Wikipedia Caren Zucker (no google result), disambiguination (Book) from (Film)?


Hi! -- Two (2) q's about this article if I may --

  • (1) my Google search for "Wikipedia Caren Zucker" basically had no results, but she co-wrote this book with John Donvan (sic) (jk), why was this article not a result??
  • (2A) Does this article title need to change to have appended on the end, " (Book)?"
  • (2B) Along those lines, today Apr 29 2021 I see that that the feature film/documentary is currently in theatres (select locations), and I am adding it to IMDb (grummmmble).. so will an article be forked/cloned off for the film, and a "disambiguination (Book) from (Film)" result within WikiPedia/WikiMedia be created at some point?

Thank you for your time. -From Peter {a.k.a. Vid2vid (talk | contribs)} 03:58, 30 April 2021 (UTC). -From Peter {a.k.a. Vid2vid (talk | contribs)} 03:58, 30 April 2021 (UTC)Reply