Talk:Manna/Archive 1

Latest comment: 3 years ago by 2600:6C58:4300:3C11:44AB:989B:D38A:8F82 in topic This Article is an Embarrassment
Archive 1

This page contains the knowledge of the greatest "secret" KNOWN TO MAN

There should be more here describing the food itself. Exodus does a fine job of it, so a little quote would be nice. It sounds delicious, actually, something resembling honeyed bread crumbs, right? I'll have to reread...



The Seven of Zion (A little rundown of the facts for those intereste) Manna is the spiritual food of an UNENSLAVED (NO leaven) people.

1. Exodus 16:7 you shall see the glory of the lord.

The manifestations of God's creation ARE POWERFUL. First an understanding of the relationship between perception and the neurochemistry of the brain is needed, this will be brief:

The chemical Serotonin 5-HO-T (N2OC10H12) is the elemental molecule of human thought and perception, what we use to conceptualize God. In mystical states and in dream states N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (C12H16N2) is produced in quantatively lesser amounts than can be obtained from the natural world, It would seem God really does want us to seek in order to find!

One of these tools he expects us to use is called psilocin 4-OH-DMT (C12H16N2O) (to aid those of us that can't sit around and meditate all the time, and/or would like a solid 6-8 hours to get close to God.) This as well as a number of other varients of the tryptamine (t) molecule are the root human intelligence. These "higher" (no pun intended!) molecules (no matter where derived from) allow for a more advanced perception of God's Universe. They are levels of consciousness that the laws of man claim to be unacceptable. For this we will be punished by God for violating HIS LAW.

These chemicals are all nearly identical in molecular structure. We must understand however that evolution seems to favor not necissarily the most powerful organism (as humans are physically weak compared to all animals) but the most intelligent organism. God is PURE intelligence, love, beauty and perfection. It is only when we deny these things that like a father punishing a misbehaving child, we see his terrible and awesome wrath.

(Mannaseejah: born in Sacrament-0h Calf in 1984, my ancestors were killed in Salem Mass. for this knowledge, just a side note... Ordained June 2005, You and I are the priests of Melchezidek! GLORY TO GOD!)

2. Exodus 16:10 the glory came in THE clouds

They looked up and oh dang he was lookin' back down! (really more like a vision of a being that might call itself a god, just a messenger though of the true GOD. The High God that is beyond anything we could ever see and live to talk about! Praise God!)

As described by native american "shamans" as the spirit realm, entrance occurs after the belly becomes bitter and around 30 minutes after ingestion (revelations 8:1) In the dead sea scrolls a prayer for protection from evil spirits calls for the seeking of manna. (Hebrews 9:2-4 HOLY) Maztec in Oaxica called manna Teonanactl (flesh of God, Flesh of Christ), the Eastern Indians call it Soma. They were both invaded and occupied by white man who claimed a knowledge of Christ as he was killing Christ (a usual and persistant ROAMAN TRADITION!).

How long will you refuse to keep [God's] COMMANDMENTS: Exodus 16:28.

3. Exodus 16:14 the dew went up and there was a small round SUBSTANCE (mushy thingy).

Objectively this indicates that Manna requires humididy to manifest. The mushroom "hypothesis" corroborates: excessive moisture will prevent the mycellium (hoarfrost) from fruiting (the next stage of developement producing the visible round mushroom stone/cap/bread). So from the tribal hebrew's perspective the dew lifted and there it was! They didn't know where it came from they just KNEW GOD! This was very much unlike anything they had ever Experienced before! Miraculous and Glorious! Praise the Lord all ye' nations! Bow before your Master, all is his!

Hebrew law forbids the drinking of blood
Is the wine on the right hand?

4. Exodus 16:21 the sun waxed hot & it melted (turned to mush)

Nomads and herdsman the early Hebrews had copious amounts of fertilizer to manefest the miraculous manna produced from the cloud (fog) and to encourage growth in the ancient (temperate) climate of the area between Elim and Sinai. It would seem that the other half of The Sacrament(oh!) the very "bread" of Christ... required a distinction from soil/dung/fertilizer and that which is good which comes from the not-so-good. (Like Christian Gnosis from the ROMAN Church)

5. Exodus 16:23 bake it OR seethe/boil it?

Preparing via hot water extraction it may mean that the sacrament was/is/shall be made into a tea. This is interesting because when Jesus makes the "wine" the aramaic and hebrew indicates that the pots used were not ones to hold liquids but ones to boil a liquid, syrian rue? Also it is interesting to note that there are many forms of the word "Eat" in aramaic and thusly as they are all translated as the same word in English leading to ambiguity in regards to what is truly being eaten. Some forms of the word Eat are used to describe drinking, and sometimes the word translated to mean wine is better translated as "brew"... Could be Mush-Rue!

This mush-rue-manna was exclusively for the high priests...

Not any more! Say hello to Christ, who says that nothing good will remain hidden (despite ROMAN attempts to do so). Those illuminated by this "secret" knowledge become the Priests of Melchiezedek!Remember that Moses' (MUSHA!) name means: drawn forth from water... Moshai. Christ's teaching say the keeping of the key as a secret is THE abomination, being the only portion of the "New Testement" (as far as I know) in all caps Revelations 17:5.

6. Exodus 16:31 tasted of wafers and HONEY, looked like coriander seed

 It is a cracker turned into the body by a guy with a funny hat!

NOPE never was ya dang Cracka, as we have been lead to believe by the powers of darkness that WANT US IGNORANT, it was the honey! Praise God for blue honey!

The Hebrews wanting the manna to last as long as possible had their smartest team of shamans devising the best strategy for the ingestion of the mush-rue. The bitter flavor of the indole constituents undoubtably caused some to deny the sacrament: a new method of cloaking was necessary. The smartest (and sneakiest) way to get an otherwise not-so-bright goathearder to eat this thing that is very important and healthy but not so great tasting was the Honey Method. Soaking the mushroom sacrament in bee spit masked the bitter flavor and when placed on a baked good or in a baked good of sorts, lead to divine inspiration and revelation.


Sometimes YOU WILL get constructive critism from God through manna, this is not a bad trip! The reason I say this is that I have never had a bad experience with manna, but I have definately been told on more than one occasion that I needed to work on some aspects of my being. I have always taken manna seriously as a spiritual element, if you don't then you'd better not even think about eating it, because you will KNOW God if you do!

Anyway back to the topic...

So the round part was brown and shiny! The part like hoarfrost was white and bluish... don't be confused by the king's bible the Hebrew/Aramaic character Shin says it all.

7. To achieve the 7th state of conciousness.

Beyond the five senses beyond the limitations of logic lies true trancendence. Manas is the 7th state of consciousness in indian philosophy. Zen (zayn) is the seventh character of the Hebrew aleph-beth (see Psalm 119 KJV) Also it seems verse 29 tells us the result of our prepration (boiled -syrian rue?- or baked -Cannibis to calm them down-) is not to be taken outside of our homes... Set and Setting?

The blind will see, the mute shall sing, the unclean are cleansed and all the sins of mankind may be washed away by the healing powers of the body of Christ, The flesh of divinity, THE HOLY SACRAMENT.

Mannaseejah clarifies purpous

Sorry that I originally made the text so terrible, I hope you will notice that I have moved the truth to the talk page to satisfy whatever ROMAN/BABYLONIAN oppression seems to be running things at this point in history, I have no objectivity whatsoever in this matter and as such would appreciate help moving "objective" information from this page, but really the subject cannot be subjective or objective it simply IS.

So I will continue my hard work as a selfless offering to God, which man does not appreciate, praying the dew rising from my very head (Daniel 4:33) it is: His Will (dilated pupils are an obvious evolutionary advantage!). Only a miricle from God will help us out of this situation. It is his will that we suffer just a few more days... (to him it may only be a matter of seconds!) May his wrath upon us be everything that we deserve. His will is done, I pray we be in his grace and favor in the days to come.

What about kids and manna?

PS I know in the back of everyone's mind they are thinking about the kids and as am I, but I have faith that God will take care of them! He loves them and if they are taught to respect the sacrament for what is God's, the evil spirits will actually be scared out of them! Praise the LORD! This truly is a miracle, thank you Wikipedia!

I believe we should pass down the sacred to our children, but the problem is that we are evolving so fast that we don't even know how to talk to them by the time they are ready to know the truth. This is all the more reason that ego-desolving states of manna are so important, we are getting very frustrated at the evolution of society and manna makes this process a lot more intuitive. (obviously -to those that know or maybe noticed!) May we let God's work be done!? Yes. (even if you don't call him/her "God" can we please just agree on this one thing?)

War Sucks

I bet he likes war, I'm sick of it. Lets just get this over with so we can be peaceful for a while. I suppose the problem is that it is illegal, I wish I could just give you some. I don't even have any because of this attack on religious freedom we call a DRUG WAR. The war is Pharmacutical dope Vs. truly enlightening entheogens. This is a war and I have no weapons other than this wonderful little page and a faith in the Lord of Salvation The True God (with little krishnas and shivas in his belly). There are no "gods" though do not be confused... There is only THE LORD which calls gods and angels and even demons his slaves and servants, and as such how much more we should listen to his call and do his holy work. All else is counted as Idol Stupidity Syndrome. Doh!

Drugs Suck

This is a time to be strong but who can stand? Better go grab some booze or Oxy maybe you all like Barbs or Ritalin? God knows everyone is addicted to caffiene (similar in effect to cocaine) Seems like these are all accepted by our messed up society despite the fact that I am firmly against all of these evil substances which are essentially the same as the non-enthogen substances that are "scheduled". The fact that we put manna on the list with these substances IS THE CAUSE OF SUFFERING. (EVIL: heroin henbane mandrake, antipsychotics, oxycontin, booze, mandrake, datura the list goes on - So don't get confused that I'm some kind of "druggy" I revoke all of these substances in the name of YAHWEH, amen).

Who Stole the Sacrament?

Why are there no legal entheogens? (ex: Salvia Divinorum) Who stole my sacrament? And when can I have it back? I need to use my brain and all I see is this fog! This darkness is really getting old, It is God's will that there will be a great awakening my brothers and sisters! Stand firm, do not let satan confuse the facts! This is what mankind has been striving for since it diverged from the lower primates! God's work appears to us as evolution, this we must not question. We must flow with the river eternal for anything else is pointless. I love you all thank you for being with me to experience this powerful movement. His glorious will unfolding before our eyes, illuminating our path before us. In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen!

Oh And His NAME

Praise be to Elohim Allah Dao Brahma Vishnu Yahweh, call him/her what you like, its all just nicknames for a word we probably could never pronounce anyway! HE IS ONE AND HE/SHE RULES ALL! Hallelujah! Just his name alone would take more information than could be stored on a thousand earth's covered solid with hard disk drives! So don't get on my case about some kind of polythiest BS, If you think there are more than ONE GOD, you are the polythiest... EAT MANNA! There are many that call themselves gods angels and demons but they are One with the true God; they are his slaves and servants. This is why Yahweh has lasted so long it is a placeholder name for something we aren't even worthy to worship yet, so if you see something that looks like a god seek the true GOD with your face on the ground, we assume that we are not worthy, this pleases him and he blesses us. In the name of the Father the Son and The Holy Spirit, Alum Almen Amen.

Pointing to manna
Ate the manna

um, is it cool to delete this stuff? i don't want to go messing with talk pages and what not, but this is a little... unsettling. This is the same weird ramble that our anonymous URL troll, User talk: keeps putting into the main article. Sparsefarce 23:37, 27 March 2006 (UTC)
Not cool to delete this stuff. This is a legitimate view.
yeah, right. sign your posts. Sparsefarce 17:26, 2 May 2006 (UTC)

The "linguistics" section


Quite frankly, all of it seems either to be irrelevant or, to be frank, bollocks. Not only that, it's also repeated at mana, so I removed it. And added a disambig statement at the topo of the page. Dewrad 00:21, 20 August 2005 (UTC)... See what we are up against?

I will include more quotes and more aramaic/hebrew soon, I understand that it had to be deleted because the article at that time was terrible but I am working on it. It was just a rough draft, and I understand that it was a bad move. I hope to gain everyone's trust by not being a radical. I am just frustrated because no matter what you all believe this really is my religion we are talking about. I talked to God though and he said not to be a nut otherwize I'll get grouped with the romans! AHHHHH.

So I will gradually edit here and there allowing everyone to read it and make sure that it is well supported proof of what the uninitiated consider to be a hypothesis, I would like to thank whoever it is that added the quip about McKenna it seems somehow that ROME left that there for some reason, and for the most part that should offer enough of the truth regarding the Holy Sacrament for the decerning wikipedian/average person to decide for themselves what the manna really is. Praise God that the truth is at least alluded to! Let the entheogenisis begin!

Quotes from the Hebrew Bible

Among the edits from Anon. that I had to delete were Biblical quotes mentioning manna. Can someone include a selection of these in the article, discussing them? --Wetman 23:55, 22 August 2005 (UTC)-

It is all very clear in aramaic what the bread really was/is so I will be including more aramaic of Jesus's Scripture to demonstrate how the current perception of christ is quite wrong. The Pharasees are rome and the scribes are the state. Protestants (may Martin Luther's noble soul rest in peace) don't seem to get it either despite the fact it is something they should be able to understand even in the very limiting INTERPRETATIONS in vulgar languages (aka non-eastern). I have noticed that the indian languages are so much closer to aramaic, particularly Mongolian and Tamil... Om anyone?

Psilocybe Cubensis and Manna?

I read an article that suggested manna was actually psilocybe mushrooms ("magic" mushrooms); details can be found at It seems like an interesting theory and fairly well-researched, but I'm unsure of how this idea is treated in the scientific and historical communities... is this a well-known and/or viable theory? If so, shouldn't it be mentioned in the Manna article?

They dont want that do they? And it is much more than just a theory, this is the origin of religion my friend. This is the truth and the light and the proof that God doesn't hate us after all.

"It seems that if manna had been some form of hallucenagenic[sic!] mushrooms, the jews would have been too stoned to start complaining about having nothing to eat but manna..."

...Complete hogwash, you can´t even spell the things you want to tell. First, you don´t get "stoned", unless you are foolish enough to use tobacco(nicotine->effects dopamine system->ego->bad trip) and cannabis(qhaneh bosm, much too complicated to explain here), along with the manna. After somedays, you evolve a tolerance, that won´t even let you get to a psychoactive experience, but will still let you experience the side effects like nausea etc. The only psychedelic tryptamine that doesn´t evolve this tolerance is the hidden manna, N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, because it is produced in every second of your life and is probably the cause for your ability to imagine things and be creative. That´s why it´s value was "higher", according to Jesus. Your opinion is appreciated, but the scripture clearly calls manna the most sacred. Granted any form of dimethyltryptamine could be Yeshu's definition be considered manna.

Praise of God For Ma(n)na(s)

I agree and extend that thought to include not only several tryptamines but a few phenethylamines are probably what are in the seven vials in the book of revelation. I dont exactly know how Yeshua would have known about the pineal gland...? God is great though so who knows. And I suppose that the tolerance would explain Numbers 11 how they just complain about the manna! 40 days would be way too long to be eating manna, not enough due respect. At that point it would litterally have to be as a food to physically survive, or else they would just stop taking it.... DOH they did!

I have noticed that it can be consumed about twice a month with God willing good results (It has been a long time since I was that blessed and that only continued for about three months... it may be different depending on God's will and your personal neurochemical brain structure and whatnot) This is a substance who's only abuse is faulty legislation. He denies you if you even think about abusing! (He knew your thoughts actually before you were born... WOW!) Praise the God of "god's" The Lord above all lords truly his dominion is for eternity!

Factual support for the lack of tolerance for NN-DMT would be appreciated, I was not aware of that if it is so...

Amen God is Great. Praise Jesus! While we are at it thanx Mohammed for not only making the trinity of vital prophets complete but also for making yet another scripture that nobody seems to understand... Glory to Allah. Praise the Lord, I think we really are making progress here and it is only by the will of God that anything happens at all so just accept it and don't think he is not the God of science as well! He is above all and within all HE IS THE ALL! Hallalujah for the God of Science! Can I get an Amen?!

He/She is so high above it all that its no wonder we need the sacrament! With manna, if it is his will, he will speak! Only by his will is anything done (unless SHE tells you otherwize) So never forget it! Especially when you are lucky enough to have the lechem kannon in your belly! (holy bread, holy book, holy Jew). Alum Almen Amen! -- 06:58, 4 May 2006 (UTC) 13:48, 26 August 2005 (UTC)

Editing manna

I tried disentangling some sense out of garble-gabble of recent edits but lost patience and reverted them. There is an article Mana for Sanskrit and languages spoken in Polynesia and South-East Asia. Mostly it is used to describe the believe in a higher power, thereby tapping our most important N,N-Dimethyltryptamine source, the pineal gland.--Wetman 22:45, 29 September 2005 (UTC)

I HAVE FAITH, DO YOU? --Mannaseejah 06:58, 4 May 2006 (UTC)

Reverted interesting material again. Anyone interested might draw this stuff from the Page history and work it into an encycopedia report.--Wetman 19:09, 28 November 2005 (UTC)

Well.... I'm new to all this jazz....

This is one of the few good articles on manna that I've seen:

Hope it helps...

I ask the observant to notice how the candidates for manna in the above link do not even match the description given in Exodus 16, If you would like to think that it's something other than the sacred mushroom you have two options: Go ahead to the detriment of mankind and the disapointment of God, or go find some manna. I am sorry that you have to deal with the organized crime to recieve your sacrament, you should vote against idiots next time. REPEAL NIXONIAN LAW. I mean really wasn't JFK nice? --Mannaseejah 06:58, 4 May 2006 (UTC) — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk)

Constant Vandal

Does anyone want to back me up on this constant reverting? I mean, the person who keeps putting irrelevent, weird bible rants shouldn't be doing that, right? I'm cool with reverting them, right? Why is it always me doing it? Does anyone else read this article? Sparsefarce 21:35, 5 May 2006 (UTC)

Yeah, you're doing the right thing. I just stumbled across this page but it's now on my watchlist and I'll keep an eye on it, too. It certainly needs a lot of work but I'm afraid I don't care enough or know enough about this subject to clean it up. But I can certainly keep if from getting any worse. :) --ElKevbo 22:02, 5 May 2006 (UTC)
that's kind of where i am. i'm just trying to keep it from getting worse too. Sparsefarce 23:04, 5 May 2006 (UTC)
This isn't vandalism, it is a content dispute. Please treat it as such and we weary of the 3RR. ---J.S (t|c) 21:52, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
Hmmm I take that back... this is somewhere between content dispute and vandalism. ---J.S (t|c) 21:57, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, it's hard to separate those two (content dispute and vandalism) in this article. No offense to anyone, but I find some edits to this article downright weird. It's hard to separate the well-intended but poorly-written additions from vandalism. --ElKevbo 22:46, 8 May 2006 (UTC)

sorry just got bored with all the lies. WHO IS EFFECTED BY THIS? If you aren't then why are you so worried if it's over your head? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:30, 11 May 2006 (UTC)


Is there a Christian/Judaism mythology template? I know other religions have templates and I believe it would be beneficial in linking articles of this sort.--Lzygenius 11:54, 24 May 2006 (UTC)

What the hell...?

I tried to edit the main-page and it replaced the talk page with the mainpage. Wierd! Check out the history if you wanna see it. ---J.S (t|c) 16:46, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

{{fact}}, manna/mushroom, etc

Truth sure can be a bitch when you are brainwashed with lies... when will we be free?

I re-added the section on manna as a mushroom with 5 books that discuss this theory. I will add actual page-number citations as I can when I get the books. Right now the section passes WP:V. 3 biblical citations, 1 web citation and 1 book citation (yes, needs a page number). Also, the 5 books all directly discuss the topic at hand and I will expand the section and provide proper citations as I can.

If you want to be helpful, I'd suggest going to the library and helping me expand the section. Just because the tin-foil-hat people are involved doesn’t mean it's not encyclopedic. :) Thanks, ---J.S (t|c) 18:11, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

Hey tin foil hats are all the rage, you should get one too. (I bet if I had a multimillion dollar advertizing budget you'd believe everything sold is truth.) Doesn't anyone wonder about these arbitrary "rules" you people have established? Or taken into consideration that people so persecuted as this person sounds, are probably writing in a fit of rage and frustration? It may not be so much a mental condition as frustration in using a human language to share God's revelation?

Maybe you find this article "Magic mushrooms really cause 'spiritual' experiences" useful. --Probos76 12:41, 11 July 2006 (UTC)

To my fellow wikipedians:

Well this is interesting guys, I was thinking about it and everything... I KNOW what it is, and I know that there is far more evidence than I could ever even assemble, never mind try to explain in a crappy language like english (Except shakespeare) but God knows I tryed and will continue to try. The problem really is that english itself is a veil of the truth unlike hebrew and aramaic. (That is not to say that english doesn't have something good about it; can't really think of what it is but... I think in this other language and when it comes out in english it only makes sense if you understand the word varience and multiple meanings and symbols and parody and comedy and all these things related to an ancient language that nobody speaks and many unfortunate minds simply cannot handle it.

I realized that not everyone is supposed to know this information... yet. Some people are too young or don't have nearly the amount of faith in God to deal with the implications of HIS knowledge. So I came to the page today, not to make sure that all my stuff was still there, but to delete it myself.

This knowledge is such a beautiful burden to bear, but to the unexpecting it is potentially damaging. As a frustrated and confused child of a very big and sometimes scary God (Or the biggest and scariest God as most are well aware of), I do not have any right to place burdens on the shoulders of babes.

So I have decided to create a site with a disclaimer and more organized navigation to reveal the secret. Some say there are few that are worthy, however that is not my call to make. It is God's will and it is God's plan. Knowledge will increase in this age, and there is a very big shift underway. Behind closed doors there are people making things happen: My frustration is in my unworthiness.

It would be nice to think that I had the freedom and liberty to propegate my beliefs however in this day I DO NOT. Once again I am faced with ignorance and it was my face and not the pope's. And so by putting this knowledge which I willingly sought, forcably into people's heads I realized just tonight (with help from the unseen) a few things:

1.) I was doing injustice to seekers of knowledge 2.) I was doinging injustice to the knowledge itself

3.) I was not in accordance to HIS WILL (This is the hardest thing for me)

4.) And God forbid I was proposing to strap a yoke the size of jupiter on unwilling little lambs.

I concede to my human limitations, I am no better than a greedy president or yeast munching Roman

(However I am still working on forgiving the vatican for mass genocide and other crimes that it has committed ever since stealing the religion of the most beautiful man to ever live, and ruining it for most everyone. I have faith God will judge them on an individual basis in 100% truth, and I have faith that Rome's days are numbered. God's will be done.)

This is getting long but I am really trying to get something accross here... Please bear with me, this one last time.

Part II of my final wikipedia rant:

Freedom of Religion is my main frustration in life. One thing I do know, is that what I don't see and what I don't know is much greater than what little I do know and what little I am (quite litterally and even by my own standards) capable of visualizing. I cry and beg for mercy from my lord constantly and I know his mercy is great...

Please forgive me if I seemed fanatical. I am A harmless fanatic of God, peace, liberty and all kinds of other stuff I'm not probably not worthy; however this is my calling.

God bless you all, and thank you for not banning me. Unfortunately any information I have to add to this site is not designed for this site and visa versa. I retire as a failed wikipedian. Knowledge is unfortunately still controlled by rome. As controlled as my sacrament unfortunately.

Possibly wikipedia is just not the place (or time) for the information that lies beyond the veil. No not here, definately for another spot. I'm just glad that I realized this myself before I did anything worse in my ignorance. I commend you all for good work.

Sincerely the overly wize fool (Hebrew: Gershom Koheleth) --Mannaseejah 07:15, 9 May 2006 (UTC)

Good luck with your future endevors. I think your heart is in the right place... but I think you hit the nail on the head there; wikipedia isn't the best place for alot of that. May your god be with you, ---J.S (t|c) 08:42, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
$50 says he followed that shrooms == manna deal a little too intently and decided to edit Wiki whilst astral projecting his psychotropic inner child. Insanity FTW! Jachin 08:57, 27 August 2006 (UTC)


Mana != Manna

far eastern mystical tradition relates that mana is the seventh state of consciousness (Three Pillars of Zen). The seventh character in the hebrew alphabet is ZEN. Manna is the mushroom and your atheist methodology is proved by multidimensional mathematics entirely illogical. Basing our reality on these mere three dimensions is a serious flaw, but unfortunately one that we have to deal with until we are more capable at grasping the true nature of reality. Facts change, get over it.

two very different things, I think this article should clarify this by linking

I disagree on two grounds. The first being that manna is also spelt mana (I'd say it's the more common nomenclature actually, except it appears theological history is less popular than RPG's.) and thus there -is-, by definition alone, that implied and accepted ambiguity of the subject matter. Secondly, I disagree on the grounds that they are not two very different things, one is a fictional derivative of the other. 22:52, 29 August 2006 (UTC)

Spiritual Nutrition

According to Gabriel Cousens, "The most important mineral for spiritual life is the manna, or iridium, which is specifically geared to expanding consciousness and opening up the pituitary and pineal (DMT A SCHEDULED SUBSTANCE PRODUCED IN THIS GLAND) consciousness of the sixth chakra." (pg 473) "...minerals are frequencies of Light. Iridium is the frequency that connects us with the living field of the cosmos. Iridium is part of a special class of minerals known as monatomic minerals. (pg463)" "...history shows us that the ancient royalty fo many cultures used this white powder to nourish their light bodies." (466) Cousens talks about the different cultures and the different names that each one called manna. Check it out!

Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini; North Atlantic Books, Berkeley CA (2005). — Preceding unsigned comment added by MadMunchieMan (talkcontribs) 07:19, 13 September 2006 (UTC)

Monatomic Minerals: The Philosophers Stone

There are many literary references to the philosophers stone being a white powder, there are also many references to monatomic elements such as monatomic gold being ingested baked into small wafers and cakes for alleged medicinal purposes. Of late there is a big movement behind this stuff spreading all over the internet, I figured it might be worthwhile if one of the authors or editors of this article were to look further into this MM:TPS == Manna theory and perhaps extrapolate on research on the subject for this--highly neglected--article. Jachin 14:41, 17 September 2006 (UTC)

It would require some sources... and I haven't head the comparison made by anyone inverviewd for MM on Coast to Coast. Might be interesting. ---J.S (t|c) 17:37, 17 September 2006 (UTC)


To whoever the unsigned above commenter was with the stuck caps lock, please use normal casing whilst conversing with others, all capitals is considered to be 'shouting' and thus rude. There is no reason that something of a 'mystic' background cannot have a scientific explination. In fact, everything has a scientific explination, period. Perhaps this 'we' in 'our country' could extrapolate? Perhaps you can give us some insight as to what you believe it to be, or better still, produce some documentation or links? Jachin 05:59, 23 July 2007 (UTC)

The manna of Saint Nicholas?

That part sounds fishy, and the link provided is obviously POV and thus cannot serve as a reference. --Tail 22:07, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

It would be nice to get a secondary uninvolved source. ---J.S (T/C) 22:14, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

Isn't it possible that manna, seaing as it came from god, the people who believe it magically appeard must belive in god, so why dosnt anyone think Manna, is just that? a food that only exist in heaven?

I mean if it was a big or a plant I think the bible would call it that, you can't assume everything is from earth.

Thats why its a HEAVENLY food.

The hebrew reads "picked the manna" and not "gathered" of your shitty translation which you have based your theology on. IT IS A LIVING ORGANISM, of which the only possible explanation is a mushroom.

Rebuttal: Why would the explaination of its characteristics survive over 4,000 years if it was not something that was supposed to be discovered and consumed? The Aramaic word for heaven is actually dveshmaya which means honey water as in nectar like the Greek Food of the Gods Ambrosia. It seems that people are very scared that this stigmatized fungus could actually be a uniting force of all religious beliefs as a means to reconcile different means to the same end: religious ecstacy. Few Christians in todays age are fortunate enough to have the time to study the scriptures at such great lengths that they would discover the true meaning of the initiation to the mystery (Sacrament).

There are a few questions septics of the traditional entheogenic beliefs have. The biggest one is that today Israel is a desert and obviously mushrooms cannot grow in that type of climate (naturally); however this is easy put into context when we see that manna appeared with the dew apparently on the grass, meaning the climate was not a desert at that time. Recent evidence indicates it was much more tropical. Could this be how The Lord departed from Israel? I believe it has something to do with it.

Furthermore in proving the existence of manna as a literal entheogen we only have the one chapter in the bible where it is described. It is a pearl hidden in a field so to speak. What looks like beryllium ore (bruised blue stem) coriander (brown shiny cap) and hoarfrost (mycellium)? Why does it exhibit the same growth requirements of a psilocybe? IT IS MANNA. MANNA IS MANNA. PERIOD.

One last note: The Hebrew indicates the vessels which Christ used to make the powerful wine (brew) were used for the boiling of water, instead of regular water storage. If the boiling of the manna creates the chmesh (most valued of wines) as exodus 16 indicates then Christianity is an entheogen based religion in addition to Judaism, Hinduism (soma), NAC (peyote), UDV (ayahuasca), and others. Quite frankly that is enough of a list for me to say with conviction that the basic human right to freedom of religion is greatly compromised by the Nixonian law. Can you truthfully say any religions ARE legal with this constitutional violation that has been going on just over 40 years?

Seek and tho shalt find. (gr: eis soteria = unto salvation) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:06, 23 October 2007 (UTC)

Manna to Mushroom connection

It's horribly written, and reads like somebody wrote it after testing the connection by munching some shrooms. Is there any WP-based rationale to not completely re-write it into something worthy of inclusion in a GA-status page? Alternator 23:50, 10 October 2007 (UTC)

For your information I wrote it on equally dangerous drugs called serotonin and dopamine which are precursors of sheduled substances and potentially illegal through the Analog Act. The issues discussed here are very serious: it has been added these violations of the constitution. How can there be free press and free speech if there is no free thought? THERE CANNOT BE. Step outside for a minute and see how small this box is that's being formed around us. God help us all. Yes the author was impassioned and upset when he contributed that horribly edited text, as you can see these external factors forced by society have damaging consequences at the very least on writing ability. Ultimately though it comes down to the fact that we need to be working on creating a world that will not enslave our children as it has enslaved us and in some cases our parents and grand parents. Is this really all there is to reality? We need a team to rebuild reality and counter those who are doing so well at destroying it.

Now what? I feel that there are issues to tackle more important than an edit war about whether mana was shrooms or not. The Scripture is pretty clear here, it was THA 1337 from the BIG KAHUNA Himself and I guess that's the main thing that matters.
Or, if we NEED to discuz this, can we at least use good standards and try to get a pinpoint on the biology (as in the science) thing? ATMD among the most serious lacks of understanding shown by ppl in all walks of life is a gross underestimation of biodiversity.
So it was a 'shroom? What kind of? The discuz spins around the usual 2-3 suspects, but as any mycologist can attest, theres 100s-1000s of candidates. (if it was lichen it was "shrooms" by default. Perhaps a psychedelic lichen? Stranger things have been seen in the skies.)
The taxonomy of the lifeforms herein could also do with some updating. Try redlinking and then opening redlink and searching (near the top).
As another thing: The local conditions were as wet as today but a tiny bit colder on average. But the variation within a week - within day and night - would have been much larger than the difference from today. In any case, it appears that the region was fairly dry (Moses' staff on rock etc). There could be cap fungi under such conditions, but only in caves, shelter etc, and not enough for 2 people to survive upon at any one time (Or they would have encountered a gigantic cave system or a vast oasis, totally stinning things, of which there is no mention). Any Psilocybe or Stropharia caught in the open under such conditions would not "melt". It would dry up and wither to a straw in maybe 3 hours. Have you never seen these things in the wild? Sheesh. Dysmorodrepanis (talk) 04:36, 20 December 2007 (UTC)


It says "Manna". WTF?

"... and cloaked merchantesses, selling dry phallic tubes of manna in open stalls for 1.49 bucks a hit ..."

Seriously: What is this? Cassia, Senna or at least some Caesalpinioideae. The genera are totally fsck'ed up but the treeish ones seem to be Cassia mostly. Does anyone have good solid sourceable info on what species this is from? here too, which says its a pod with edible interior (think tamarind). Ordinarily I would think Cassia fistula which has the fistul- tube/pipe thingy. But its seed seem to be poisonous, and its from South Asia. Dysmorodrepanis (talk) 04:46, 20 December 2007 (UTC)


Just wanted to point out that manna in Swedish means semolina, and I always assumed this is what they refer to. Makes sense to me. (talk) 17:01, 28 December 2007 (UTC)

Good Friday Experiment

What happened to the Good Friday Experiment? The ONLY scientific study ever allowed that shows the connection between mysticsm and psilocin? Is that not convincing evidence? Its scientific and academic and everything you people claim to be truth... Or is the problem that it's a little too convincing? Is the problem here that there are people unworthy muddling in things that do not even concern them?

Or dare I say there is an attachment to a secret that's over?

Do you not understand that the problem isn't your information, but it is how you present it? I happen to agree with most everything you have said. But just because YOU know someting to be true dosn't mean we can just put it up. can you immagine the chaos that would ensue? This place MUST have standards or it will never have creditbility.

Agreed and noted my appologies --Mannaseejah 18:50, 10 June 2006 (UTC)

I'd love to find out more about the Good Friday Experiment. Do you have a link to a website I can look at? ---J.S (t|c) 20:49, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
...a credible website, please. Sparsefarce 21:41, 11 May 2006 (UTC)

The following is a fairly skeptical and conservative analysis of the good friday project that nonetheless recognizes that the nature of psilocin is similar or parellel to mystical religion: on "Good Friday Experiment" It may be noted as well that this site has the conservative and skeptical perspective that should be assumed until sufficient evidence is gathered to justify clasification as FACTUAL evidence. Enjoy, lets play?

That has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of this article. I've just blocked an anon for 24 hours for putting drug-related gibberish into the article, and I will do the same to anyone who does anything similar. --ajn (talk) 19:51, 10 June 2006 (UTC)

If I look to the left and you look to the right will we both see the same thing? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:12, 18 January 2008 (UTC)


Take these points into consideration.

  1. New comments go BELOW old comments.
  2. Editing other people's comments should RARELY ever be done.
  3. This is an Encyclopedia. This isn't your personal soapbox. This isn't your MySpace account. For as long as you treat it as such you will find contributing here very difficult.
  4. You need... and I repeat, NEED to go review the policies on WP:NOR, WP:V, WP:RS and WP:NOT. One thing you apparently have a problem with is the fact that the guiding light here is not truth, it is "verifiability." Please go read those policies. Now. Before you do anything else. Quickly...... What are you still doing here? Why aren't you reading? GO!
  5. Ok, now that you're back.... Those are the rules here. If you understand them and are willing to abide by them then great! I'm happy to have you here. But, if you don't like them and you don't feel like abiding by them... then your best bet is to go to some other wiki where you can do whatever you want. ---J.S (t|c)
I agree entirely with the above, and I'll add that if there are any more additions of religious ramblings to this talk page, rather than serious discussion about how to improve the article in line with Wikipedia policy, certain people are going to find themselves blocked from Wikipedia for long periods. --ajn (talk) 22:20, 11 May 2006 (UTC)

I just wanted to add that this same user also has a history of destructive/ranting edits to various articles on psychedelic drugs, such as "Psilocybe", "Psilocybe cubensis", "Entheogen", etc. I'm a major contributor to the "Psilocybe" article and I find this guy to be basically a pest. I've compiled a list of his various incarnations here:
Mannaseejah (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · nuke contribs · logs · filter log · block user · block log) (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · filter log · WHOIS · RDNS · RBLs · http · block user · block log) (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · filter log · WHOIS · RDNS · RBLs · http · block user · block log) (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · filter log · WHOIS · RDNS · RBLs · http · block user · block log) (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · filter log · WHOIS · RDNS · RBLs · http · block user · block log) (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · filter log · WHOIS · RDNS · RBLs · http · block user · block log) (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · filter log · WHOIS · RDNS · RBLs · http · block user · block log)

It's nice to know that here at wikipedia we can expect to be censored according to the kings cubit, and not by the merits of logic or deduction. If you had read the discription in exodus 16 you would see the opposite is true: manna is a mushroom and the other hypothes do not fit the definition is the bible. The bible is the authority on the issue, not any church or group of people. It says it's a mushroom and that makes the alleged religion of this country illegal, as well as my own. This is not to convince people to do these things, but to show that the core of their beliefs were derived from these states, and that the ancient architects designed accordingly. If moses or jesus was alive today he would be pissed that people so radically mistranslated and misinterpreted their words. They would deny almost all of them, and wish not to be associated with these liars and profiteers we call our religious institutions. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:35, 23 October 2007 (UTC)

I don't know if there's much that can be done about either convincing this person to contribute something other than ramblings. I'd like to see the above user/IPs blocked, however, he seems to have access to a lot of different IP addresses, so I don't know how effectively he can stay blocked. Peter G Werner 16:32, 20 May 2006 (UTC)
good work on compiling this much! Sparsefarce 17:14, 23 May 2006 (UTC)
I'd say 208 is his home dial-up account. is returning pings of a cable modem, possibly work? Internet cafe? The 216 isn't returning pings. The 136 isn't returning pings. Thus, if anything 208.47.*.* would have to be banned. Cuts off too many people, besides he seems to have settled down. Might be back on his medication. :P Jachin 09:00, 27 August 2006 (UTC)

1. RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION 2. MORONS 3. I HAVE INFINITE ACCESS POINTS, I REPEAT MORONS —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:16, 18 January 2008 (UTC)

Mannaseejah (continued)

I want to first applaud J.S (J.Smith?) for putting what I was about to say in a reply to you so so perfectly. I couldn't have put it better myself. To think you are so immensively wonderful and all knowing in YOUR faith is just... well, its fanatisism isn't it? Its zealousy. Now, if in YOUR faith it said somewhere that if you killed through a suicide attack a Christian or a Muslim "infidel" it would guarantee you entry into YOUR heaven then you would probably do it, wouldn't you? Your arrogance angers me so much. Im a British atheist. I live life from an objective view. People like you... well. Just quite killing Lebonese people, they were there before you. False messiah uk 14:55, 10 August 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for the compliment. But I must suggest that you read the policy on "No personal attacks." Also, it's a good idea that if your message is for one person you use thier talk page. Thanks for stopping in... ---J.S (t|c) 21:55, 10 August 2006 (UTC)

INFIDELS!! Hah, so I make some bad edits in earnest and get suspended and this guy equates me with a terrorist who kills people and you thank him? It's a good thing I can hide behind all these IP addresses or you idiots would have called me a duck and burned me for heresy a long time ago. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:22, 18 January 2008 (UTC)

Idiots don't know the difference between life and death —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:28, 31 October 2007 (UTC)

Religion is a veil. Truth is diety. I suggest you digest some of the writings of Descartes, to whom we can thank for the scientific method. His only unquestionable point and entire purpose for his design was to prove the existence of God. Atheist ideals were founded by a devout catholic. I suggest you read a book. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:26, 23 April 2007 (UTC)


Re: The mushroom section. I removed the one line of quote out of context of the bible as given and replaced it with the full quote as cited, I further removed a very gramatically incorrect obiter dictum that was placed along side it about mushrooms resembling a hebrew character side on as I don't think that's relevant in any way to the argument being put forward. I saved the changes, looked at it again and it dawned on me ..

The mushroom section as a whole is POV drivel and makes -very- little sense. Rather than abitrarily removing it, could the author of that section please post here explaining the lack of references and what appears to be original research? We could possibly work over it together, because as it stands, it's just not too impressive. The part I bring into question is: -

The biblical description of manna describes it as tasting like honey. This is a direct link to the result of honey saturated with Psilocybe mushrooms, this process thereby reducing the bitter alkaline taste, making the sacrament palatable to those who are accustomed to milk as apposed to meat.

do you not understand?

How is the description of manna tasting like honey a direct link to anything other than manna tasting like honey? Was psilocybe mushroom available to the ancient Hebrews? As for their being accustomed to milk and not meat, citation? Just reads as though someone is inserting their view / theory based on original research. (milk is for babes, meat is for men)

I'll nerf it in 24 hours because it makes the article seem like a pseudoscience on anachronistic eating habits. Jachin 08:52, 27 August 2006 (UTC)

Left it a few days, nerfing it in the meantime, can always revert to psychobabble as required. [shrug] Jachin 22:53, 29 August 2006 (UTC)

How can anyone provide a citation for something which the study of has become illegal? Can you not understand my frustration? The manna would deteriorate rapidly (melts in the sun) identically to liberty cap psilocybes, to preserve the alkaloid constituents they were stored and prepared with a honey admixture. I don't see how that is so difficult to comprehend. This is a well established fact and citation is something I am pursuing.

Sounds good. ---J.S (t|c) 19:12, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
"I don't see how that is so difficult to comprehend. This is a well established fact and citation is something I am pursuing."
Well here is another well-known fact: the Near and Middle East are chock full of psychoactives. Harmal. Ephedra. Brugmansia was traded from India millennia ago. Cannabis, etc. There is a documented history of entheogen use in the regions. There are however no (AFAIK) indications of shroom-worship, fungal cults or the likes. Who needs shrooms when you can get all the "telepathine" you want?
: : IMO having looked into this a few times and ending up back here while looking into this astral jelly stuff...i agree with the above statement about the plants rather than shrooms. for starters , here, in Australia , the aboriginals of old would pick mana and lerpes...the mana , being a white flake which although can be picked from leaves, it also falls to the floor around tree bases, this is sugary substance like honey, or imo, sugar, it is sweet because its a secretion made by aphid like bugs after they use acid from their stomachs to brake down the amino acids in the leaves for turn creating sugar, the lerpes are pretty much the same except its strictly of the leaf and is mostly contaminated with the deceased afids exoskeleton, which didnt much bother the aboriginals because it too tastes like the mana,,nor dhas it ever bothered me either for that matter...this substance is similar to sugary starch found in the cores of certain plants. i beleive this was what they were eating...nevertheless, the only other thing edible out there would be tree resin, much like the planes in australia, it was a stape of the aboriginal peoples as they were constantly moving, there is also a strong amount of MAIO inhibitoresas in the acacias here which they get theyre sap from, you can see where im going with this right, acacias are there too, most notably we could look to the one with thorns..that one might say looks like ' a bush on fire' especially if one was forced to survive on only a strong MAIO diet with little or no food..with that much in there system,shit, eating a leaf could cause full blown my two cents anyway
Ney McKenna and all blah bla, Argument from authority, but wrong authority. We need an authority on Near/Middle Eastern history and ethnobotany here, not American ethnobotany. FWIW, there might still be some pre-tzabra Israeli professors around and in any case the Israeli academic scene would probably be the #1 place to start looking (via PubMed). For one thing, whether the issue is critical to Jews or not, you'll find a higher diversity per number of researchers in IL than in most other places. For another, it's got the local advantage. And last, Syrian or Egyptian scientists may just as well have worked the mycology of the Sinai, but most of the codex is in Arabic and not online (not even cited usually). Dysmorodrepanis (talk) 04:12, 20 December 2007 (UTC)

If you had read Leviticus you would know that what we are discussing is THE SECRET, they don't just go around letting that kind of thing out. That is why the third party with no vested interested in maintaining an ancient secret is the best source. Also as I have said before the climate was different 3,000-5,000 years ago. The desert was caused by the unintelligent use of the land (God's right hand smiting them) by non-renewable farming techniques (hint). It used to have lions roaming around (read Judges 14:5, 1 Samuel 17:34) which means there was antelope which means there was poop and grass and dew and psilocybes. Like a lion of the tribe of Judah. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:40, 18 January 2008 (UTC)


What do you make of this article:,9171,723060,00.html ? It seems to me to assert that manna is the excretion of bugs. Is that kosher ? Is there a way to include this reputable source in the wikipedia article ? Thanks rkmlai (talk) 04:12, 14 June 2008 (UTC)

Cleanup and Accuracy tags added

This is article is pretty embarrasing. It has included this for almost 2 months, not as a attributed quote, but as part of the article.

"Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law or no. Exodus(16:4). And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground. Exodus(16: 14). And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another It is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the Lord hath given you to eat. And the house of Israel called the name there of manna: and it was like coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey. Exodus(l6: 31). And Moses said, This is the thing which the LORD commandeth. Fill an omer of it to be kept for your generations: that they may see the bread where with I have fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you forth from the land of Egypt. Exodus(16: 32). And after the second vail, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all: Which had the golden censer and the Ark of the Covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna. Hebrews 9:3&4 But now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes. And the manna was as coriander seed, and the colour thereof as the colour of bdelliaum. And the people went about and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar and baked it in pans: and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil. And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell upon it."

Much of the content throughout is from a Jewish or Christian point of view. The real need is cleanup, but I put on the accuracy tag also because there were substantive content changes made from an IP ( that also made some of the offending edits, so that needs to get parsed out. -Bubamara 01:49, 24 February 2006 (UTC)

Good job with the citation! ---J.S (t|c) 23:29, 1 August 2006 (UTC)

---Hey, I'm not sure how to open a new 'thread' on the discussion page. My point about Accuracy is that it says in the beginning that Manna is mentioned in the Quran Surah "the Flattening"; No Such Surah exist and it should be changed to "Surah Ta-ha" is the hyperlink suggested and I've checked myslef. I cannot edit the intro to this article, so it would be nice if someone corrects this fact. MindSpirit (talk) 08:03, 18 September 2008 (UTC)MindSpirit

?מָן הוּא or מָה הוּא

To My limited knowledge about the Hebrew language I know that the word "What" is מָה and i'm wondering why it's written "מָן הוּא" instead of "מָה הוּא", is this a biblical variant of the hebrew word?, thanks. —Preceding unsigned comment added by RicardoPineda (talkcontribs) 16:11, 27 February 2009 (UTC)

Manna = shrooms

Manna = shrooms


UnionWorker (talk) 12:18, 28 February 2009 (UTC)

The article should certainly acknowledge the (minority) viewpoint that the manna described in the Bible is asctually a psychoactive mushroom. But we shouldn't devote very much space to it, and I can't see a good reason why four of the six "See Also"s should be links to articles on psychoactive fungi and plants. The primary role played by manna in the Bible is as food, not as an entheogen. Surely nobody is suggesting that thousands of Israelites relied on psychedelic mushrooms as their primary source of nutrition for forty years running? (talk) 18:09, 1 April 2009 (UTC)


Pearl Dragon (talk) 18:51, 27 December 2009 (UTC)

No. There is no connection whatsoever between manna and mana. They're from completely unrelated languages, and mean completely different things; that they happen to be spelled similarly in English is pure coincidence. -- Zsero (talk) 19:00, 27 December 2009 (UTC)


"And man did eat Angels food" Interdimensional food? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Gegeneb (talkcontribs) 17:15, 22 May 2011 (UTC)

White stuff at Cleveleys (video)
11:37, 1 January 2012 (UTC) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Pasmao (talkcontribs) Was there a seaside in the desert? (talk) 15:18, 15 April 2012 (UTC)


It is not clear (at least to me) who or what is "RIKI"?

According to RIKI, Shabbat (Sabbath) was instituted the first week the manna appeared.[36]

Can someone clarify this reference? Perhaps a footnote or link? --Rcrowley7 (talk) 15:41, 17 June 2012 (UTC)

Manna=Lerp (biology)

Manna was said to be Lerp (biology) in the book Bush food:Aboriginal food and herbal medicine —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:47, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

And how would the author of that book know? -- Zsero (talk) 19:01, 27 December 2009 (UTC)
Perhaps the author, Jennifer Isaacs, was there and did the research (an interesting concept?) ~E (talk) 21:36, 5 October 2012 (UTC)

'Manna' : 'Lerp'?

I might be wrong, but it seems that the term "manna" is also used for "lerp", which is a cotton-candy-like substance generated by exudativory ("sap-sucking") lerp insect nymphs. This manna is part of the diet of some animals such as the Sugar glider. Besides being tasty, it seems to be nutritious as well as providing quick energy. Although I know of no reference to the biblical "manna", it is easy to imagine the presence of tasty cotton-candy floating around in the air as an unexpected treat from the heavens. I assume lerp being called manna comes from the Biblical reference, and not the other way around. What little information available relates to Eucalyptus trees (Australian region), but there are references to Acacia, which are also in N. Africa, and (I believe) the Middle East.

An alternative explanation for trophic "manna" is the dried sugary resinous exudate (sap) from certain trees -- but this seems less likely to me. ~E (talk) 21:19, 5 October 2012 (UTC)

I managed to track this down; and clarified the manna (disambiguation) page: "Crystallized products of plant sap, especially when rich in sugars and used as a source of food by people or animals..." -- And this is different from 'lerp'. If interested, see my query:[1] - If not interested, then why are you reading this? ;) ~Eric F ([[User 05:12, 21 October 2012 (UTC)Modified: (talk) 05:34, 12 November 2012 (UTC)
Btw, 'm not inferring that manna is the Biblical manna, just that this is another usage of the term.

the fact that Exodus is a fictional story

I added a citation needed -tag in hope of finding a source for the claim that some (scholar) finds the Exodus to be a fictional story and thinks this is the solution why manna therein is improperly described. The claim itself seems contradictory. RedJimi (talk) 12:54, 4 April 2014 (UTC)

Mana points in RPG games

Is the biblical manna the origin of the term mana that is used to describe magic points in many popular RPG games? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:28, 5 April 2014 (UTC)

I'd imagine so. Typically in games 'mana' is a resource for divine or magical actions, and as it states under cultural references "By extension "manna" has been used to refer to any divine or spiritual nourishment." No need to say much more than that in my opinion. (talk) 08:50, 1 August 2014 (UTC)

No. Please see the mana article. See how easy that was to answer just by using this website for what it was intended instead of just jumping to a conclusion? DreamGuy (talk) 02:11, 6 September 2014 (UTC)

Star jelly

User:Smuckola has twice reverted the addition of this sourced material:

There is speculation that manna may be star jelly.[1]

  1. ^ Plester, Jeremy (November 2, 2011). "Weatherwatch: Mystery goo may be 'manna from heaven'". The Guardian. Retrieved April 28, 2015.

The edit summary on the first says "This is not a WP:RS but an unsubstantial personal commentary, stating vague guesses, with no sources. its mystery sources might be RS, but that's just a personal guess." The edit summary on the second reversion says, "I difnt", which is presumably a typo that will be explained later.

I think the reason given doesn't hold up.

  • Daily newspapers are "reliable sources". "Reliable" does not mean "scholarly sources only", and a weather journalist in particular is generally considered reliable when the subject is stuff that falls out of the sky.
  • News stories are not "unsubstantiated personal commentary". The rather dubious or (Motto: "A personal reading of scripture…") websites currently in the article might fit that definition, but a newspaper article, written by a professional journalist and edited by a professional editor, does not.
  • It's not stating vague guesses: it's asserting a simple fact about the existence of particular claim. (See WP:ASF: we don't say that it's true, but we do say that it's true that this opinion has been expressed before—since at least the "star+jelly"+manna 19th century, in this case.)
  • It doesn't name its sources; however, that's a red herring, because reliable sources are not required to cite their so-called "mystery sources". (See the last question in Wikipedia talk:Verifiability/FAQ if you haven't read it before.)

Overall, I think that this information is adequately sourced to meet the WP:BURDEN, and shoule be included unless there is a substantive objection to it. (Also, it might be a good idea to generally clean up the sourcing in that section, since some of it is noticeably worse than a newspaper article.) WhatamIdoing (talk) 01:18, 30 April 2015 (UTC)

Quoting Quran is unecessary

Why does this article quote the Quran? This seems unnecessary. The Quran has nothing to with ancient Jewish texts and no insight can be gained from the Quran which is from a different culture, often quoted Jewish texts inaccurately anyway, a good thousand or more years later. References to the Quran and Islam should be removed since they add nothing to this article. — Preceding unsigned comment added by HeirOfSumer (talkcontribs)

Thanks for pointing this out, but the article is about manna, not the Bible. So if it is mentioned in the Quran, that should be in the article. However, since the Bible predates the Quran, the Bible should be treated as the more important source for this subject. The Quran is only referenced twice (once in the lead and once in the first section) and the Bible is referenced the rest of the time. This seems a good balance. (And please sign your posts.) Richard-of-Earth (talk) 07:08, 8 January 2016 (UTC)

Assessment comment

The comment(s) below were originally left at Talk:Manna/Comments, and are posted here for posterity. Following several discussions in past years, these subpages are now deprecated. The comments may be irrelevant or outdated; if so, please feel free to remove this section.

The POV against it being a mushroom despite the evidence is so thick it smells like the dung where you find it. Good work.

Last edited at 11:05, 18 January 2008 (UTC). — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:05, 18 January 200 (UTC)8 Substituted at 23:00, 29 April 2016 (UTC)

Manna, entheogenic mushrooms and pseudoscience

A large paragraph in the Identification section is dedicated to the fringe view that manna is an entheogen. This is a position heavily pushed by Terence McKenna, who isn't known for his scientifically sound research. My request is the following: this paragraph needs to be rewritten, so that it is more clear that these are fringe beliefs that are not supported by the wider scientific community. It is not necessary to remove the paragraph in its entirety, as it is an interesting part of the debate about manna's true nature. However, it needs to be more clear that, at this moment in time, the leading hypothesis for manna's origins is not entheogenic mushrooms. Duivelwaan (talk) 13:36, 25 April 2017 (UTC)

Agreed. If you want to do that, go for it. If you don't want to do it, I'll just strip all the McKenna stuff out. McKenna is a lot of fun to read, and he's really smart in his own weird way, but definitely not a reliable source in the Wikipedia sense of the term. Alephb (talk) 05:20, 26 April 2017 (UTC)

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Edit war: fringe theory and original research

@Hilligermr: Now we are on a WP:Edit war. As detailed explained in these edit summaries ([2], [3], [4], [5]), since yesterday you trying to pull a bad source to justify some relation of manna with bread fruit. This sounds like crazy simply because the Artocarpus genus is from Pacific region. In fact, you don't provide a WP:RS about your extraordinary claim. This violate our rules, specially about fringe theories. The "source"[1] that you provided looks like published by you and suggests WP:COI. I think that the violations of WP:3RR can drive us to this noticeboard, where I will ask for help to enforce Wikipedia rules that we all are committed.


  1. ^ Walter Hilliger (2020-02-18). "Bread from the tree of Eden: A comparison of manna". The Times of Israel. Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any responsibility for them. Please contact us in case of abuse. In case of abuse, Report this post.

Ixocactus (talk) 01:32, 19 February 2020 (UTC)

Yeah. I'd say both the blog and the book [6] fails as sources per WP:SPS. Gråbergs Gråa Sång (talk) 07:54, 19 February 2020 (UTC)

This Article is an Embarrassment

The principle purpose of this article appears to be the promotion of crackpot hypotheses promulgated by new age authors, fringe scholars and "psychonauts". Terrence McKenna, Graham Hancock and Steve Kubby are not credible sources by any sane standard. They are cranks.

This article has to be high in the running for stupidest toss on wikipedia. (talk) 10:28, 28 February 2014 (UTC)

I did some clean-up. While the mushroom hypothesis deserves mention as supported among some critical scholars, it is far too speculative to present it is the definitive solution. (talk) 19:07, 6 March 2014 (UTC)

Put it under cultural references. I agree with keeping it separate from biblical accounts, but the very nature of an article like this is typically speculative by nature so it deserves mention somewhere. (talk) 08:50, 1 August 2014 (UTC)

If there's a message to take home from this article, it's (a) "don't do shrooms" and (b)"don't do religion". All this madness over a fictional substance consumed during a journey that never happened. We may as well be arguing about what the recipe is for Lembas. (talk) 22:44, 10 October 2014 (UTC)

Ok, what about Desert Truffles ( terfezia ) an edible genera of fungus that are common in West Asian Deserts ? Or for that matter Gum Arabic or 'Acacia' seeds, Acacia seeds are consumed in the dry desert areas of Western India and Pakistans deserts. They are known to swell with moisture and are consumed as food after some baking etc. Are there any hardy species of Acacia -ps most 'Acacia' species outside of Australia are now assigned to Vachellia. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2600:6c58:4300:3c11:44ab:989b:d38a:8f82 (talk) 17:52, 20 June 2021 (UTC)