Potential Areas for the Improvement of the Ionian Enlightenment Page


While the Wikipedia page for the Ionian Enlightenment currently has solid general information on the topic, there are some parts which could be expanded upon.

First, the article's dates are not very specific. When describing the time period during which the Enlightenment took place, this article could use the best-known dates when the relevant philosophers flourished, and the actual dates of the Persian Conquest of Ionia.

When addressing the origins of the Enlightenment, the article only vaguely refers to the influence of earlier Mesopotamian and Greek philosophical thought. Including the important people or philosophies who influenced the Ionians would be beneficial. Then, it naturally follows that the article should address how these ideas and philosophies came to Ionia. If Ionia was influenced by contact with the "East" what land or people in particular is this referring to? What about the Ionian government allowed for more secular philosophy to develop?

The article only names three Ionian philosophers. Were there others? If so, they should be mentioned here as well. If these philosophers were important because they would come to influence the Athenian philosophers, which ideas of theirs were built upon? How did the Athenians learn about their philosophy?

And finally, if most of the material from the Ionian Enlightenment was lost, how do we know that it occurred at all? What lasting evidence is there of this Enlightenment?

Elizabeth.Hurd423 (talk) 23:51, 13 September 2013 (UTC)Reply