Source Assessment Table

Source assessment table: prepared by User:Nweil
Source Independent? Reliable? Significant coverage? Count source toward GNG?
Federal Election Committee       This is simply the filing documents, nothing notable No
Let America Vote   This is a self published press release     No
Riverfront Times     source is a small tabloid and understood to be progressive   No
The Hill     ? The article is simply announcing the formation of the committee, not something notable that they did ? Unknown
Let America Vote   This is a self published press release     No
St. Louis Post Dispatch     ? The article is simply announcing the formation of the committee, not something notable that they did ? Unknown
Omaha World Herald     relatively small publication ? The article is simply announcing the formation of the committee, not something notable that they did ? Unknown
Daily Californian   ? Campus newspaper, not the highest standards ? ? Unknown
Let America Vote   From the groups website     No
Democratic National Committee   has a vested interest in this issue     No
This table may not be a final or consensus view; it may summarize developing consensus, or reflect assessments of a single editor. Created using {{source assess table}}.