Talk:Expansion of space

As of 2004 scientist have concluded that not only is the observable universe expanding, but that the expansion is accelerating. What's causing this acceleration is subject to discussion with the most valued thought that it's dark matter.

In a universe that's has accelerating expansion redshift still exists, but the fact that the light waves have transversed a body that's expanding means that they're redshifted even more. The 'age' of the universe was thought, just recently, to be approx. 14 billion years old. That's because the oldest light we see is from that time. In an accelerating expanding universe there exists the possibility that light waves have been subsumed by the expansion and we never see them. The age of the universe therefore is about a factor of three more: 46 billion years old.

For even more data please see:



This page has been redirected to "Hubble's Law" which is the description of the expansion of space. Joshuaschroeder 30 June 2005 13:25 (UTC)