Description of method not clear enough, and how are L and U or U and L combined?


From reading this and on the web my impression is that the L smoother consists of two moving windows, one ahead of but including x(j), and one behind but including x(j). The windows are of the same length, length n. The only data point that is in both windows is x(j). For each window you find the minimum. Then you choose the maximum of these two minimums. Then you move on to x(j+1) and repeat the whole process, and then keep going until you reach the end of your data. For the U smoother you do the same, but swap "maximum" for "minimum" and vice versa in the description above.

I do not know how L and U or U and L are combined. Perhaps you just apply the process again to the smoothed data, doing U if you have done L or L if you have done U. (talk) 11:13, 26 January 2020 (UTC)Reply