Archive 1


As it stands, this article is very much directed to US law. The situation may be different in other countries. We need a more global perspective. Metamagician3000 11:38, 22 March 2006 (UTC)

Hostile environment standard in certain work environments.

The info on different standards for what constitutes hostile work environments for different workplaces, such as restaurant vs. strip club, needs to be improved and NPOV in it's language. Also, there was a recent significant sexual harassment case that made it all the way to supreme court that should be mentioned. It involved a woman working for the production company that produced the U.S. TV show Friends, who sued claiming the discussions among writers for the show she overheared where sexually harassing. The court ruled that since the plot of the show frequently dealt with sexual topics, it was reasonable to expect the writers to discuss sexual topics as part of the creative process and thus she had no claim for sexual harassment. I think this case should be mentioned as it set an important legal standard regarding hostile environment sexual harassment claims. --Cab88 00:11, 25 June 2006 (UTC)