See and the links for photos. Fg2 00:43, 15 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

One of the most ancient records? on Kitsune?


Certainly not, if it is really a text from the 16th century. There are many much older ones. Judging from the incomplete manscript at Waseda library (which is a copy from the Meiji period) this short and certainly rather marginal text contains mainly information on Japanese geography. I doubt that it contains information on kitsune.

I supppose that the "old text" that is said to contain something on kitsune is actually the Fusō ryakki 扶桑略記 written around 1100, fusō being an erudite homonym of Japan (Nihon). I would therefore suggest that this article should link to Fusō ryakki and, more importantly, that it should not serve as a source in the kitsune article.

--Bescheid (talk) 19:10, 27 October 2011 (UTC)Reply