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Research articles in peer-reviewed journals

  • Gayen, K. 2015. “Women, War and Cinema: Construction of Women in the Liberation War Films of Bangladesh”, French Journal of Media Research, 3/2015.
  • Gayen, K. and Raeside. R. (2013). “Resilience to Climate and Demographic Change: The Importance of Social Networks”, chapter 4 in Xin Ming Tu, Ann Marrie White and Naiji Lu (eds.), Social Networking: Recent Trends, Emerging Issues and Future Outlook. Nova Publishing: NY. [Book Chapter]
  • Gayen, K. (2013). “Violence in Visual Media and Child Psychology: 80 Years of Impact Analysis”, Social Science Journal [Dhaka University Studies, Part-D], 6(6):9-41.
  • Gayen, T. Gayen, K. Raeside, R. and Elliott, L. (2012). “Cohesive sub-groups and drug user networks in Dhaka City, Bangladesh”, Global Public Health, 7(3): 219-239.
  • Pow, J., Raeside, R., Gayen, K., and, Elliott, L. (2012). “Understanding Complex Interactions using Social Network Analysis”, Journal of Clinical Nursing. 21(19-20): 2772-2779. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.04036.x
  • Gayen, K. (2012). “Construction of Women in the War Films of Bangladesh”, Bangladesh Asiatic Society Journal, Vol 19, (Diamond Jubilee Issue): 21-45.
  • Raeside, R., Gayen, K. and Canduela, J. (2011). “Social Support Mechanisms of the Elderly: Insights from the British Household Panel Survey”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 5(8): 163-178.
  • Gayen, K. (2011). “Feminist Responses towards Fundamentalisms and Neoliberal Economy”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 7(15): 185-217.
  • Gayen, K. and Raeside. R. (2010). "Communicative Actions, Women’s Degree of Social Connectedness and Child Mortality in Rural Bangladesh", Child: Care, Health & Development. 36(6): 827-834.
  • Gayen, K. and Raeside, R. (2010). “Social Networks and Contraception Practice in Rural Bangladesh”, Social Science and Medicine. 71(9): 1584-1592.
  • Gayen, K., Raeside, R. and McQuaid, R. W. (2010). “Social Networks, Age Cohort and Employment”, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. 30 (5/6): 219-238.
  • Gayen, K. (2010). “From Writing Eulogies to Songs: Women’s History Trilogy by Kim Soyoung, Bangladesh Film Archive Journal. Issue 3/June 2010: 55- 64.
  • Gayen, K. (2009). “A Search for the Feminist Responses towards Fundamentalisms and the ‘Triumph of Invested Capital’, Bangla Journal 7(15): 185-217.
  • Raeside, R. and K. Gayen. (2008). “Social Network Analysis to Study Social Capital and Development”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 3(10): 75-88.
  • Gayen, K. and Raeside. R. (2007). “Social Networks, Normative Influence and Health Delivery in Rural Bangladesh”. Social Science and Medicine 65 (5 September): 900-914.
  • Gayen, K. and Raeside. R. (2006). “Communication and Contraception in Rural Bangladesh”, Journal of World Health and Population July: 1-17. Also reprinted in the Journal of Healthcare Quarterly 9 (2): 110-122.
  • Gayen, K., McQuaid, R. W. and Raeside, R. (2006). “Employment and the Social Networks of Older Workers”, Regions 2 (1): 12-16.
  • Gayen, K. (2006). “Don’t the village women have any friend?: An analysis of interpersonal relations of women in seven rural villages of Bangladesh”, Nari O Progati Journal 2 (3): 3-13.
  • Gayen, K. (2002). “Sociology of Marriage Advertisements: A Socio-gender Analysis of Marriage Advertisements Published in the National Dailies of Bangladesh”, Jogajog (Communication) 4: 5-22.
  • Gayen, K. (1998). “Raymond Williams on the Interrelationship of Society, Culture and Communication: A Critical Reading in Bangladesh Perspective”, Administration, Communication and Society 2(1): 45-70.
  • Gayen, K. (1997). “‘Culture Industry Theory’ of Frankfurt School: A Critical Review”, Administration, Communication and Society 1(1): 67-90.
  • Gayen, K. and S. R. Newton. (1997). “Village on the Press: A Content Analysis of Village News in Dhaka Dainik”, Social Science Journal, 4(1): 135-152.
  • Gayen, K. and S. R. Newton. (1994). “Communication Strategies in Family Planning Programme”, Projonmo 13(8): 3-11. [Bangladesh Family Planning Association, BG Journal]
  • Gayen, K. (1991). “Role of Mujib Nagar Mass Media in the War of Independence of Bangladesh”, Jogajog Patrika 1(1): 17-27.