
I listed Sofico Miles as a sample fleet management software system, but User:Kuru found it necessary to call it promotional and to remove it. I would personally very welcome it to see more systems listed and described here. I am personally not affiliated with Sofico, and I don't have any financial benefit from listing it here, I just find it useful to see contemporary software listed here.

Any (dis)agreement? --johayek (talk) 12:41, 1 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Obviously there is disagreement. There is no need to start a random directory of promotional external links, see WP:LINKFARM. You're also not being transparent with your conflict of interest. Kuru (talk) 12:50, 1 April 2017 (UTC)Reply
You appear to me as verbally violent. Are you able to use less aggressive language? Thanks!
I don't have any such conflict of interest, as falsely claimed by you. In my professional life as an IT freelancer I came across a project, where Sofico Miles was to be implemented for a customer in the financial industry.
I got curious to familiarize with the topic in a more general way. I looked for the article dealing with the topic. By my impression this would be the right article, but the existing systems do neither get named nor described.
It makes sense to add examples from the industry to this article, doesn't it? It's only about making this article more helpful and more valuable to its readers.
I must agree, I don't have any overview about the respective industry. But it helps to add details – little by little. Others will add their details. And we all togehter will keep the article in shape.
Can't we add a sentence naming a couple of known systems, maybe without links, so that they won't get denigrated again as promotional?--johayek (talk) 10:12, 4 April 2017 (UTC)Reply
I'll keep the "verbal violence" to a minimum: "no". Kuru (talk) 11:28, 4 April 2017 (UTC)Reply