to be shared at a high level (as per halakhah you're automatically a Jew if your mom is; dna testing has shown largely shared ancestry on the dad's side), but there is no equation even here as non-Jewish groups such as Idumaeans (including Herod) were absorbed as well as a married in convert here and there. So no, as a Jew I would have to say your statement is a flat out fallacy. And by the way, let's not pretend Greeks have some sort of match between ancestry and modern self declared ethnicity/nationality. That would be quite ridiculous after millennia of absorbing Anatolians, Slavs, Semites esp in Cyprus, Lazy in Pontus... (and very possibly racist).--Calthinus (talk) 06:32, 1 January 2019 (UTC)

You don't have to pretend anything about Greeks, just read. Start with this [35], continue with this [36], and if you have questions don't hesitate to ask. But not here, as it is off topic.--Skylax30 (talk) 14:33, 2 January 2019 (UTC)

You don't need to pretend your news articles say that Greek ancestry bidirectionally equals Greek ethnicity when we all can read it. No one disputes that some Greeks descend from the ancient ones. The equation though, smacks of fringe nationalist lunacy.--Calthinus (talk) 21:14, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Skylax30, and the Aromanians, Arvanites and Slavophones up north fall under that grouping? I see nothing in those articles you cite about those communities, yet many modern day Greeks descend from those people and not Rhomioi stock. Anyway this article is about origins of the Albanians, nothing about something else.Resnjari (talk) 07:42, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
OK, PM me when you publish your paper on genetics.--Skylax30 (talk) 12:28, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Skylax30, what genetics are you referring too?Resnjari (talk) 13:04, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Actually we have no clues apart from some sporadic phonological stuff from various languages. There is no archaeological evidence to support a certain proto-Albanian connection & no 3rd part literature. Alexikoua (talk) 14:27, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Not so. The Albanian language is not "sporadic phonological stuff" contrary to what some people think. If it was the case scholars would not devote the time or day to researching the Albanian language, yet alone the topic would not attract attention like it has here. On archeology, most peoples around the world are in a similar situation and other indigenous communities of the Balkans like the Aromanians Alexikoua who are found in places like the Pindus and Zagori also lack archaeological evidence and there is no 3rd part literature and so on. And yet its through their language that research to their past is made. The case is similar for many other peoples around the world.Resnjari (talk) 14:38, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Origins about the Albanian language can only be traced on "sporadic phonological stuff" from other languages. That's what I've said & this is why this article mentions lots of information about language (not the Albanian but links and possible origins of this language with the past). Don't put words on other people's mouth.Alexikoua (talk) 15:27, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Alexikoua, still persisting with this and no i did not place words in other peoples mouths, i just quoted them back at the people who said them. As has been pointed out other articles like Origins of the Romanians are structured in a similar way. Scholarship treats Albanian origins with the context of language. If a few editors in here don't like it they have range of options available like commencing an RFC, a pagemove etc. Otherwise no need for further trolling.Resnjari (talk) 15:36, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
It's reasonable to rely so much on language. Skylax may provide something useful for addition. "Origin of the Albanians" is a topic of various interpretations in scholarship. This can't be called trolling. Alexikoua (talk) 17:16, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Yo Alexikoua scholarship has spoken on this matter for a long time. If you don;t like how the article is arranged or even existing open an RFC or further as a few others have suggested. Otherwise all this here is just trolling. That's about it.Resnjari (talk) 17:27, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Controversial topics such as this one are open to various interpretations, though nationalism isn't helpful. For example Matzinger is negativelly portrayed among Albanian extrememists (some of whom serving in education). We can find much authochtony trolling among the later cycles.Alexikoua (talk) 17:36, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Alexikoua are you implying here something with your comment about "Albanian extrememists" ? Is this more trolling? Content within the article is sourced to scholarship. We are not here to WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS about "authochtony " and other rubbish. Stick to the issue. Either you open a RFC or a pagemove. Otherwise what's the point of this 'discussion'?Resnjari (talk) 17:42, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Resnjary: You need to stop this trolling circus. Skylax filled a topic for discussion and in case he provides evidence there is nothing wrong on that. A talkpage is for this job.Alexikoua (talk) 18:34, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Alexikoua, @Skylax30 went on about 'turkification' or refering to people's Jewish heritage etc as the above comments show. Nope, all i see is trolling here. Either a RFC or a pagemove is opened, or this is a waste of time with people trolling about WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS.Resnjari (talk) 18:39, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
The case of turkification is a valid example: origin and language should not be confused. RFC or pagemoves deal with diferrent issues. Trolling arguments can be considered those in favor of a herrenvolk gallery here.Alexikoua (talk) 18:57, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Alexikoua, can you please clearly elaborate what you mean and what you are exactly referring to by this comment "rolling arguments can be considered those in favor of a herrenvolk gallery here"? so no one misinterprets you going forward before i make comment on other matters.Resnjari (talk)
This isn't really sporadic, we are talking about decades of WP:RS research by Hamp, Keep, Demiraj etc. As Ive said the Turkification case is a bad comparison because there is a body of research concerning lang replacement via elite dominance there and no counterpart in the Albanian case.--Calthinus (talk) 21:14, 4 January 2019 (UTC)

Turkification IS a good comparison because the so called turkocracy in mainland Greece, was mostly Albanocracy. The real Turks (i.e. turkic speakers muslims) were a minority. The "dirty job" was done by Albanian muslims. I think that William Leake said that during his stay in Epirus he met only one Turk and two Turkish women. The Epirote N.J. Cassavety, in 1913, describes the way Greeks were forced to speak Albanian The Question of Epirus, p. 237 --Skylax30 (talk) 21:01, 11 January 2019 (UTC) (Edited 13-1-2019) --Skylax30 (talk) 16:04, 13 January 2019 (UTC)

Okay, cool story. Relevant?--Calthinus (talk) 21:06, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
Skylax30, Cassavety was not an academic, but a diaspora type of the early 20th century advocating for inclusion of southern Albania into Greece. He was after all the "General Secretary of the Pan-Epirotic Union in America". Apart from WP:AGEMATTERS issues with that source, no need to use past irredentist propaganda common among the Greek right wing (then and now). As was explained to you Turkification is not an applicable example. Wikipedia is not about WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS.Resnjari (talk) 17:12, 13 January 2019 (UTC)

You might not be able to "explain" to others. We just post opinions here. Btw, you are invited to comment on the expertise of British WW2 agents who dropped out of school (Hodgkinson) on Skanderbeg. --Skylax30 (talk) 12:45, 14 January 2019 (UTC)

Skylax30 have you read Cassavetes' views on "Arabs" and "Ethiopians"? --Calthinus (talk) 18:58, 13 January 2019 (UTC)
Skylax30, what do you mean by "dirty job"? Can you elaborate as i don't understand what you mean? Best.Resnjari (talk) 21:29, 11 January 2019 (UTC)

For example, [37]. Take no offence, mate. If you want to talk history, we talk history.--Skylax30 (talk) 21:45, 11 January 2019 (UTC)

Skylax30, yes i have read the article. I am the kind of person who looks at the whole context, not just the aftermath. Blame goes to all sides, as you want to talk history, the uprising by Orthodox Greeks targeted Muslim civilians [38] with both physical violence and destruction of property and only thereafter was there a large Ottoman military response. Anyway WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS is not the purpose of this thread.Resnjari (talk) 22:20, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
Cassavetes isn't RS, though I remember Calthinus made selective use of him in Chameria estimates and the number of "Albanophone Greeks".Alexikoua (talk) 11:55, 14 January 2019 (UTC)
As I have explained a gazillion times, I used Cassavetes for Virgili's stats when Virgili wasn't available. Remind me how this comment was constructive?--Calthinus (talk) 15:40, 14 January 2019 (UTC)
You mentioned something about author X and I replied. That's the definition of contructive editting.Alexikoua (talk) 22:18, 15 January 2019 (UTC)
......--Calthinus (talk) 03:30, 17 January 2019 (UTC)

Cassavetes is not used as source here. He was a witness, or expressed opinion of witnesses. In this capacity, he is cited by few research papers. Anyway, he is not the only one who talked about forced albanization.--Skylax30 (talk) 12:38, 14 January 2019 (UTC)

@Skylax30, your way off. Those that referred to "forced albanization" often were either making land claims to southern Albania or viewing the issue from a irredentist or nationalistic perspective. The modern (and neutral) study to date of the Greek minority of Albania realting to demographics of Albania's deep south is this: Leonidas Kallivretakis (1995) - Η ελληνική κοινότητα της Αλβανίας υπό το πρίσμα της ιστορικής γεωγραφίας και δημογραφίας [39]. Kallivretakis says this on page 34 "Στα πλαίσια της επιτόπιας έρευνας που πραγματοποιήσαμε στην Αλβανία (Νοέμβριος-Δεκέμβριος 1992), μελετήσαμε το ζήτημα των εθνοπολιτισμικών ομάδων, όπως αυτές συνειδητοποιούνται σήμερα επί τόπου. Είναι ενδιαφέρον καταρχήν το γεγονός ότι οι ντόπιοι Έλληνες που βιώνουν μια πραγματικότητα και δεν αντλούν την εμπειρία τους από επιτελικούς χάρτες, χρησιμοποιούν χαρακτηρισμούς που λαμβάνουν υπόψιν την πολυπλοκότητα του φαινομένου και αποφεύγουν τις απλουστεύσεις. Έτσι τα χωριά χαρακτηρίστηκαν αυθορμήτως ως Ελληνικά, Αλβανικά Χριστιανικά, Αλβανικά Μουσουλμανικά —με ιδιαίτερη μνεία των Τσάμικων— και Βλάχικα. Οι χαρακτηρισμοί αυτοί συμπίπτουν σε σημαντικό βαθμό με εκείνους των πηγών του 19ου αιώνα. Περισσότερο πολύπλοκες είναι οι περιπτώσεις που σχετίζονται με τις πόλεις, τα μικτά χωριά, τα νέα χωρία και τις μετακινήσεις πληθυσμών που έχουν λάβει χώρα τα τελευταία χρόνια." and Even today series academics who have no nationalistic axes to grind like Konstantinos Giakoumis in 2018 [40] say this of Kallivretakis' study: "From Greek historiography, important and rather well-balanced contributions can be quoted from scholars whose studies and public interventions aim at smoothing the divisive forces of nationalism in the Balkans. Such type of historiography highlights matters related to minorities, holds theses often deemed as cosmopolitan, in juxtaposition to other ‘nationally-minded’ scholars. Leonidas Kallivretakis, for instance, has conducted the earliest historical geography and demography account of Albania’s post-socialist period (1995), in which he looks at matters with the cold blood of a disengaged scientist.". Its up to you whether you want to continue on this bandwagon of "forced albanisation". But apart from the 3 Greek speaking villages of Himara where communist authorities attempted and failed in their attempt, the "forced albanisation" claim is fringe. There is such a thing as Orthodox Albanians and Aromanians and they 'defacto' are not Greek due on account of their shared religion with the Greeks.Resnjari (talk) 20:44, 14 January 2019 (UTC)
@Skylax: Indeed there was a process of expansion of Albanian speech from late Ottoman Empire. Take a look at some recent academic papers [[41]] (universities in Albania today tend to ignore the usual PRA era stereotypes and even use tampoo terms such as Northern Epirus without brackets):

Η κάθοδος του αλβανικού στοιχείου στην Ήπειρο είχε σύμμαχο την αυτοκρατορική εξουσία, ήταν μαζική και από θέσεις πολυσχιδούς ισχύος. Η νέα θρησκεία του Αλβανικού στοιχείου λειτουργούσε ως αυτοκρατορική ιδεολογία σε ανοιχτή αντιπαράθεση με τον χριστιανισμό. Η εγγύηση εμπιστοσύνης προς την Πύλη, στην προκειμένη περίπτωση δεν εξαντλούνταν μόνο στην αλλαγή πίστης, αλλά στην αντιχριστιανική αφοσίωση που ήταν κατά κόρον ανθελληνική. Χαρακτηριστική περίπτωση η περιοχή της Λιουντζεριάς στο νομό Αργυροκάστρου, γενέτειρα του μεγάλου ευεργέτη Ευάγγελου Ζάππα. Τονίζουμε ότι στην εποχή του Ζάππα η διγλωσσία είχε δώσει το παρόν της στη συγκεκριμένη περιοχή με γλώσσα προέλευσης ή ταυτότητας την ελληνική. Κατά την Αλβανική Αναγέννηση, δεύτερο μισό του ΧΙΧ αιώνα, διαμορφώθηκε εδώ και η αλβανική εθνική ταυτότητα. Το χαρακτηριστικό για τους κάτοικους της περιοχής σημειώθηκε πριν και μετά το Δεύτερο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Όσοι πρόλαβαν και διατήρησαν την επαφή με την Ελλάδα, διατήρησαν και ενίσχυσαν την ελληνική εθνικότητα. Μέλη της ίδιας οικογένειας τα οποία έχασαν την επαφή αυτή, αναδείχτηκαν σταθεροί Αλβανοί με αυτόβουλη την απώθηση ακόμα και της ελληνικής γλώσσας. Το φαινόμενο βάθυνε από γενιά σε γενιά με αποτέλεσμα η ελληνική γλώσσα να υποχωρήσει εντελώς.

Alexikoua (talk) 00:07, 15 January 2019 (UTC)

Wow, are you kidding me ! Apart from not placing a page number (its page 68), that piece of text is by Panayotis Barkas, a person who has interchanged his role as a politician from the Greek minority in the Albanian parliament and being involved in the education sector. Heck there is heaps on the Albanian side who also have done the same and blab on about the whole of Greek Epirus as being places where Albanian gave way to Greek. I mean while we are at it are we going to place fringe from Barka in his works that asserts that Albanians are of mixed race with the Arabs who came to the Balkans with the Ottomans or that Muslim Albanians are really Albanised Greeks [42]! Please no need for fringe. As you @Alexikoua brought up Lunxheria, credible academics like Gilles De Rapper who did heaps of research about the area [43] (and as cited before Kallivretakis) do not back up such fringe.Resnjari (talk) 00:50, 15 January 2019 (UTC)
@Resnjary: Lol, you are kidding me! A fully wp:RS that meets wp:ACADEMIC & wp:SECONDARY. P. Barkas is a professor in an Albanian university. Oh needless to say you attempt to reject wp:RS with wp:TABLOITJOURNALISM? (some who calls the... albanian police to arrest Barkas, that's very funny.) Don't do that again in an encyclopedia. For future reference publication by the University of Gjirokaster are wp:RS, whether some Albanian journalist with naitonalist tendencies like it or not. If you still disagree there is always an wp:RSN else we have typical wp:IDONTLIKEIT.Alexikoua (talk) 22:13, 15 January 2019 (UTC)
@Aleixkoua, you ignored Giakoumis down below. He is RS beyond doubt. It does't matter if Barkas is a professor. So are many people in Albania who are academics and engage in fringe. Being an academic in no way disqualifies that Barkas is fringe and writing from a WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS perspective. The news article also is points out that fringe and refers to the dispute Llalla has with Barkas. Alexi, you should have a read of Giakoumis.Resnjari (talk) 22:23, 15 January 2019 (UTC)
Actually once again Giakoumis who has looked at many works like those of Barkas states the following p.144 [44]: "The dominance of ethnocentric, monoscopic and rather localistic interpretative apparatus is apparently not a trait of some Albanian historiographical works (cf. Xhufi 2009; Karagjozi-Kore 2014), but also of Greek historiography (e.g. Koltsida 2008; Koltsidas 2008; Pappa 2009; Karakitsios 2010; Xynadas 2012; Ismyrliadou 2013; Karkasinas 2014). It is interesting to note that such proclivities are very evident to select historiography produced by members of the Greek minority in Albania (Barkas 2016)."Resnjari (talk) 01:01, 15 January 2019 (UTC)
I fail to see what this has to do with the work I presented here. Barkas is the chairman in an Albanian university and history professor. According to your rationale we should remove all academics which have been "clearly pro-Albanian" [[45]].Alexikoua (talk) 22:43, 15 January 2019 (UTC)
Well as Giakoumis shows Barkas is fringe and engages in WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS content, not unbiased historiography. Giakoumis is clear about the work that Barkas engages in. As for Albanian academics do you know how many professors/academics there are that engage in that kind of thing that one could rewrite the whole Northern Epirus and Greeks in Albania articles from scratch (Giakoumis notes the problematic ones). I take that your ok with those kinds of Albanian academics who write like Barkas?Resnjari (talk) 23:01, 15 January 2019 (UTC)
It appears that WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS arguments perfectly apply on you. Apart from wp:IDONTLIKE and excessive wp:BLP violations (frindge claims is your "personal" interpretation), you still need to explain why academics termed as "clearly pro-Albanian" are immune from frindge [[46]].Alexikoua (talk) 00:09, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
Barkas is fringe, not to mention a whole host of other academics from both Greece and Albania. Giakoumis who has no axe to grind points this out clearly.Resnjari (talk) 00:24, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
That's your personal opinion (Giakoumis doesn't claim that). Still you fail to adress why "pro-Albanian academics" aren't frindge. By the way does Giakoumis also mentions Xhuvi in the same line (about authors with a certain pro-Albanian tendency)?. You need to avoid wp:BLP violations it's against building an encyclopedia.Alexikoua (talk) 00:41, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
No not my opinion, but what is noted in RS. Once again Giakoumis, p.144 [47]: "The dominance of ethnocentric, monoscopic and rather localistic interpretative apparatus is apparently not a trait of some Albanian historiographical works (cf. Xhufi 2009; Karagjozi-Kore 2014), but also of Greek historiography (e.g. Koltsida 2008; Koltsidas 2008; Pappa 2009; Karakitsios 2010; Xynadas 2012; Ismyrliadou 2013; Karkasinas 2014). It is interesting to note that such proclivities are very evident to select historiography produced by members of the Greek minority in Albania (Barkas 2016)." Barkas is fringe writing from WP:RIGHTGREATWRONGS perspectives, its very clear. Also i accept all the others that Giakoumis notes too. They ought not to be used as well whether they are academics from Greece or Albania.Resnjari (talk) 00:46, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
Yet again excessive BLP violations. You... accidentally posted that Xhufi also falls in this category & let me remind you that you already added him in various articles. Though Giakoumis doesn't mention any Barka's publications as department chairman in the University of Gjirkoaster or any author in general as frindge. That's something you need to conveince the community in wp;RSN. Good luck on that.Alexikoua (talk) 00:55, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
From memory i only ever used that academic once. On your part you have made extensive use of Koltsidas many, many times on multiple articles. As for Giakoumis he is clear on the others and he focuses on Barkas from the others citing with all examples of scholarly works and their problems. The book he refers to is mentioned in the article (full ref p.151), its Barkas biggest work to date. Don't fluf about other works not being mentioned. One then can make the claim for all the other academics and their works. As i said academics similar to Barkas could be used to rewrite the whole Northern Eprius and Greeks in Albania articles. Barkas is fringe.Resnjari (talk) 01:07, 16 January 2019 (UTC)

Since you are expert in identifying authors as "fringe", how about that Albanian who claimed that he discovered a 13th c. "albanian" manuscript, but failed to produce any photo of it? Of course, "fringeness" is something relative. You cannot call "fringe" something that is in high consumption in Albania.--Skylax30 (talk) 21:22, 16 January 2019 (UTC)

That's the definition of whataboutism. Cinadon36 (talk) 22:06, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
Exactly. Also Skylax30 seems to overlook that i supported the removal of that fringe and provided info for why instead of just saying its fringe like others did without something substantive.Resnjari (talk) 22:36, 16 January 2019 (UTC)

"Elinus son of Dohe had three sons, Airmen, Negua, Isacon. As for Airmen, he had five sons, Gutus, Cebidus, Uiligothus, Burgundus, Longbardus. Negua had three sons, Saxus, Boarus, Uandalus. Isacon, moreover, one of the three sons of Elenus, he had four sons, Romanus, Francus, Britus, Albanus.

This is that Albanus who first took Albania, with his children, and of him is Alba named: so he drove his brother across the Sea of Icht, and from him are the Albanians of Latium of Italy."

This is a typical irish genealogy going from adam to the current ruler at the time. It's from an ancient irish text, the book of Leinster, but there is a lot of scottish and irish record with similar associations with albania. Should this link be mentioned as a possible origin? — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2A00:23C7:BB0A:B101:E0F3:2817:ABA5:7B3D (talk) 10:07, 31 May 2019 (UTC)

No. Because it is just another theory based on mythological elements. Which means that there is no historical evidence. The Albanians don't even call themselves Albanians, but Skipetari. The Alba-theory is probably based on Roman naming of the Skipetari people.--2003:EE:3F1D:DF0E:91BB:52C3:2A5A:DAD (talk) 09:50, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
No to both of you, Albanians also call themselves Arber(isht/or/etc), in Albania it is now just an old-fashioned/poetic but still recognizable term (i.e. like "Rascia" for Serbs, etc). Lab and Laberia are also (doublet) descendants of the same Alb(an)- root. There is also no actual evidence beyond some mythology I guess of relation to any Gaelic speaking group. The Alb- root is likely a common Indo-European one that tends to show up where there are mountains (Alps, Alban-- Scotland, Alba Longa, Albania, etc) -- doesn't necessarily imply a common origin besides the overarching Indo-European one. Likewise Konispol has the pol- root that Poland does -- but no relation to Poles except the common Slavic origins of Poles and the Slavs that once lived in and around Konispol. --Calthinus (talk) 15:49, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
I believe is this just another far-fetched myth, as Calthinus rightly essentially mentioned, with no real evidence. Claiming such an Albanian link to Celtic lands in general is practically impossible in any case. ArbDardh (talk) 18:53, 13 September 2019 (UTC)ArbDardh


Fascinating Khirurg. Perhaps you'd like to include Georgiev's other points of view on Wikipedia on a new page Origin of the Greeks, such as that the Achaeans were Thracians and not Greeks. The Ionians too. And, of course, who could forget Georgiev's Thracian Pelasgians? Oh, yes, all of these are cited in *RS* that can be used on wikipedia at any time (I happen to also think they are crap and will not). See what I mean about UNDUE, perhaps a bit? --Calthinus (talk) 16:19, 22 October 2019 (UTC)

Frankly Calthinus, I have always thought that Origin of the Greeks, Origin of the Turkish people and Origin of the Arabs would be 3 interesting articles. :) Ktrimi991 (talk) 16:50, 22 October 2019 (UTC)
Well, we do have Genetic studies on Turks (despite how much its existence angers some Turkish editors). As for Greeks and Arabs, well, with regard to the latter, I've always been disgusted by tendentious Khazar-this and Khazar-that edits by those with a certain POV on ARBPIA matters who mercifully usually end up banned fairly fast, and I hope I never end up stooping to that level (though sometimes it is... tempting).--Calthinus (talk) 17:11, 22 October 2019 (UTC)
I guess that the Khazar thing is equivalent to the "Caucasian" or "Pelasgian" origin of the Albanians. The origin of the Arabs (together with their early history and evolution of identity) has a lot of reliable sources dedicated to. Whether certain editors choose to make use of them or not is another thing. Ktrimi991 (talk) 17:24, 22 October 2019 (UTC)
@Calthinus: What I am talking about is not a matter of continuity or "purity" or genetic studies. An ethnic group has its origin, the historical context in which it was created, its cultural and linguistic evolution etc. I am not talking about online trolling like the one done by sad Balkan trolls on BalkansInsight etc or daily politics aimed at persuading people that some nations are somehow "glorious" and "autochthonous" and others are "inferior" or "mixed". The origin of a community is always complicated, an imperative that stems from the complex nature of human beings. Do not mistake what I wrote above for other things. I tend to believe that after two years of talking with each other, we know each other's principles. Cheers, Ktrimi991 (talk) 19:31, 22 October 2019 (UTC)
Ktrimi991 Don't worry, I know you're not like that, and fair enough. --Calthinus (talk) 23:09, 22 October 2019 (UTC)
We know each other's opinion on this topic, @Calthinus:. I consider those old related discussions between us to be the most meaningful section on my talk page. It is understandable that our dialogue here is to make anyone interested to read the discussion, view the issue of ethnicity formation from multiple perspectives. You know what I mean ;) Ktrimi991 (talk) 23:31, 22 October 2019 (UTC)
Oh crap, I forgot -- we forgot to add the Thracian origin theory for Origin hypotheses of Donald Trump. We do have to give all POVs on the matter after all, otherwise it will look like a pro-Pashtun Trump POV push :). --Calthinus (talk) 01:45, 23 October 2019 (UTC)
Indeed! :) Ktrimi991 (talk) 11:15, 23 October 2019 (UTC)
  1. ^ In Tosk /a/ before a nasal has become a central vowel (shwa), and intervocalic /n/ has become /r/. These two sound changes have affected only the pre-Slav stratum of the Albanian lexicon, that is the native words and loanwords from Greek and Latin (page 23) Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of the World By Keith Brown, Sarah Ogilvie Contributor Keith Brown, Sarah Ogilvie Edition: illustrated Published by Elsevier, 2008 ISBN 0-08-087774-5, ISBN 978-0-08-087774-7
  2. ^ a b Cite error: The named reference Adams1997 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  3. ^ The dialectal split into Geg and Tosk happened sometime after the region become Christianized in the fourth century AD; Christian Latin loanwords show Tosk rhotacism, such as Tosk murgu"monk" (Geg mungu) from Lat. monachus. (page 392) Indo-European language and culture: an introduction By Benjamin W. Fortson Edition: 5, illustrated Published by Wiley-Blackwell, 2004 ISBN 1-4051-0316-7, ISBN 978-1-4051-0316-9
  4. ^ a b Cite error: The named reference ReferenceB was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  5. ^ See also Hamp 1963 The isogloss is clear in all dialects I have studied, which embrace nearly all types possible. It must be relatively old, that is, dating back into the post-Roman first millennium. As a guess, it seems possible that this isogloss reflects a spread of the speech area, after the settlement of the Albanians in roughly their present location, so that the speech area straddled the Jireček Line.
  6. ^ In Tosk /a/ before a nasal has become a central vowel (shwa), and intervocalic /n/ has become /r/. These two sound changes have affected only the pre-Slav stratum of the Albanian lexicon, that is the native words and loanwords from Greek and Latin (page 23) Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of the World By Keith Brown, Sarah Ogilvie Contributor Keith Brown, Sarah Ogilvie Edition: illustrated Published by Elsevier, 2008 ISBN 0-08-087774-5, ISBN 978-0-08-087774-7
  7. ^ The dialectal split into Geg and Tosk happened sometime after the region become Christianized in the fourth century AD; Christian Latin loanwords show Tosk rhotacism, such as Tosk murgu "monk" (Geg mungu) from Lat. monachus. (page 392) [Indo-European language and culture: an introduction] By Benjamin W. Fortson Edition: 5, illustrated Published by Wiley-Blackwell, 2004 ISBN 1-4051-0316-7, ISBN 978-1-4051-0316-9
  8. ^ Ammon, Ulrich; Dittmar, Norbert; Mattheier, Klaus J.; Trudgill, Peter (2006). Sociolinguistics: An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society. Walter de Gruyter. p. 1876. ISBN 9783110184181. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help) "Following the Slavic invasions of the Balkans (sixth and seventh centuries CE) Common Albanian split into two major dialect complexes that can be identified today by a bundle of isoglosses running through the middle of Albania along and just to the south of the river Shkumbini south of Elbasan, then along the course of the Black Drin (Drin i Zi, Crni Drim) through the middle of Struga on the north shore of Lake Ohrid in Macedonia. The two major dialect groups are known as Tosk (south of the bundle) and Gheg north of the bundle).
  9. ^ The river Shkumbin in central Albania historically forms the boundary between those two dialects, with the population on the north speaking varieties of Geg and the population on the south varieties of Tosk. (page 23) [Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of the World] By Keith Brown, Sarah Ogilvie Contributor Keith Brown, Sarah Ogilvie Edition: illustrated Published by Elsevier,2008 ISBN 0-08-087774-5, ISBN 978-0-08-087774-7
  10. ^ See also Hamp 1963 The isogloss is clear in all dialects I have studied, which embrace nearly all types possible. It must be relatively old, that is, dating back into the post-Roman first millennium. As a guess, it seems possible that this isogloss reflects a spread of the speech area, after the settlement of the Albanians in roughly their present location, so that the speech area straddled the Jireček Line.