Talk:Ne daj se, Nina

Latest comment: 14 years ago by Baffle gab1978 in topic Copy-edit

I have a web site dedicated to comparing the various adaptations of Yo soy Betty, la fea and I'd like to know what was happening the the characters on Ne daj se, Nina when the first season ended. Also, who played Ricardo? Was it anyone famous. In Spain they got Jesus Vazquez to play Richard's (their version of Aleks) ex-lover.

Sirlizard (talk) 22:25, 2 July 2008 (UTC)SirLizardReply

I would see what can i do about the name of that actor and you could ask me whatever you want about the TV show and i am going to tell you. By the way from wich coutry you are from? -- (talk) 19:23, 6 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
You better ask me about anything you want this guy doesn't know a thing OK SirLizard i am here for you not his stupid kid Ok. --Sensational Max (talk) 19:50, 6 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
OK you are right stupid boy SENSATIONAL MAX you are lame so bye i am not helping anymore!!! -- (talk) 19:51, 6 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
I have a couple questions... What happened to Anica Kovacevic, who played the receptionist, Ana Marija Herceg? Also, what was going on in Nina's life at the end of the first season? And to answer your question, I live in Washington, DC, in the U.S. Sirlizard (talk) 01:20, 9 July 2008 (UTC)SirLizardReply
That's great that person from USA is intersted in croatian TV Show. Like this Ana Marija Herceg was receptionist yes but now is Korelja because Anica Kovacevic left the show like Isaiah Washington left Grey's anatomy. I don't know why but i will find out and when i do i will tell you and i haven't seen the last episode of Ne daj se Nina season 1 but for about 2 or 3 weeks i will and i will >tell you. I could tell you that Nina have a crush on David and that she is planing to became beautful woman with help from Patricija. By the way i lke Ugly Betty more than Nina because in Betty there is a lot more going on with the characters unlike Nina very littel and Nina is very poor TV SHOW there are just littel sets the H-MODA sets and the characters homes and of course their beloved restraount TOSKA. --Sensational Max (talk) 13:31, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Wow! Nina wants help from Patricija! I thought that they didn't like each other. Thanks for the information. When Davor went away to fashion school did he leave the show completely? Sirlizard (talk) 20:52, 9 July 2008 (UTC)SirLizardReply
Well once Nina went to Bosna with David and Nicola for some job and David and Nicola went back to Croatia but Nina stay to visit her brother there. So he don't leave the show. He wasn't shown there but after all. If there is second season Davor will have special guset apperiance. So all you want to know i will tell you. By the way Nina is planing David and Barbara wedding SECRET wedding in Italy they want to get married secretly so just 2 more weeks and Nina's season finale. --Sensational Max (talk) 12:26, 14 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
Oh, I thought that the season ended already. Please keep me updated on what happens! Thanks. Sirlizard (talk) 01:21, 18 July 2008 (UTC)SirLizardReply
OK Patricija has a new boyfriend Zarko he is older then her. Monica had sex with............belive it or not............... with NICOLA. HAHHAHAHAHHAH. Yes and she is in love with him. And Nicola too. Alex break up with Ricardo but now Ricardo want him back. David and Barbara cancel their secret wedding in Italy and they acctually Barbara decided that the wedding should be in Croatia. Nina is totaly in love with David totaly. I mean they are so cute you could just imagine. And David like her too but he is not attractted to her. Marko loves Koreljka and you know Marko he is such a womenizer but now he can't be with any other woman except Koreljka. And the most important news is that Nina is not invited to the wedding. This witch Barbara says that Nina is stupid and she shouldn't come to the wedding. Nina is so sad you can just imagine. I fell so sorry about her. I mean she is so good person but nobody sees that.
So i think that i gave you a lot of information. So please fell comftable to ask me anything about the show. And if you have a site about this stuff we could be partners. I will help you a lot. I watch Ugly Betty and Nina and i know everything about La Fea Mas Bella.--Sensational Max (talk) 13:31, 19 July 2008 (UTC)Reply
I appreciate your help. I'm trying to write a narrative of the entire storyline, so I'll probably be asking you for help. I've based most of what I've written on clips that I've seen online, plus things that I've read here at wikipedia and at the RTL website. You can read what I've written already at Sirlizard (talk) 16:21, 22 July 2008 (UTC)SirLizardReply

Does this say that David had a brother named Danijelu? The wiki article says that he had a sister, but I thought that there might have been confusion with translation -- Motivaciju za preuzimanje vodstva u firmi djelomično pronalazi u osjećaju inferiornosti prema Danijelu, kojeg favorizira Davidov otac, a djelomično potrebom da se dokaže pred vlastitim ocem koji ga je oduvijek smatrao nesposobnim za ikakav ozbiljan posao. Sirlizard (talk) 21:04, 22 July 2008 (UTC)SirLizardReply

Well above all i am thankfull that you accept my help so. Yestrday i saw Nina last episode and it wasn't that good. I will tell you about it. And from where you know croation you are from the USA. You are asking me about Danijel well i am littel confuse so please give me the site from where you read that. And these are my e-mails so please could we chat on messenger please this way is hard. --Sensational Max (talk) 15:28, 26 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

I got the information from the show's official site: Sirlizard (talk)SirLizard



During my copy-edit, I have removed the section "Differences between Ugly Betty and Don't give up Nina" because it is totally unreferenced and thus represents original research. The rest of the article is also totally unreferenced and I will tag it as such. Thanks, Baffle gab1978 (talk) 21:59, 1 September 2010 (UTC)Reply