Talk:Noahide Campaign

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Why is the Noahide Campaign less part of outreach than Aliya?

From User talk:IZAK/archive 30#Why is the Noahide Campaign less part of outreach than Aliya?:

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Why is the Noahide Campaign less part of outreach than Aliya?

Dear Rabbi, i do respect very much every action u do, so please explain to me why you took out this campaign from Jewish Outreach? aren't Jews obligated to see that the world should abide by this seven laws? I know that some poskim only see this as halacha while we are on our own land, but if Jewish aliyah is Jewish Outreach this is then again valid because of the land, and Tikun oilem is not an orthodox thing so why include this in the orthodox outreach? with respect and honor your student.--יודל 21:50, 12 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Because it's not Jewish outreach. Yossiea (talk) 00:57, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
If the Jews do it as their duty from their faith which tells them to do this why than isn't it Jewish?--יודל 02:20, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
Because it's not Jewish outreach. It's outreach to Non-Jews. Jewish outreach is something that Jews do for other Jews. NJOP, NCSY, etc. is for Jews, not non-Jews. Yossiea (talk) 03:31, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
Jewish outreach means that Jews reach out as a Jew to other people.--יודל 05:43, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Hi Yidisheryid: I did not take Noahide Campaign out of "Jewish outreach" (and I fully agree with you that it is part of Jewish outreach too keep the Seven Laws of Noah, just extending it to gentiles.) You seem to have been confused by my re-organization of the {{JewishOutreach}} template in which I created a new disambiguation page Orthodox Judaism outreach (disambiguation) because a number of the articles you put into it were part of Orthodox Judaism outreach, and if you will click on "Orthodox Jewish outreach" on the template you will see that it now clicks to Orthodox Judaism outreach (disambiguation) and it is on that page that Noahide Campaign is listed as a sub-article of Haredi Jewish outreach (actually it's essentially a sub-article of Chabad outreach article which you created), since it is the Haredim, especially Lubavitch and a few non-Lubavitch Haredi rabbis who are still involed with publicising this in the hope of reaching out to gentiles. For some reason the late Lubavitcher Rebbe did make this outreach mivtsa very well-known but then he backed away from fully implementing it, and I am not sure why (maybe it's because there are still too many Jews to reach out to), but it is still definitely "officially on" --there are quite a number of good books, articles and websites about it -- and gets mentioned but not pushed as much as it deserves. It is also a real happening because Noahides are real group today, especially in America, and they are inspired and take their guidance only from Orthodox rabbis. Finally, it is much different to Aliyah, which is an entirely different notion and acticitivty involving the motivation and transportation of Jews from all over the world to their Biblical homeland in the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisroel) and that place happens to now be the modern State of Israel. Hope this clarification helps. 04:46, 14 October 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for the explanation, but i am not convinced this is only an orthodox thing, I did not put it there, a new user put it there[1], I and him may be wrong, I will say on record that it is Jewish not Orthodox at all, I hope u will reconsider your action of putting it into an orthodox cat. meanwhile have a blessed week.--יודל 05:41, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
Yidisheryid, who else besides some Orthodox rabbis has been involved with this? One may say that often the gentiles who wish to become and practice as Noahides do so on their own without rabbis, but in almost all cases they connect with Orthodox rabbis to teach them and guide them. It's actually quite complex and the Lubavitcher Rebbe had mentioned creating a kind of "Shulchan Aruch" for them but the Lubavitchers never got around to it. I know of one Haredi rabbis who did (he is a son-in-law of the late Rabbi Nachman Bulman (1925 - 2002)) and he has written and created many tapes for Noahide rituals that were designed for some churches in the US South that dropped being Christian and became official Noahides and he guided them. The story was actually written up in the Wall Street Journal years ago. IZAK 10:14, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
The reform and conservative do believe in Tikun oilem and its rooted in this foundation that jews do not care only about themselves they do deeply care about all human beings. Lubavitch isn't the only people who had this issue, many rabbis and jews alike are doing activist stuff, have u ever heard of rabbi yehuda levin, of rabbi yechiel ekstien of talk show hosts like Mark Levin or denis prager, just google those names and see for yourself that those jews do care deeply about the world and are not strictly ortheodx jews they are Jews who believe in engaging gentiles and influencing the world to the better. This is Halacha long before Reform or Orthodox where even labels. --יודל 10:28, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
Sure I have heard of some of them. Anyhow, Reform and Conservative "Tikun Olam" notions are not the same as Noahide outreach. The Reform and Conservative are not interested in getting the gentiles to keep "seven" mitzvas" because most of the Reform and Conservatives don't even keep "one" mitzva themselves. They do what they want, when they want, and how they want. They sleep with and marry shiksas and gentiles without any guilt. They basically have no rules beyond American Liberalism and the "Tikun Olam" they talk about is part of Humanism and has nothing to do with Halachik Judaism or the Halachik way for a gentile to be a Noahide. The Reform and Conservatives reject Halacha as understood by the Orthodox in any case. Then, about being an "activist" what does that mean? There is no Halachik or Orthdodox definition of that. Can you cite sources that show that anyone besides the Orthodox even care about the gentiles becoming Noahides? This is not just about caring deeply about the world. Everyone with half a brain in their heads and a PR man claims to "care deeply about the world" even as they screw it up big time. So that is just too broad of an idea and one cannot compare it to the very specific criteria of what is required of a Noahide in terms of the 7 Noahide laws. IZAK 10:41, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
If you would argue with me that your translation of those laws is the right one you will win the debate, but this isn't about me and u, there is other users who disagree with our translation, many orthodox rabbis do indeed beliave like them that those are the basics of humanity and nothing more, 1. stealing 2. murdering, 3. animal rights and so fourth, we cannot judge who is right, and who screws up, the Reform will say that Orthodox screw up, and the Orthodox will say the Reform screw up, Please don't take sides in this and kindly revert your edit.--יודל 10:51, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
Hi, no need to revert any edits right now. You need to prove that the Reform and Conservative call reaching out to gentiles a "Noahide Campaign" 'cause as far as anyone knows they don't! In fact, I can prove to you that Reform's definition of "Jewish outreach" means reaching out to the gentile wives and husbands of their mostly interfaith members and/or to any non-Jew who would wish to become a Reform Jew. But so far, you have not proven that anyone besides the Orthodox uses the term "Noahide Outreach" when it comes to convince gentiles to become better gentiles and not to convert to anything. I wasn't saying that the Reform screw up, don't mix up my words. What I did say is that there are many people in the world, talking about anyone out there, and they all believe that they are "improving" the world in their own way, but it has nothing to with Noahide Laws or even Humanism. The Japanese believe they are "improving" the world by hunting whales to eat for breakfast, lunch and supper, and the Chinese believe they are "improving" the world by getting rich selling toothpaste and other crap with toxic chemicals and more crap in it, and even the Nazis thought they were "improving" the world by killing the Jews but that does not mean that any of them are actually improving the world and it surely has nothing to do with Tikun Olam nor with Humanism. Try to read what I state carefully because I think carefully before I write my words. I am not just doing it for "tricks" or for any personal agenda. Did I invent the Noahide Campaign or "Noahide outreach"? Nope! I am just trying my best to be NPOV about it, so please withdraw your accusation which violates WP:AGF. Thanks, IZAK 11:09, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
OK Reb Izak, i will start working to gather sources that indeed the 7 laws is basically the laws of humanism; like not to hurt other people, 1. by having laws, 2. not killing, 3. not stealing, 4. not to allow Blasphemy, and not sexually deviate, which that is twofold 5. adultery and 6. morality, and not 7 not to hurt animals. and then i would show you how many Jewish groups do indeed endorse and back those efforts by all Jews not only Orthodox. I hope you will than consider to revert your edit.--יודל 11:24, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Hi Yidisheryid: Just one word of advice, it sounds to me that you are about to waste your time because the end result will be a violation of WP:NOR which is a toughy. Remember, the point is not to prove that every form of "niceness" in the human race is part of the 7 Noahide Laws, because that would be ridiculous. You have to be more focused here, and see what the Seven Noahide laws really are Torah laws which makes them Godly laws according to Orthodox Judaism, and not just a PR campaign by a talk show host to show off to the world that he's a "nice guy" since he says don't hunt dolphins or polar bears. Don't mix up the subjects. There is an expression, "chalk and cheese" meaning that there are huge differences between the way Orthodox Torah Jews would define what a true Noahide needs to do and the difference with what a Liberal Humanist would say is "nice" to do or not do. OK, then, enjoy. IZAK 11:33, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Judging my work on Wikipeida i will leave up to others, i have to go forward to spread the positive info out there in the world and share it in this great free and open encyclopedia, time is short and i will not say that Chabad's P.R. campaigns about Judaism and the 7 Noahdite Laws, is more or less than Reform or conservative Outreach, I see their actions as a move to do what their rebbe said and what he said is clear, that he is the Messiah. What i am interested and now intend of doing is to share how some people you say that they screw up in your eyes are real active JEWS who are publicly following the duty of what they believe is every JEW's duty to reach out to the world they should live according to the basic humanistic laws. and i as a Wikipedia editor will prove you this with sources and citations, until than i thank you for the all good advice and constructive critic.--יודל 11:53, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
Hi again, for the record, I did not say that only Jews screw up, I said that all sorts of people, not just Jews, screw with the best intentions -- that is part of being a human being, to make mistakes, just some people or groups make bigger mistakes than others and screw up big time! As the saying goes, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" (not my expression, just a famous English one.) And I was not speaking about Chabad PR campaigns, and they have plenty of them for sure, I was talking how many people out there have PR campaign for all sorts of things, with all the best intentions, but it has nothing to do with the 7 Noahide Laws. As far as I know the Lubavitcher Rebbe never said to anyone that he was the "Moshiach" for sure, he made some hints but there was never an outright admission or declaration by him at any time to anyone, but yeah the Lubavitcher Chasidim have gone gaga by now and they believe whatever they want to believe. It's every man for himself. A total hefkerus. I have heard from some sources that in his days, many Satmars believed that the Satmar Ruv was the "Meshiach" but that idea also went down the tubes once he got sick and died. At least they don't jump up and down telling the world what they believed about him, just screaming about "Zalman and Aaron" and mumbling and grumbling about "Tsiyoinim" and doing a witch-hunt for "Tsiyoinim" like they have nothing better to do in between making lots of money any way they can. It seems that not only Chabad has this sickness about "Moshiach" fever (see List of Messiah claimants) but they do have it more than anyone else. At any rate, when it comes to the subject of the Noahide Campaign (note it was a "Campaign" meaning it was one of their "mivtsoim") the Lubavitcher Rebbe definitely launched this subject more than anyone else. Although as I have said, he then pulled back, but it's still out there and some people, Jews and gentiles are into it. The kind of stuff you are talking about is too far-fetched and would just be part of the Reform Judaism outreach for example because Reform does not like to make differences between Jews and non-Jews they believe that everyone is the same person, no-one has to do mitzvas (the gentiles don't have to do 7 and the Jews for sure don't have to do 613 according to them, because they regard the Torah as bubba meises) so to try to connect their general humanistic do-goodism with Torah concepts is like trying to connect Christianity with Judaism, which is impossible since they are two different thought and belief systems. One has nothing to do with the other. Not a judgment of who is better or worse here, just a statement that don't mix up opposites to create a Frankenstein. Gotta go, IZAK 12:16, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
I am Satamr Williamsburg guy and i agree with you that we all bumble and preach what we believe is right. But what really bewilders me is that your claim that only Chabad had this effort going, I used to visit Flatbush on Ocean Parkway by the wold famous Rabbi Avigdor Miller's shull and all the time he had petitions on the Bimah for Jews to get involved in every government in the world they should make laws in accordance to the 7 laws, almost every single issue that was before the legislative branch in Washington or locally was clearly put fourth the members they should lobby their representatives and influence the world through their voting power, Rabbi Miller even once begged the audience for money when i was there to give bread and food to Rabbi Yehuda_Levin's family, and levin's service has nothing to do with Chabad, he is a Litvak with all his heart, this is a dis-service to the truth that the campaign for the heart of the gentiles they should live according to the 7 basic laws is a chabad thing, we have already discussed that rabbi miller was not main stream Judaism but who are we to say that a Jewish cause which a Jew is pushing isn't Jewish enough?--יודל 12:38, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Hi Yidisheryid: Now you surprise me. First you were arguing the case that Reform Judaism is preaching to mekarev gentiles to become Noahides, which is just not true because the Reform has long-ago redefined the word "outreach" to reach out to the gentile shiksas and gentiles that their members have married (and they claim that they would like to bring any gentiles to become Reform Jews to "make up" for the numbers being lost through assimilation and for those Jews that died in the Holocaust.) That is what they are saying, not me. That is why they need to be, and they are, in a different article Reform Judaism outreach, about what they call "Jewish outreach" which for the Orthodox is not acceptable. Now, as for Rav Miller and Rabbi Levin, I agree with what you say about them 101% -- but why are you bringing this in now because it only supports my point, that the campaign to educate the gentiles about the importance of the 7 Noahide laws basically comes only from Orthodox rabbis and you are just proving my argument. Rav Miller was one of the greatest men of Haredi Judaism in America, no question about it. I respect him too much and I enjoy his jokes a lot too! I am indirectly one of his students but that is another long story and I will not go into it as it has nothing to do with anything. About Rabbi Levin I know that he has tried to do a lot of good, but he is not on the same level of Rav Miller. But how can you compare Rav Miller with the Lubavitcher Rebbe? (And by the way, Rav Miller never criticised Lubavitch in his days, if you know.) You know, there is an expression in business that "When Wall Street sneezes, the world catches a cold" and that was the Lubavicher Rebbe in Judiams, he was so powerful as a world leader of Orthodox Jewry that when he launched a campaign it was heard around the world and nobody could ignore it or forget it, until today. No rabbi in modern times has had his influence or name-recognition around the world. People thought that he was the "only" rabbi of the Jews. So even though Rabbi Miller was truly great, but he does not compare to the Lubavitcher Rebbe's power around the world. Rav Miller was a humble Litvak who minded his own business. He loved to learn "Teira" and encourged other Jews to do the same, but he was not an international mover-and-shaker like the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Yes, Rav Miller tried to get people to make demonstrations against Mayor Koch and Gov. Koo-omo as he called him, but this was like pin-pricks compared to when the Rebbe got going in 770 and started to huff-and-puff. So when he started announcing and pushing the mivtsa of "sheevo mitzvois benei noi-ach" a lot of people started listening and even though he did not follow-through with it, in fact he started an opposite mivtza to fight the opinion of the rabbanut and he held that the Falashas from Ethiopia were outright goyim who would need total conversions and not micky-mouse heterim to say that they are somehow Jews from shevet Dan or some cockamamy idea like that and the Lubavitchers are still not interested in the Falashas and the Falashas hate the Lubavitchers because the Rebbe just wrote them off. Anyhow, maybe because the Rebbe saw that it was too complicated that he backed away, but the first PR remained and the fire was lit and the door remained open for genuine Bnai Noach, especially in the USA to get recognition. Personally, I am acquanted with some Bnai Noach and let me tell you they are amazing people, they study Torah and some of them are geniuses and truly "frum" gentiles. It's actuially amazing, but most frum people don't know about this stuff, just like they don't know about real kiruv, just the fairy stories they read in the Jewish Observer or some such propaganda articles. IZAK 13:11, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Izak what i tried to say about Rav Miller was first of all to persuade you that this mission is not at all a chabad thing, and just like most Jews may think that Outreach is a Chabad thing and it isn't, the same is true with this campaign, fact is Rabbi Levin reaches out to millions of good and decent benei nocah i do not kno0w what u r talking about, every gentile who does not kill is a benei noch, most people in the southern states are benei noach, we are now clear that this is a mistake of saying its a cahbad thing, its not even a rav miller thing many satamr people protested Koch governer Coumo and even Giuliany, i don't know if you know dr, Bernard Frishman he was the leading activist in all those 3 protests when they passed laws in new york directly against the 7 nohadite laws, and he is a not a satmar and not a litvak he is a Washington heights modern orthodox Jew, from German decent, a real yeke following in the footsteps of rav shamshon refuel hirsh, and i tell you it is not only Orthodox or modern orthodox, this is a fundamental Jewish obligation to spread the 7 laws just like putting Tefilin daily, only that some poskim hold that today we aren't taht powerful so there is no duty to influence others becaouse tectonically we cannot achieve it. Anyways it is news to me that lubavitcher rebbe once retracted his desire that his hasidim should spread the 7 laws, i don't believe it, i know many lubavitchers who care deeply for gentiles and they always say the rebbe told them to do it.--יודל 13:32, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
Hmm you changed your English style here a bit, so maybe someone else got on-board with you now, who knows, but I am ok. Listen, I did not say that the Lubavitcher Rebbe "retracted" anything officially, I just said that he pulled back from it, and that he did not push it the same way all the way through. He first announced it but then left a lot of it hanging. You then go on to say a lot of sweeping things that don't make sense, about "millions" of people here and "millions" of people there being Bnai Noach. It's a false statement. Period. The people in the American South are pure Christians, mostly Southern Baptists and they believe in Jesus with all their hearts (and they want to convert all the Jews to Jesus and that Jews are sinners etc etc), so that it is a huge strike against them as far as being Bnei Noach, who must TOTALLY give up such beliefs. I never said that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was the only one involved with this, I have repeated myself many times that there are many Orthodox rabbis who get involved with this and in fact when gentiles come to convert, they try to convince them to become Bnai Noach first, and some of them succeed. But the Lubavitcher Rebbe was the one who made this famous in our times way above and beyond anyone or any group. Why argue a truth? There also is in fact a famous story with Rav Kook that a gentile from Paris wanted to become a convert but that Rav Kook convinced him to become a Ben Noach instead and he therefore would visit Rav Kook with a cigar on Shabbos to show that he was not keeping Shabbos like an Orthodox Jew but that he accepted Rav Kook's advice to become a Ben Noach instead. So stop repeating to me the same lines, I never said that Lubavicth are the only ones, there are other Orthdodox rabbis, and also note that I said that this is the effort of the Orthodox world and it has nothing to do with Reform, OR Conservative, OR "every gentile who does not kill is a benei noch, most people in the southern states are benei noach" (oy, soon you will make it sound that every gentile who listens to his mother and dentist and brushes his teeth every day is also a Ben Noach, making it "billions" and "gazillions" and "trillions" of people but those kind of statements are just not true, so stop exaggerating please.) And don't say that Rabbi Levin reaches "millions" because that takes away from believing you, which millions is he reaching? (1,000,000 x 0 = 0) I never hear about him and I read all the Jewish papers and I read lots of Jewish news on the web. And don't argue from two or three different sides at one time ('cause anyhow, you don't bamboozle me but it makes you look like the flip-flopper again), I did not say that Lubavitchers don't welcome Bnai Noach or gentiles (although they kicked out Shmuley Boteach for welcoming gentiles to his club in Oxford and now they gave Matisyahu the boot because he has the gentiles dancing all together with everyone else), and I know that they are welcoming in a general way, but it is not a strong campaign like when the Rebbe started it. We are going around in circles. So let's stop repeating ourselves like two old ladies stuck in a nursing home and move on. Ok?! IZAK 14:04, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply
OK i wont repeat myself since our opinion is very clear you have said this is only an orthedox thing i said it is a Jewish tyhing.
Rabbi Levin indeed reaches millions you only read the Orthodox Jewish papers if you would have time to Google and see what the worlds media says how many gentiles march in Washington yearly against baby killing and listen to the words of the Jewish Torah delivered by this man Levin, and if you would read the Jewish liberal gay and lesbian media and see that he is their target and enemy number 1, you would understand that your so called Jewish newspaper is opposed to his cause because they don't believe it is a a Jewish cause at all. one more point shmuly and matiisyahu where never kicked out from chabad you sound more and more like a Yoily alleging thinks now. also most gentiles who live by the 7 basic laws, are not Christians they may believe in Jesus as a partner or son as long as they do not really pray for him but for the general concept of the Jewish g-d from the bible they are excepted as Bnei Noach, anyways we are indeed repetitive but i cannot let your negative tirades against Christions, Botiach and Matisyahu and Reform Jews just fly by. without refutation, i am not at all insulted when u go personal, my English is better than yours like it or not, and i will not let you smear living people just like that Levin Miller Botyach and Reform Rabbis are believing what they do is Jewish, and don't you think i will let you get away with your indifference to them--יודל 14:36, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Firstly please do not threaten me. It is criminal. That is not nice. I did not threaten you. You know, you are truly amazing. On the one hand you agree to have open discussions and you sound friendly and make lots of kind apologies and then on the other hand you mix up what I am saying and you make false accusations against me when I am discussing topics with you. Where did I smear Shmuley Boteach? I said that the Lubavitchers kicked him out of Lubavitch because he invited gentiles to his Lechaim Club in Oxford University, and I said that they have also now disowned Matisyahu the singer because he was not being strict enough about his audiences. This is all on record, these are not my creations. I happen to respect both Shmuley Boteach and Matisyahu for all their efforts. Then you state things like "most gentiles who live by the 7 basic laws, are not Christians they may believe in Jesus as a partner or son as long as they do not really pray for him but for the general concept of the Jewish g-d from the bible they are excepted as Bnei Noach" which is totally mixed up because if a gentile prays to or believes in Jesus "as a partner or son...of the Jewish g-d" then he is 300% a Christian and therefore there is absolutely no way to psychoanalyse such gentiles as to what is going on inside their brains since if they go into a Church where there is Christain Cross to Jesus and they bow down to it then no matter what you say and scream, they are pure Christians and they are definitely NOT Bnei Noach by a long-long way. Your tirade about Rabbi Yehuda Levin is just marvelous, and I will not reply to it, but why don't you give the same mercy to Lesbians that you give to Christians who believe in Jesus? After all, lesbians are also humans. Many millions if not billions of women in history have at one time or another been lesbians, so does that mean that they deserve to be cursed the way you do now? Jewish law does not punish lesbians the same way it would punish male homosexuals. You are expressing yourself too harshly. Why don't you use your own logic here, that maybe even though they are lesbians they are also Bnai Noach and they don't worship other gods, only kiss and hug another lady, and that maybe you should respect their humanity as well as part of the "humanism" that you are now preaching? Listen, Judaism does not condone Lesbians, in the same way Judaism does not condone people who believe in Jesus. Just get over it and accept it. Every time the topic of Jesus comes up you make excuses of how a Jew can believe in him and still be a Jew, that sounds like the Jewish Christians plain and simple, and personally I have no problem with people having the right to believe whatever they want, it's a free country, but do NOT call it a part of "Judaism" in any way and DO NOT say that it can fit with being a Ben Noach because it is just NOT true. As for Rabbi Levin I wish you would not make it sound that I have anything against him. I wish him well and I hope he succeeds with his missions. I just do not hear about him, in fact I never hear about him and I read more than just Jewish newspapers. Oh, and thanks for the compliment, if I sound like a "Yoily" does that mean that I am officially now a Chusid of HaRav Yoel Teitelbaum? You speak in so many different directions that it's hard to know who is speaking at any time. But as we have both agreed, let's stop this discussion for now and get on with the business of improving Wikipedia. IZAK 15:10, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Rabbi Levin sees no conflict in being born a lesbian and being a bnei noach, also he does not see that if a gentile mom made 20 abortions she cannot be a bnei noach and therefore he can also believe that believing in Jesus as a g-d can be a bnei noach, and this is the reason that the he and Botiach and Matisyahu and Frishman and the reform and all the jews reach out to the gentiles to tell them there is 7 laws except it and you a Bnei Noach in one split second, i ask u to make one google search on his name and tell me if i am right about him, in English and in Hebrew you will be amazed how indifferent you are to facts to sate that u never ever heard from him, and no u cannot come up with one single source that Matisyahu or Botiach were kicked out of anywhere please stop making stories up here these are living people i beseech you don't act like a Yioly in wikipedia when u state facts and i say its slander u must bring a source.--יודל 15:30, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

YY: Let's leave Christians and Lesbians out of the discussions. I also have no problems with Rabbi Levin, so let's leave him out of it too. I have made my point and you have made yours. Now as far as the citations you want for Shmuley Boteach and Matisyahu the following news-reports were published very recently, here they are:

  • Shmuley Boteach begs Chabad to take him back in his own words. (See: "But then the Rebbe died and I had a major falling-out with the Chabad leadership because of my outreach to non-Jews")
  • Matisyahu says that he is out of Lubavitch in his own words. (See: "I am no longer identified with Chabad," he announced. "Today, it's more important to me to connect to a universal message. While they were playing on stage and I closed my eyes, I was thinking that what we do is not at all about Judaism and not about Chabad. It's much bigger than one religion or another. It relies on something real that can speak to anybody. It's about truth and memory.")

There are more citations and reports like this, but this shows that I am not making things up and that they are in the media for the whole world to read and understand what is going on. And now you have called me a "Yoily" twice, that must must be a record on Wikipedia. What happens if you call me that a third time, I grow rabbit's ears and dance the hora backwards? Cheers.IZAK 15:42, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Again u r proving what a yoily is, i asked you to bring me sources where it says that he was kicked out, and none came, only again insulting me and lawyering links to where they say that they are bigger and different then Chabad, u have claimed a fact which is not true and don't try to argue in order to further complicate the issue, I and u use internet to spread facts of our Jewish faith, almost all of the Orthodox Rabbis have banned this medium, (except Chabad and modern orthodox) we believe that we are allowed, is this being called kicked out from skver or satamar? i don't think so i am very open that i do not follow every dictate of my rabbi this is far away from a claim that i was kicked out. good luck--יודל 15:59, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

You don't seem to get it do you. It is you now that is trying to "Wikilawyer" his way out of facts, but you are not succeeding. In Halachah there is a principal of hoda'as ba'al din ke'mei'ah eidim dami ("the admission of the guilty party is like the testimony of a hundred witnesses") which is what self-incrimination means, especially if it's true. So just read and re-read the links I gave you, they tell a lot. How can you claim that Shmuley Boteach and Matisyau say that they are "bigger and different then Chabad" when that is not what the articles are saying? You are making it sound that they are saying what sounds like the argument of Ann Coulter who believes that Christians are "perfected Jews" (have you read what she said a few days ago, see this [2].) By the way, real rabbis don't "dictate" -- a very bad word -- so that if you feel your rabbis are dictators, it's time to switch and get better ones. Farewell. IZAK 16:14, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Me and Shmuly and Matisyahu do not forsake our rabbis because one small detail, we beleave that our rabbis are the best man awailble and thats why we chose them as rabbis in the first place, when we decide to do difrently as they want we are not kicked out we are just not folowing their will.--יודל 16:19, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Ok, I can respect that very much. And I did not accuse anyone of forsaking their rabbis, just that they fell out with the movement for whatever reasons. These kinds of things are usually very complicated and do not happen for one or two simple reasons. So again, I very much respect what you say. IZAK 16:26, 14 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

  • I agree totally with Izak that the Noahide Campaign is different from the interfaith forays of reform; in fact, there's no comparison at all. Izak is thus probably right in removing the Noahide Campaign from the template to which it had been added by me.
  • I maintain that it does qualify as Jewish Outreach (albeit distinctly Orthodox).
  • Yes, non-chabad rabbis have been involved, but none to the extent as Chabad overall, AFAIK. But I do know non-Chabad rabbis involved in it, so it should also be included in some sort of general Orthodox Jewish Outreach cat (although it's already in the Chabad Outreach cat), if there is such a thing yet (and not just a disambig page).
  • At the same time, it's not accurate IMHO to say that the Lubavitcher Rebbe "backed off" from it, as is clear from the numerous direct quotes on the Noahide Campaign page. Rather, his disciples have yet to heed his words on the scale that he demanded. 05:04, 15 October 2007 (UTC) —Preceding unsigned comment added by Netzach (talkcontribs) [3]
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Anyone taken them up?


Have any non-Jews actually taken up the challenge, and if so how many? --MacRusgail (talk) 17:16, 9 March 2010 (UTC)Reply