Talk:List of early third generation computers

third generation



Do not edit or add to this section but work in the article itself not in this talk page
Date Manufacturer Model Comment
Feb 1965 Scientific Data Systems SDS 92
Apr 1965 Systems Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 810/840
Oct 1965 ASI Computer Division of Electro-Mechanical Research, Inc. ASI 6070
Dec 1965 Honeywell Information Systems 2200[1]
1965 Marconi Myriad I 2nd gen (hybrid)
1965 Spear Micro-LINC
Jan 1966 Computer Control Company DDP-124
Jan 1966 Honeywell Information Systems 1200[1]
Feb 1966 ASI Computer Division of Electro-Mechanical Research, Inc. ASI 6050
Feb 1966 Honeywell Information Systems 120[1]
Jun 1966 Honeywell Information Systems DDP 516[2]
Jun 1966 Systems Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 840A
Jul 1966 RCA Spectra 70/35, /45 & /55
Nov 1966 Hewlett-Packard, Co. 2116A
Dec 1966 Business Information Technology BIT 480[3]
Dec 1966 Scientific Data Systems Sigma 7
Jan 1967 Scientific Data Systems Sigma 2
Jan 1967 Systems Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 810A
Feb 1967 General Electric GE 4020[4]
Apr 1967 Electronic Associates, Inc. EAI 640[5]
May 1967 Honeywell Information Systems 4200[1]
May 1967 Interdata, Inc. Interdata 3
May 1967 Standard Computer Corporation IC6000[6]
Jun 1967 Varian Data Machines 620/i
Aug 1967 Burroughs B2500/3500 [7]: 473 
Aug 1967 Xerox Data Systems Sigma 5
Oct 1967 ASI Computer Division of Electro-Mechanical Research, Inc. ASI 6130
Oct 1967 Raytheon Computer 703[8]
Oct 1967 Systems Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 840MP
Dec 1967 Honeywell Information Systems 125[9]
Jan 1968 General Automation, Inc. SPC-12
Apr 1968 Computer Automation, Inc. PDC 808
Apr 1968 Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-8/I[10] In article
Apr 1968 Hewlett-Packard, Co. 2115A
Jun 1968 Honeywell Information Systems 1648[11]
Jul 1968 Hewlett-Packard, Co. 2116B
Jul 1968 Redcor Corporation RC-70[12]
Aug 1968 Honeywell Information Systems 1250[9]
Sep 1968 Honeywell Information Systems 110[1]
Sep 1968 National Cash Register Century 100
Sep 1968 Standard Computer Corporation IC4000[6]
Oct 1968 Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-8/L[10]
Oct 1968 Hewlett-Packard, Co. 2114A
Oct 1968 Varian Data Machines 520/i
Nov 1968 General Automation, Inc. SPC-8
Nov 1968 RCA Spectra 70/46
Dec 1968 Bailey Meter 855[13]
Dec 1968 Computer Automation, Inc. PDC 816
Dec 1968 Honeywell Information Systems DDP 416[14]
Dec 1968 Honeywell Information Systems 632[15]
Dec 1968 Systems Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 810B
Jan 1969 Microdata Corp. Micro Systems 800/810
Jan 1969 Scientific Control Corporation SCC 6700
Feb 1969 Data General Nova
Feb 1969 Honeywell Information Systems 8200
Mar 1969 Fujitsu, Ltd. FACOM-R
Mar 1969 Lockheed Electronics MAC-16
Mar 1969 Raytheon Computer 706[16]
Apr 1969 Burroughs B8500[17]
Apr 1969 Philips Electrologica Limited P350 series[18]
Apr 1969 Scientific Control Corporation SCC 4700[19]
May 1969 Datacraft Corp. 6024-1[20]
Jun 1969 Honeywell Information Systems H316[2]
Jun 1969 Standard Computer Corporation IC7000[6]
Jul 1969 Burroughs B6500 [7]: 449 
Aug 1969 Westinghouse Electric 2500[21]
Sep 1969 Tempo Computers, Inc. 1/1-A[22]
Oct 1969 Datamate Computer Systems, Inc. 16[a]
Nov 1969 Clary Datacomp Systems, Inc. Datacomp 404
Nov 1969 General Electric GE 58
Nov 1969 Hewlett-Packard, Co. 2114B
Dec 1969 IBM 360/85
Dec 1969 Xerox Data Systems Sigma 3
1969 International Computers and Tabulators 1900A
Jan 1970 Business Information Technology BIT 483[23] in article
Jan 1970 General Electric GE 120
Jan 1970 GRI Computer Corp. GRI 909[24]
Jan 1970 IBM System/3
Feb 1970 Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-15[10]
Feb 1970 Honeywell Information Systems 3200[1]
Feb 1970 Rolm Corporation 1601 (AN/UYK-12(V))
Early 1970 U. of Illinois ILLIAC IV
Mar 1970 Digital Scientific Corp. META 4[25]
Apr 1970 Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-11/20[10]
Apr 1970 Raytheon Computer 704[26]
Apr 1970 Viatron Computer Systems Corp. Viatron 2140 & 2150
May 1970 Data General SuperNova
May 1970 General Automation, Inc. SPC-16
May 1970 Systems Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 86
Jul 1970 Unicomp, Inc. COMP-16
Sep 1970 RCA Spectra 70/60
Sep 1970 Wang Laboratories, Inc. Wang 3300
Fall 1970 Datamate Computer Systems, Inc. 70
Nov 1970 Systems Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 88
1970 Unicomp, Inc. COMP-18
Jan 1971 IBM 370/155
Feb 1971 RCA Spectra 70/61
Mar 1971 Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-8/E[10]
Mar 1971 General Electric GE 655
Apr 1971 Data General Corp. Nova 800
Apr 1971 IBM 370/165
Jun 1971 IBM 370/145
Dec 1971 Data General Corp. Nova 1200
1972 Univac 1100
May 1973 IBM 370/168

second generation



Do not edit here but add to List of transistorized computers
Date Manufacturer Model Comment
Feb 1965 Control Data Corp. CDC 3100
Mar 1965 ASI Computer Division of Electro-Mechanical Research, Inc. ASI 6020
Mar 1965 Computer Control Company DDP-224
Apr 1965 Computer Control Company DDP-116
Apr 1965 Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-7
Apr 1965 Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-8
Apr 1965 General Electric GE 625
May 1965 IBM 360/30
May 1965 IBM 360/40
Jun 1965 Electronic Associates, Inc. EAI 8400[27]
Jun 1965 General Electric GE 4060
Jul 1965 ASI Computer Division of Electro-Mechanical Research, Inc. ASI 6040
Jul 1965 National Cash Register 315 RMC
Aug 1965 General Electric GE 435
Aug 1965 Univac 1108 II
Sep 1965 Decision Machines Inc. (Varian) 611/612[28]
Sep 1965 IBM 1130
Sep 1965 IBM 360/50
Sep 1965 National Cash Register 590[7]: 900 
Oct 1965 ASI Computer Division of Electro-Mechanical Research, Inc. ASI 6240
Oct 1965 RCA Spectra 70/15
Oct 1965 Univac 491 & 492
Nov 1965 IBM 360/75
Nov 1965 Varian Data Machines DATA/620
Dec 1965 Control Data Corp. CDC 3800
Dec 1965 RCA Spectra 70/13
Jan 1966 Control Data Corp. CDC 6400
Jan 1966 Friden Friden 6010[29]
Jan 1966 IBM 360/20
Feb 1966 IBM 1800
Feb 1966 Univac 1005 I
Feb 1966 Univac 1005 II, III
Mar 1966 IBM 360/65
Mar 1966 Univac 494
Apr 1966 Scientific Data Systems SDS 940
May 1966 Control Data Corp. CDC 1700
Jul 1966 General Electric GE 645
Sep 1966 Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-8/S Linc-8
Oct 1966 IBM 360/44
Oct 1966 Philco 200-213[30]
Nov 1966 Gameco Industries ECP-18A[31]
Dec 1966 Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-9[10]
Dec 1966 General Electric GE 4050
1966 Control Data Corp. CDC 6416
1966 Scientific Control Corporation SCC 650[32]: 64 
Jun 1967 IBM 1401 Model H
Sep 1967 Control Data Corp. CDC 3500
Nov 1967 IBM 360/90 Series
before 1968 General Electric GE 53
1967 Digital Equipment Corp. DECSYSTEM 10 KA10[10]
Oct 1968 IBM 360/25
Nov 1968 Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-9/L[10]
Jan 1969 Control Data Corp. CDC 7600
Mar 1969 General Electric GE 105
Apr 1969 General Electric GE 30
Jun 1969 Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-12[10]
Jun 1969 General Electric GE 615
Oct 1969 Control Data Corp. CDC 6700
Dec 1969 Univac 1106
1969 Control Data Corp. CDC 7600

Unknown generation


These manufacture/models appeared in one of the several lists combined for this article but RS's were not found as to the generations and so are listed here in the talk page. If generation becomes known delete from this list and add to appropriate article. ONLY ADD NEW COMPUTERS OF UNKNOWN GENERATION'

Date Manufacturer Model Comment
Nov 1965 Bailey Meter 756[33] 2 likely[a]
Nov 1968 Burroughs B 500 2 likely
Jan 1970[b] Compiler Systems, Inc. CSI-16 3 likely
Jan 1970[b] Compiler Systems, Inc. CSI-24 3 likely
Sep 1970 Computer Logic Systems, Inc. CLS-18
Oct 1969 Control Data Corp. CDC SC1700
Oct 1967 Digital Electronics, Inc Digiac 3080C
Dec 1968 Dynamic Research DRC-44 DRC-44 [34] 3 likely
Aug 1969 Foto-Mem Centaur
Jul 1969 General Automation, Inc. GA-18/20
Aug 1969 General Automation, Inc. SA 18/30
Nov 1968 Hewlett-Packard, Co. 2000A 3 likely[a]
Jul 1968 Interdata, Inc. Interdata 2
Aug 1968 Interdata, Inc. Interdata 4
Jan 1969[c] Scientific Control Corporation SCC 6700 Is this a 3 gen?
Oct 1969 Datamate Computer Systems, Inc. 16[35] likely 3
Nov 1969 Clary Datacomp Systems, Inc. Datacomp 404[36] likely 3
Nov 1969 General Electric GE 58 3? No supporting references found
Jan 1970 General Electric GE 120 3? no supporting references found
Nov 1970 Interdata, Inc. Interdata 15
Oct 1970 Lockheed Electronics MAC Jr
Dec 1969 Microdata Corp. Micro Systems 812
Sep 1970 Mini Comp, Inc. MS 232[37] 3 likely
Aug 1970 Monitor Data Corp. MD708[38] 3 likely
Nov 1970 Systems Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL 88[a] 3 likely, no supporting reference found
Feb 1969 Motorola, Inc. MDP-1000[39] 3 likely
May 1970 Multidata, Inc. Model A
May 1970 Systems Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL 86[40][a] 3 likely
Nov 1965 Philco 102 (CPS)
Oct 1965 Raytheon Computer 520[41] 2 likely[a]
Jan 1970 Recor RC-77 Recor RC-77 No references
Mar 1969 Sanders Associates SANDAC 200[42] Not a gp computer?
May 1969 Scientific Control Corporation DCT-132 Not a gp computer
Nov 1969 Scientific Control Corporation DCT-32 Not a gp computer
Jun 1969 Spiras Systems, Inc. Spiras-65[43]
Apr 1970 Unicorn, Inc. CP-8C
Sep 1967 Westinghouse Electric 250 (S-2) No references
Jun 1969[a] Xerox Data Systems CE16 3 likely
Dec 1969[a] Xerox Data Systems F16 3 likely
c. Feb 1966 Information Technology, Inc. 4900
before Mar 1969 Beckman Instruments, Inc. 816
c. Mar 1969 Decade Computer Corporation 70/2
before 1970 Atron Corporation 501 Datamanager
c. Apr 1970 Victor Comptometer Corporation 820/10,/20
before Nov 1970 IMLAC Corporation PDS-1
before Nov 1970 Applied Systems Corporation ASC·1100
before Nov 1970 Cincinnati Milacron CIP 2000/2100
before Nov 1970 Computer Development Corporation CD-200
before Nov 1970 Data Technology Corporation DR-1600
before Nov 1970 Dresser Systems Inc. 8000
before Nov 1970 Infotronics Corporation mini/max
before Nov 1970 IRA Systems SP-65
before Nov 1970 Motorola Instrumentation and Control, In MDP-I000
before Nov 1970 Philco-Ford Corporation 1216/1220·F
before Nov 1970 Electronic Engineering Company of California EECO-1600
Aug 1967 EMR Computer Advance EMR·6120/6130
Jun 1968 Computer Automation, Inc PDC-108/208/808
Mar 1969 Computer Automation, Inc PDC-116/216/816


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Estimated based upon dates of other older models from manufacturer
  2. ^ a b Generation estimated from first shipment date
  3. ^ Ship date, actual announcement was Nov 66


  1. ^ a b c d e f "Honeywell Series 200 and 2000" (PDF). Bitsavers. DataPro Research Corp. April 1974. p. 2-3. Retrieved March 21, 2019.
  2. ^ a b "Early Honeywell Mini-Computers". Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  3. ^ Datamation, April 1968, p.19
  4. ^ [1]
  5. ^ EAI 640
  6. ^ a b c "Documents on Standard Computer Corp Models 4000, 6000 and 7000". Bitsavers. c. 1968. Retrieved March 26, 2019.
  7. ^ a b c Auerbach Computer Notebook International 1969. 1969.
  8. ^ "703 IC Systems Computer, Reference and Interface Manual" (PDF). Bitsavers. Retrieved March 18, 2019.
  9. ^ a b "BULL computers chronological history, Honeywell (1955-1985)". Virtual Museum of French computers. April 22, 2002. Retrieved March 21, 2019.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i G Bell; et al. (1978). Computer Engineering - A DEC View Of Hardware Systems Design (PDF). Digital Press. p. 116. ISBN 0-932376-00-2. {{cite book}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |last= (help)
  11. ^ "HONEYWELL SERIES 16 LOW-COST TIME-SHARING SYSTEM" (PDF). Computers And Automation. March 1969. p. 55. Retrieved March 21, 2019.
  12. ^ "RC 70 Computer Reference Manual". Redcor Corporation. March 1969. Retrieved March 28, 2019.
  13. ^ An IT expert's view on climate modelling states ICs used
  14. ^ "u-Comp DDP-416 General Purpose I/C Computer" (PDF). Bitsavers. Honeywell Computer Control Division. 1967. Retrieved March 21, 2019.
  15. ^ "Model 632-001 Series 32 Technical Bulletin" (PDF). Bitsavers. Honeywell Computer Control Division. 1968. Retrieved March 22, 2019.
  16. ^ "Raytheon 706 Users Manual" (PDF). Bitsavers. Retrieved March 18, 2019.
  17. ^ Lynch, John T (August 1965). "THE BURROUGHS B8500". Datamation. pp. 59–60.
  18. ^
    • Dummer, G. W. A.; Thomson, F. P.; Robertson, J. Mackenzie (2014). "PHILIPS P350 OFFICE COMPUTERS". Banking Automation: Data Processing Systems and Associated Equipment. Elsevier. pp. 782–787. ISBN 9781483160238.
      • De Accountant (in Dutch). Vol. 75. Nederlandsch Instituut van Accountants. 1968. p. 337. In de Philips Office Computer worden, waar mogelijk, hoog gekwalificeerde integrated circuits toegepast. Daardoor krijgt u de voor uw toepassingsgebied kleinst mogelijke computer. De P352 vraagt bijvoorbeeld slechts 1 m2. (Where possible, highly qualified integrated circuits are used in the Philips Office Computer. That way you get the smallest possible computer for your area of application. For example, the P352 only requires 1 m2.)
    • Philips product overview 1971.
    • "PHILIPS-ELECTROLOGICA P350 Series". Auerbach Guide to Small Business Computers Feb75. Auerbach. 1975. pp. 226-231 (234-239).
  19. ^ "SCC 4700 Computer Reference Manual" (PDF). Bitsavers. 1969. Retrieved March 29, 2019.
  20. ^ "Series 6000 Computer System (logic diagrams)" (PDF). Bitsavers. Datacraft Corp. c. 1970. Retrieved March 28, 2019.
  21. ^ "Westinghouse 2500 Computer Reference Manual" (PDF). Bitsavers. Westinghouse Computer and Instrumentation Division. September 1971. Retrieved March 29, 2019.
  22. ^ "Tempo I system Reference Manual" (PDF). Bitsavers. Tempo Computers, Inc. November 25, 1969. Retrieved March 29, 2019.
  23. ^ Chuck(G) (November 15, 2009). "Thread: Bits 483". Retrieved March 25, 2019. the logic appears to be commodity TTL,...
  24. ^ GRI 909 manuals
  25. ^ J McDonald; et al. (September 25, 1973). "THREE ECL DESIGNS FOR MICROPROGRAMMABLE WRITABLE CONTROL STORES". MICRO 6 Conference record of the 6th annual workshop on Microprogramming. ACM: 26–43. {{cite journal}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |last= (help)
  26. ^ "704 IC Systems Computer, Technical Manual" (PDF). Bitsavers. Retrieved March 18, 2019.
  27. ^ EAI 8400
  28. ^ "DMI 610 611 612 Computers". Data Machines Inc. October 1964. Retrieved March 23, 2019.
  29. ^ [2]
  30. ^ A Philco multiprocessing system
  31. ^ "computersAndAutomation :: 196711". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  32. ^ 1969 Computer Annual
  33. ^ Power Plant Automation by Bailey 700 Multi-Computer Control.
  34. ^ Datamation, October 1968, p.117
  35. ^ Datamation, January 1970, p 128. Picture of 5U rack mounted size
  36. ^ "commercial processor,"Datamation, December 1069, p.237-8, "The Datacomp 404 is a minicomputer with a miniprice and a bent for doing business. ...minimum of hardware ..."
  37. ^ SIDOWSKI, JOSEPH B. (1970). "Minicomputers" (PDF). Behav. Res. Meth.& Instru. Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  38. ^ "New Products, General purpose minicomputer MD708". July 1970. Retrieved March 29, 2019.
  39. ^ Datamation, Nov 1968, p.77, "the MDP-1000, a 4K (8-bit) word memory (expandable to 16K) and 12-bit register words, ... Cycle time is 2.16 usec ... small"
  40. ^ Datamation, September 1969, p. 86, "Two approaches for the seventies, SEL 86"
  41. ^ "The Raytheon Computer Armchair Shopper | 102646192 | Computer History Museum".
  42. ^ "Advertisement for SANDAC 200". Old Computer Ads. April 1970. Retrieved March 28, 2019.
  43. ^ "Spiras 65" (PDF). Bitsavers. Spiras Systems, Inc. January 1, 1970. Retrieved March 29, 2019.

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