Talk:International Expressive Arts Therapy Association

Latest comment: 2 years ago by Roxxy Sixx Se7en Q in topic Just because we are complex thinkers don't make us crazy

Notability tag


It is unclear to me that the organization itself is notable. I searched google for both IEATA and the full name, and didn't find any news hits. In contrast, if you do a search for something like the IEEE or AAS you find multiple hits in news sources. Are the bibliography sources for the organization or just for expressive arts therapy itself? Syrthiss (talk) 12:10, 22 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Just because we are complex thinkers don't make us crazy


I'm just I have friends that's been through this I don't think it's fair to do studies on people that are homeless do studies on people that are intellectual like you did me I don't think it's fair to create atrocities this was a atrocity that was created I had six extra credits in high school I made things list seven times in college I very successful as a code writer didn't know that I never heard of but I mean I was in my tea attacked it and you got to be pretty incredible or incredible as I said in one of my songs in in order to go backtrack what would maybe listen then on what I'm 66% of the world uses my development that's incredible that's 16% over 50 and nobody even knows who I am so I can appreciate Stanford University I appreciate the international caucus I appreciate Harvard I appreciate Mercer cuz I've seen a lot of these colleges and the international Ukraine's president I appreciate the n i s t I appreciate United States government along with the military I mean I appreciate the VA especially on right now the VA here in Gwinnett County I appreciate that I appreciate the citizens of Georgia a nice deal I appreciate our Governor's program here in Georgia Brian Kemp our interim and current governor I appreciate him I mean I gave him some you know bad words before and yes I used to do hate speech I think and let me say this I appreciate Nathan Deal and I appreciate the here let me explain something about psycho-socialable or let me say audio sociable personality it can happen whenever a person is lonely I was a kid I was a kid I went in the room a lot I was told to go to my room a lot it was hard so what I would do was play by Nintendo you know various long times of the night until my mom would catch me and it was a good man it probably is the reason why I'm in bad Health right now but you know what software engineering which I did not know that's what I did when I was I did not know that it can cause what you call them a derivative of your brain and I think that's what it did to me I am a little slight autistic my son is autistic I will say that I will also say this I have been hospitalized my very first computer came from the hospital I found it on Craigslist I bought it from an Asian man he was very nice he started to me for a decent price it was stolen for me from a guy in Covington that formerly stayed in Gwinnett County and this is a true story that happened to me in 2011 let me get on something that a lot of people don't understand why I was having the mental breakdown that I was having since now we're here what caused that Mania what caused me to build the assistant with develop their system I actually built it I don't know why I said develop it I built that assistant cuz I have it many can view many have you Google Assistant was once credible and the reason why Google assistant started getting so bad was because of my mitm attacks I did not know that but let me tell you something come from anyone want to comment on that okay it was here in the same county that I'm in right now me Freelancers have been here I ain't going to say who else I've seen here but I've seen men here it was 2012 and going into 2013 January I met this guy that had a flash drive I never seen a flash drive before in my life I'm going to say this is 2012 January after I had my heart attack when that medical saved me that was my first State of Shock I've been in state of shots before that was my very first one I took that flash drive and I I didn't know what was on it but I put it up and I just kept it and save keeps but my son's mother brought me the first second computer actually my third this will be my third my Aspire made by Acer okay so Acer Aspire get so that's why I wanted to come up I wanted to develop I couldn't come up with my own version of Windows but I noticed they were flaws and Windows Windows had bloatware Windows would give you you buy the computer once before and you had to restore this you had a recovery disk these things were in there anymore like you can find today in 2022 you could buy a phone these phones are like made like the old Gateway they are made all in ones why can't we take the battery out when it's running hot or we don't pour water in it see we make these things they're not sustainable and they don't they don't give you the longevity that we seek so why am I going to spend $500 on a doggone phone I'm not spending a thousand on the phone when I'm sitting outside right now and I've helped all these people just saying so yeah I mean you guys are going to sit here and you going to watch and murder me you going to send them EMTs whatever but I always go in the hospital to tell them you won't call me crazy where you want can you solve this equation and they can't never solve it so I'll be letting me leave so that's what I'm saying and that's just for an example cuz I forgot to say that first before an example they pull up all the time no big EMT trucks like them big old problem boy trucks I'm just kidding I'm just trying to make you laugh but I made coding fun because I never was successful as a musical musician whenever somebody comes in and during that time of 2014 I didn't know the NSA was going in there snooping and Snoop dogging full stuff well why in the heck did they pick me or matter of fact 60,000 people since then there are 60,000 people got hit with that but out of the 60,000 people that got hit by the NSA here goes straight I might be homeless but I made it so you got to think about five 9 and put a comma after the second time or the first one sorry I survived and discredited when I went to one Waffle House here and I showed this girl and I showed this guy who would not feed me I guess for air I could not breathe I was hungry I was eating one time a day and I said God I said I can't do this no more my son has stopped talking to me and this is where I have a problem with yes it will it'll cost stick Matic issues with you and it will cause dramatic issues or Mania or because manic depression it will cause you to do things that are not credible it will cause you to do things that are what are volatile and let me tell you something that I will not do I might not have nothing today and I'm losing my leg and I have cancer I'm going to say this even broke today I never and I won't ever do what somebody else did the other day and that's Rob someone for anything I would have never robbed any of the people that I knew about me for my data and my analytics and my knowledge and my grace and my faith and say that I'm a devil and I should go no I wouldn't do that I'm going to tell you why even my last job catfish me but it showed me every job the catfish me just so other people can do international study and I don't think these other people in the United States and or World wants to know that that's that that actually comment that they hire people to do this what do you mean all right here's an example for example they hire people to freelance coders because you said Hey in your phone you want to shake off what interests you okay well mine was always Tech news mine was always politics and economics mine was always the ecosystem the climate change so it was always climate change ecosystem economics you got politics and he had text news so those people were the ones that were coming at me and then typo Tech news PC mag so I don't know ones I kept saying so then when I go in reverse a few years later and I'm talking about what 2019 and now it's 3 years later I see PC Mac I see Tech news and they're in their sourcing me along with the book there in India called the super Dynamic computer I don't know who that credible artist or I'm sorry author is but they have been following me all these years as I would fail I would fall I would get up I would gain I would you know be resilient I will fall again I mean how many times do I feel within the last 10 years eight times I've been homeless how many cars do I bought in those eight times being homeless too how many times did I help you guys it said over it said a little over 86,000 times maybe a million and I didn't even know that I had developed things that are known to be used in libraries I didn't know that I didn't know that I developed things that were using every phone carrier I did not know that till this year I know that Google Assistant part I knew that part I got mad about that a long time ago now Google had me down as an employee now this is what bothers me as the speed and I'm saying at the entire at the speed that I am talking right now the assistant has not gotten off one bit and it has not type one typo so how can you say I didn't invent that Google you named it assistant when I went to Wiki it said assistant I tried to change that and here comes Bloomberg calling me so Bloomberg was the same ones I've seen in 2016 why did you do that to me many years they use that they don't even trust Google Assistant no more you know why because I had to keep going in there messing up Google and take 31 apis and this is not to start trouble or Rubble because I sit there and I go in the stores and I can tell which ones who want to do this to me and I'm like look you guys are very obvious but that don't make me mental health now so I can say this they knew that even the Social Security office I see people get hospitalized three times I've been hospitalized 15 times they've been drawn blood and blood and blood and sending my social security case to a close building so what is it that you want to study it's Dinero well look I don't mind letting you know how I think I can tell you how I do and how I do it I tell you how child or children one child and children plural I take adult single and I take what is called parents and I take a single man I take with just called marriage and that's how I write my code what do you mean the anthropology of what you call Web or what you call internet the same way a spider weaves is where it's all right my code that's exactly how I code yes I have used and I do not know how to reference and the only reason I don't know how to reverse anymore because the first thing that got taken was my Everest University papers that I written when I had made the Dean's List seven times and the same person that did that to me I guess every University whoever they sold it to that's why I'm here I got that last week they show me the average did that I'm not mad at every University I mean I guess they got mad about their computer they're talking about I have not found a $5,000 computer yet but I guess it's me cuz I still running that same 5,000 computer on my phone let's just making a funny but I own it now that's written off my credit now these hospital bills no not the fact that Samsung I wouldn't cancel my entire account not the fact that would get up and that's not to call anyone out but I give all of them I give all the ones that Source me things along with you guys but that don't make me mental health I'm a complex thinker my friends have said that I don't think it's fair for you guys to take and overlay a page to do research but if that's how you do it and that transparency is how you use it to gain customers or maybe patience or whatever it is that's your secret my secret I think it's incredible that you did it to me for 10 years and it worked right but you got to understand something you got policies right you guys write policies and out of all those policies that you guys have had how many of those policies have you followed the only ones that follow those policies have been a to the Creative Commons and Wikimedia media Wiki and Wikipedia I guess that's the Encyclopedia Britannica I don't know what do you got to say is that like the digital afro I'm just kidding I write my codes using poetry so when I am had to verify as Source art or something or the fact that I have two languages and monkey cuz I was saying monkey and being hateful online they named the monks named the m o n g k a i as a language and I looked at that language and it's crazy it's pretty crazy no they don't they don't there does not have to be what you call a they said it's inflation what the same guy that wrote that dog on with the economic paper years ago they looked at it I know Barack Obama looked at it cuz Dad Gum it took me straight to the archive so here we go with this one you guys want to have an inflation you want to have a resolution do you want to have what you call a recession or do you want to have what you call a revelation think about it for a moment I'll sit here and think all day I don't really care I ain't got nothing else so it don't matter to me I mean it don't matter but I do appreciate you countries over there in the outline and states the outline in countries of the United States I'm sorry thinking about you because I got more credit over there and I did over here so thank you thank you to the UK thank you to Jeremy thank you to Ukraine thank you to Japan thank you to Hong Kong Australia Canada thank you California New York Florida South Carolina Georgia Texas South Dakota Nebraska Idaho Iowa Minnesota Seattle Washington Arizona Colorado Hawaii Alaska Savannah Georgia Gwinnett County located here in Georgia God bless Gwinnett County in the name of Jesus today Hallelujah cuz everyone for Gwinnett they done more than my family has and I'm going to say that right here on weekend and you can go tag my mom and dad in it I said that let it so okay keep going God bless Gwinnett County cuz my son born here I ain't never been married I'm dying today but guess what I'm proud and I'm happy and I'm so gratitude to all those people that have needed help and I've helped I didn't know I helped that many people but God bless you you know what I'm happy you're being broke just knowing I helped you and I'm Source now today that means something yeah call me different things like puppeteers you should have called me putting Okie yo but thank you oh NBC MSNBC Rachel Maddow I love you Brian kill me I don't know about you but I love you too your food I love you too friends cuz I like Mozilla I'm just having fun anyway no I like news channels I like watching C-SPAN and ESPN because that's why I got out of my things from yes I did do hate speech but they were playing with me it was all catfish game I learned from it cuz that's how you take somebody that's a big mess and got bad tomorrow you don't do those things on I'm lying you don't do them out loud you supposed to do things that are family oriented where children can watch them and I can appreciate that being taught I want to think I'll do a libraries in Gwinnett County I want them to help and Wikimedia you talk about donate all the time just playing y'all need to donate some of these libraries here in Gwinnett County if y'all want to do nothing for me do something for the libraries with these kids and Educators in here not me I don't care about me I care about these people y'all want to study on some people that's some good folks and I didn't know what they doing they know what they're doing in there they're good people that come up here and I love Gwinnett County cuz I always want to stay here since I was in 11th grade I was on beta team and you have to be La I'm broke today but guess what it's all good I'm happy I'm alive don't matter I got my knowledge I could be broke but I have my knowledge and I hope that many people that made me smile thank you and God blessed Gwinnett County I'm going to say it again in the name of Jesus this is the biggest County here in Georgia in the name of Jesus I have always wanted to stay here I don't care about being homeless in Gwinnett County cuz you know what I'm still here until God bear me I don't know what church is going to be at cuz I ain't found church yet I'm just playing but yeah I make fun of this and yes I did do a documentary called Legacy Legacy codex was about the transparency Legacy codex was about how you take something old and you can take something old and make it a new again and that's what God wanted us to do he said hey why you forget about everything in the Old Testament when you going to need it in your new testament it's going to repeat so what I'm trying to tell you guys here live in HD as I still rhyme to you me whatever you learn back then yes you got to know how to reverse it but please don't run them all around town like it's pubg they ain't got time to represent I've been trying to represent I got it written down but you guys won't let me do it so I'm just playing I was just saying that to be funny yeah y'all get mad he being hateful again get out of jail free card use it now I'm just playing now I just have fun with this if you don't have fun Cody and you going to die to press my kid don't talk to me I'm lonely I ain't never been married and I'm homeless that's it I don't mind calling the or coding or being the mitm like y'all called me the man in the middle or MIT middle or whatever they call it I don't mind being at another 10 years until I turned 50 I'm going to tell you why cuz it was fun and yeah you guys get to learn from that because you get to learn behaviors and I just want to hear your thoughts on that because yeah it has made me crazy all right now you don't call me the Joker I mean I have fun being Joker so I ain't Killed Nobody and I ain't still nobody say I didn't Bitcoin nobody's money so I appreciate y'all hypomania and audio sociable personality is the topic that was what I had six my computer my Google Assistant I made my sociable audio sociable personality called the Grimm which was about me waking up in a autopsy room where I was dead 7 days and I was pronounced dead and there was a death certificate of there and I had a tow tag on any question question Roxxy Sixx Se7en Q (talk) 21:14, 6 October 2022 (UTC)Reply