Talk:Essam Sharaf

Latest comment: 6 years ago by InternetArchiveBot in topic External links modified

Wiki sources


Interview, possible source?


This is an interview from 2010 with Essam Sharaf, but it's in Arabic and I don't speak Arabic. Someone who does might be able to get something useful from it: د. عصام شرف: مصر تفتتت لأوطان صغيرة.. وكل وطن له جيشه ومريدوه ومقاتلوه Eniagrom (talk) 15:25, 3 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Railway accident


So Al-Jazeera says that he resigned at the end of 2005 after a railway accident, which is referred to in several places as the Qalyoub rail accident. The only problem obviously is that this accident happened in August 2006, so he would have had to have been psychic to resign because of that. I think what's more likely is that there's some translation confusion going on: he tried to have some projects green-lighted while Minister which the government refused to enact or enacted shoddily, and he resigned; later the Qalyoub accident happened, which he attributed to the regime's unwillingness to enact his policies. But I don't read Arabic, and Google translate doesn't do a terribly good job with non-European languages, so this is just sort of what I'm gleaning ... perhaps someone else can find a source?

This article, which I think would make a good general reference for the article: Meet Essam Sharaf: Egypt's first post-revolution Prime Minister says:

In 2004, Sharaf was appointed minister of transport, but resigned his post in 2006 due to the high level of corruption he witnessed inside the ministry. In 2007, Sharaf, along with his friends Zuwil and Baz, established the Science Era Association.

No mention of the railway accident Al-Jazeera mentioned. I'm taking out the railway accident verbiage for now on the grounds that it's starting to seem doubtful. If anyone can source it more accurately please put it back, thanks! Eniagrom (talk) 16:08, 3 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

For those who can read Arabic or want to google translate it, this is the reference for the Qalyoub claim used on ar: [1] Eniagrom (talk) 16:44, 3 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

As best I can tell, he must have been replaced in the government that was appointed on 31 December 2005. [2] Everyking (talk) 20:16, 3 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

I don't think so -- sources pretty unanimously state that he resigned. The question is why. One source ([3]) says
Although he refuses to comment specifically about why he resigned, it was reported in local media that he was unhappy with mismanagement and corruption under Mubarak.
On the other hand, it also says, right above that
But Sharaf is not without ties to Mubarak. He served as transport minister under Mubarak for just under two years, starting in mid- 2004, and resigned after a deadly train accident.
Not really sure what to believe. Eniagrom (talk) 20:32, 3 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
He may have resigned in protest; I was just commenting on the timing. Since a different transport minister was appointed on 31 December 2005, we know Sharaf couldn't have still held that post in 2006. Everyking (talk) 20:37, 3 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Interview: He said: "I don't know why I was out of the Ministry"


There is an interview which he did for the famous talk show "Al Ashira Masa'an" with Mona el-Shazly, She said: "All the ex-ministers that I interviewed before never said the reason why they were out of the ministry when asked. But I'll ask the question anyway, why were you out?" He replied: "(laughing) As for all my colleagues, you will not get an answer from me. In fact, I don't know. But I can tell you that these were both the best and worst days in my life."

The full interview (in Arabic) is found on youtube The Interview. His answer was at 02:43.

This actually means that he didn't resign in protest as alleged.Blacktiger226 (talk) 07:55, 4 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Given this it seems like it might be a good idea to remove the "resigned in protest" bit from the article altogether. Of course it's being so widely parroted by the media that well-meaning drive by editors will probably reinsert it, so perhaps the 'alleged' wording we have now is good enough, at least until things settle down.Eniagrom (talk) 08:35, 4 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Born July 12, 1952?


This site claims he was born on July 12, 1952, but I'm not sure if it conforms to WP:RS ... it appears to be a forum of some kind. I can't find it corroborated on any other sites, either. But the link is auto-translated, and looking at the original Arabic (which I don't speak) I copied out the Arabic date (July 12, 1952) and his name and searched for those two, and the only other site I got was an FB page that seemed to be a verbatim copy of the bit. So I'm not sure about the source. Still, for those of you that may be looking for his actual birth date, this is one possibility. Eniagrom (talk) 08:33, 4 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Was he born in Egypt? Can we have his birth certificate? :-P --Gabi S. (talk) 16:07, 4 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Translated text - if anyone wants to sort through it


Essam Abdel-Aziz Sharaf (born in Giza , Egypt year 1952 [1] ) is a professor of engineering methods of Egypt and Prime Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt in the caretaker government since March 3rd 2011 , after the cost of the Supreme Council of the armed forces to form a government to replace team Ahmed Shafik , who resigned from Prime Minister on the same day [2] [3] Essam Sharaf was serving as Minister of Transport and Communications in the government of Dr. Ahmed Nazif from July 2004 until his resignation in December 2005 [4]

محتويات Contents [أخف]

   * 1 تدرجه الأكاديمي An academic to include it
   * 2 مناصبه 2 his posts
   * 3 توليه وزارة النقل 3 taking the Ministry of Transport
   * 4 خروجه من وزارة النقل و المواصلات 4 out of the Ministry of Transport and Communications
   * 5 الجوائز والتكريمات 5 Awards and honors
   * 6 أنشطته الأخرى Six other activities
   * 7 مشاركته في ثورة 25 يناير 7 participating in the revolution of January 25
   * 8 توليه رئاسة وزراء مصر 8 assuming the chairmanship of the Minister of Egypt
   * 9 المراجع 9 References 

[ edit ] Academic include it Received the honor a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Cairo University, Year 1975 , and then a master's degree in Transportation Engineering from Purdue University in the United States in 1980 , and then a doctorate from the same university in 1984 [1] , and the work of a visiting professor at Purdue the years 1984 and 1985 , then a teacher engineering Cairo between 1986 and 1991 , and an assistant professor, Faculty of Engineering , King Saud University in Saudi Arabia between 1990 and 1996 , and an assistant professor at Cairo University between 1991 and 1996 , and he is a professor of road engineering Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University since 1996 and until now, has 105 research scientific journals published in local and global, mostly in the field of design, maintenance and management systems Rsfiat roads and in the areas of systems analysis of traffic accidents. [1] . [ عدل ] مناصبه [ edit ] his posts

شغل شرف منصب أمين مجلس قسم الأشغال العامة بكلية هندسة جامعة القاهرة بين عامي 1997 و2001 ، وممثل مجلس قسم الأشغال العامة بكلية الهندسة بجامعة القاهرة بين عامي 1998 و2000 ، ومستشاراً لتحرير مجلة نقابة المهندسين المصرية. Fill the post of Secretary of the Board honor Public Works Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, between 1997 and 2001 , and the representative of the Board of Public Works Department, Faculty of Engineering at Cairo University between 1998 and 2000 , and advisor to the editor of the Egyptian Engineers Syndicate. كما شغل عضوية كل من مجلس بحوث النقل المصري بأكاديمية البحث العلمي، وشعبة النقل الداخلي بمجلس بحوث النقل بأكاديمية البحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا .وشعبة بحوث الطواريء بمجلس البحوث الطبية بأكاديمية البحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا، واللجنة الاستشارية العليا, والشركة القابضة للنقل البري والبحري, وعمل مستشارا لوزير النقل عامي 2000 و2001 , وعضواً بالمكتب الفني للجنة النقل بالحزب الوطني حتى 2002 وعضواً بالمجلس الأعلى للسياسات بالحزب الوطني He also served the membership of the Transport Research Council Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research, the Division of Inland Transport Transport Research Council Academy of Scientific Research and Technology . and the Division of Research Emergency Medical Research Council Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, the Higher Advisory Committee, and the Holding Company for Land and Maritime Transport, and served as an adviser to the Minister of Transport Ami 2000 and 2001 , and a member of the technical office of the Transport Committee, the National Democratic Party until 2002 and a member of the Supreme Council of the National Democratic Party Policies [ عدل ] توليه وزارة النقل [ edit ] he Ministry of Transport

شغل شرف منصب وزير النقل والمواصلات في أول حكومة شكلها الدكتور أحمد نظيف في يوليو 2004 وأقيل منها في ديسمبر 2005، ويُذكر أن سبب إقالته هو رجل الأعمال ممدوح إسماعيل ، حيث رفض عصام شرف التدخل في عمل لجنة تحقيق في واقعة اصطدام إحدى عبارات ممدوح إسماعيل (وتدعى السلام 98) بناقلة بترول قبرصية في أكتوبر 2005 رغم وساطة زكريا عزمي رئيس ديوان رئيس الجمهورية آنذاك لتغيير سير التحقيقات بهدف إلقاء اللوم على السفينة القبرصية وإعفاء صديقه ممدوح إسماعيل من دفع التعويضات المقررة وفقاً للقانون. [5] Served honor the position of Minister of Transport and Communications in the first government formed by Dr. Ahmed Nazif in July 2004 and sacked them in December 2005, and mentions that the reason for dismissal is businessman Mamdouh Ismail , who was refused Essam Sharaf interference in the work of the Commission investigation into the collision of one of the words of Mamdouh Ismail (called Peace 98) Cypriot oil tanker in October 2005 , despite the mediation of Zakaria Azmi, chief of staff of then-President to change the course of investigations in order to blame the Cypriot ship exemption and his friend, Mamdouh Ismail, from the payment of damages assessed in accordance with the law. [5] [ عدل ] خروجه من وزارة النقل و المواصلات [ edit ] release from the Ministry of Transport and Communications

تقدم شرف باستقالته من وزارة النقل ثلاث مرات احتجاجاً على السياسات التي كانت تدار بها الوزارة السابقة، وخاصة بعد حادث قطار قليوب، كما استقال من منصبه كرئيس لجنة التسيير بنقابة المهندسين مرتين بسبب إصرار الدولة علي فرض الحراسة القضائية علي النقابة [1] . Made of honor for his resignation from the Ministry of Transport three times to protest the policies that were administered by the former ministry, especially after a train crash Qalyoub, also resigned from his post as head of the Steering Committee, Association of Engineers twice because of the insistence on imposing a state receivership to the Bar [1] . [ عدل ] الجوائز والتكريمات [ edit ] Awards and honors

   * جائزة الدولة الشجيعية للأفراد والهيئات (جائزة المهندس سليمان عبد الحي للأفراد والهيئات) من أكاديمية البحث العلمي 1987 [1] . State Award Alcjieip of individuals and bodies (Solomon Award Engineer Abdul Hai of individuals and bodies) from the Academy of Scientific Research in 1987 [1] .
   * شهادة تقدير من جامعة القاهرة فى الاحتفال بيوم العلماء من مصر 1988 [1] . Certificate of Merit from Cairo University in celebration of scientists from Egypt in 1988 [1] .
   * جائزة الدولة التشجعية في العلوم الهندسية من أكاديمية البحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا عامي 1987 و1997 [1] . Alchdjaip State Prize in Engineering Sciences from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology the years 1987 and 1997 [1] .
   * نوط الامتياز من الطبقة الأولى من الرئيس المصري السابق محمد حسني مبارك عام 1995 [1] . Order of Distinction from the first layer of former Egyptian President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak in 1995 [1] .
   * جائزة جامعة القاهرة التشجيعية للتميز العلمي فى الهندسة 1997 [1] . Cairo University Incentive Award for Scientific Excellence in Engineering in 1997 [1] .
   * جائزة الدولة التشجيعية فى العلوم الهندسية 1997 [1] . State Prize in Engineering Sciences in 1997 [1] . 

وهو عضو بجمعية المؤتمر العالمى لأبحاث النقل فى سويسرا وفرنسا [1] . A member of the Association of the World Conference of Transport Research in Switzerland and France [1] . [ عدل ] أنشطته الأخرى [ edit ] Other activities

قبل توليه رئاسة الوزراء , كان الدكتور عصام شرف من المشاركين في الأنشطة العلمية و الإجتماعية. Before becoming prime minister, Dr. Essam Sharaf of the participants in the scientific and social activities. من ذلك إلقاءه لمحاضرة في يوم الهندسة المصري 2010 الذي أقيم في القرية الذكية [6] . It delivered a lecture on Egyptian Engineering 2010, which was held at the Smart Village [6] . إضافة إلى ترأسه لجميعية عصر العلم (الرئيس الشرفي لها هو الدكتور أحمد زويل) بالأخص دوره في مسابقة إنتل للعلوم [7] . Add to Jmieip chaired by the age of science (its honorary president is Dr. Ahmed Zewail) in particular its role in the Intel Science Competition [7] . حاصل على جائزة التميز في الهندسة من جامعة بوردو بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية He holds an award of excellence in engineering from Purdue University, USA [ عدل ] مشاركته في ثورة 25 يناير [ edit ] participation in the revolution of January 25

شارك عصام شرف في اعتصامات ميدان التحرير أثناء ثورة 25 يناير /كانون الثاني عام 2011 م التي كانت السبب في إجبار الرئيس محمد حسني مبارك على التنحي, بما يجعله أحد الوزراء السابقين القلائل الذين أعلنوا تأييدهم لثورة 25 يناير /كانون الثاني منذ أيامها الأولى. [8] Share Essam Sharaf in sit-ins Tahrir Square during the revolution of January 25 / January 2011 which was the reason for forcing President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak to step down, making it one of the former ministers of the few who have declared their support of the Revolution of January 25 / January since its early days. [8 ] [ عدل ] توليه رئاسة وزراء مصر [ edit ] as prime minister of Egypt

في 3 مارس 2011 أعلن المجلس الأعلى للقوات المسلحة الحاكم بمصر قبول استقالة الفريق أحمد شفيق من رئاسة الوزراء (تحت ضغط شعبي) منوهاً ـ في الرسالة رقم 26 التي نشرت على صفحته الرسمية على موقع فيس بوك ـ إلى تكليف الدكتور عصام شرف وزير النقل الأسبق بتشكيل الحكومة الجديدة [9] . In March 3rd 2011 declared the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in Egypt accepted the resignation of the ruling team Shafiq Ahmed as prime minister (under public pressure) noting in the letter No. 26, published on his official site Facebook to assign Dr. Essam Sharaf, former Minister of Transport to form a government new [9] .

وكان شرف قد شارك في فبراير 2011 في مظاهرات نظمها أساتذة الجامعات إبان ثورة 25 يناير وتوجهت من جامعة القاهرة إلى ميدان التحرير سيرا على الأقدام [9] . The honor has been involved in February 2011 in demonstrations organized by university professors during the revolution of January 25 and went from the University of Cairo to Al-Tahrir Square on foot [9] . [ عدل ] المراجع [ edit ] References

  1. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز بوابة الأهرام الإلكترونية: قدم استقالته 3 مرات في عهد مبارك... ^ a b c d c h x d y t g e-gate Al-Ahram: resigned 3 times in the Mubarak era ... شرف من الهندسة إلى رئاسة الوزراء Honor from engineering to the Prime Minister
  2. ^ جريدة الدستور: الثورة تنتصر مجددا: استقالة أحمد شفيق وعصام شرف رئيسا للوزراء ^ Journal Constitution: Revolutionary win again: the resignation of Ahmed Shafiq, Essam Sharaf, Chairman of the Ministers
  3. ^ CNNArabic: مصر: قبول استقالة أحمد شفيق وتكليف عصام شرف ^ CNNArabic: Egypt: Accept the resignation of Ahmed Shafiq, mandated Essam Sharaf
  4. ^ "الأعلى للقوات المسلحة يقبل استقالة "شفيق".. ويكلف "شرف" بتشكيل الوزارة الجديدة ^ "Top of the armed forces accept the resignation of" Shafik ".. and the cost of" honor "to form new cabinet
  5. ^ جريدة المصري اليوم الخميس 3 مارس 2011 ^ Masry Al-Youm newspaper Thursday, March 3, 2011
  6. ^ ^ Http://
  7. ^ ^ Http://http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwatch%% 3Fv% 3DsWuLxmYx4Yw & h = 2168a
  8. ^ عصام شرف .. الجزيرة نت, 3/3/2011 م ^ .. Essam Sharaf Al Jazeera Net, 3/3/2011
  9. ^ أ ب جريدة الدستور: الثورة تنتصر مجددا: استقالة أحمد شفيق وعصام شرف رئيسا للوزراء ^ a b Journal Constitution: Revolutionary win again: the resignation of Ahmed Shafiq, Essam Sharaf, Chairman of the Ministers 

منصب سياسي Political office سبقه Preceded by أحمد شفيق Ahmed Shafik رئيس مجلس الوزراء Prime Minister 3 مارس 2011 - March 3 2011 -

ما زال Still تبعه Followed by ما زال Still —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:18, 12 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

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