Talk:Eric Cartman/Archive 1

Latest comment: 17 years ago by Kgs in topic Erich Hartmann
Archive 1Archive 2

Random comments added to the top of the page

I added in the possibilities of Cartmans mother, since his father is Liane Cartman but three contenders for his mother were shown at the end of Cartmans mom is still a dirty slut, also i added in a non-biased theory among the contenders that Sheila Brovloski (Kyles Mom) is Cartmans genetic mother, due to her large figure.

When is it mentioned in the series that Cartman hates Democrats?

In Volcano (South Park episode):

Cyclone49 12:32, 14 November 2006 (UTC)

cartmans brother's name in episode "Screw You guys" is Devin Thelis

Does anyone else think this needs some NPOV treatment?

SimonMayer 20:02 14th Feb 2004 (GMT/UTC)

He is a fictional character who was written specifically to be all those adjectives. --mav 23:35, 14 Feb 2004 (UTC)
Strongly agree with the above. →Raul654 23:35, Feb 14, 2004 (UTC)
That may be, but this reads like a review rather than an encyclopedia article. Dori | Talk 23:37, Feb 14, 2004 (UTC)

The only thing that *might* be npov is these two paragraphs:

Perhaps his family life is to blame: his mother is a hermaphroditic porn-queen (but a very sweet mom all the same), his father is probably his mother, and all of his other relatives appear to have exactly the same temperament as Eric himself.

As the chubby antihero of the four lads, he was never intended to be the hero of the series, but within the first season he captured the popular imagination more than his three friends. The more outrageous his behavior, the more audiences seem to love him. His total (yet unfounded) belief in himself and disregard for others marks him for a type of greatness: he could be President someday.

German Translations

In the section "Anti-Semitism": "Es ist Zeit für Rache" does not mean "This is for our race", it means "It's time for revenge". "Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten" does not mean "We must the Jews get rid of", it is translated: we must eradicate/exterminate the jews". I have not changed it in the article yet, because I cannot check it in the episode. The translations given here in the article are certainly wrong.

Things Cartman sees when he closes his eyes

"Cartman apparently sees scenes of sickening destruction and horror every time he closes his eyes" In what episode did they show this?

Hellen Keller the Musical

Cartman is a target of censorship in Germany and Austria!

Unfourtunately the episode ´Passion of the Jew´ was heavily cut and grossly distortioned translated and dubbed for german television (RTL and MTV are currently showing South Park in Germany and Austria). Accordingly the entire episode was dotted with rubbish translations like ´Sieg geil!´for ´Sieg heil!´ and additionally cartman´s applications were removed either (no swastikas allowed!). Although the stupid censors did their ´best´, a public outcry from jewish and liberal conservative organizations prevented that the mutilated ´Passion of the Jew´ episode was aired ever again. Perhaps that constitutes eventually an irony that these bigots cannot comprehend: they are using today the same means of censorship which were used by totalitarian regimes more than 60 years ago. Just one another really grotesque example: During an episode of ´Drawn Together´ (Alzheimer's That Ends Well, recently aired by MTV in Germany/Austria) Wooldoor transforms into a plastic surgeon who pretends to be an expert for ´Armenian noses´ (original from the manipulated frame of the german version), obviously the gag was about ´jewish noses´ in the US original but as our beloved censors seem to imply: poking fun at armenians is o.k. but of course that rule applies not for jews. G.S Vienna 13.9.2006

Revising 'who cartman hates'

Okay, there are a couple things in who/what cartman hates that might not belong. 1. The postal service -- when does cartman say he hates postal workers? 2. We might want to get rid of Stan, Kenny, Clyde and "those guys", and keep it strictly to people that he consistently hates as opposed to people he says he hates once in a while. Remember this section is supposed to define who he really hates to describe his character and personality. He really doesn't hate stan and kenny. In fact, in two episodes he says that kenny is his best friend.

I'm gonna make these changes now, otherwise, state your objections here and revert to the old page. --Gregh2k5 13:26, 20 June 2006 (UTC)



Relax guy. I seems to me that the points under section 1.4-anti semitism cover this rather clearly, as well the fact that somebody dressed up as Hitler without trying to be ironic could be put into a list of fictional Nazi's even without the large body of supporting evidence. I will concede that in one of the most recent episodes "Tsst" he mentions Hitler in a negative way, but this seems clearly self serving.--Colin 8 07:40, 4 December 2006 (UTC)


Yeah, there was inconsistent spelling of words that should either end in -or (american) or -our (british). Switched them all to American spelling, since this is clearly a subject based in America.

Mental Retardation?

With the occasional faking of retardation to get what he wants, Eric is in no way, nor has he ever shown to be, actually retarded. Ridethefire3211 18:34, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)


Is Cartman considered a cultural icon? He is one of the most recognized characters on tv.

I don't think his mom self-inseminated herself. Think about it

Well, she couldn't have self-inseminated anyone else. Think about it. --Angr/tɔk mi 00:02, 13 November 2005 (UTC)
Just saw the episode, and according to it, she made another woman pregnant. She is Eric's father, while his mother is unknown. Bjelleklang - talk 22:22, 20 December 2005 (UTC)
You are correct, sir. She is technically the father, not the mother. I say technically, because it was largely a joke to end the episode on another cliffhanger (of "who is cartman's mother?")that was cut short by Cartman yelling 'Ah shut up!'. She is still referred to as his mother on the show, and no further reference has ever been made about her status as father. Themindset 22:39, 20 December 2005 (UTC) That is not true because on a episode where the boys look back on their life they bring up that Cartmans "mom" is his dad.--Yowiki 06:46, 10 September 2006 (UTC)


This article needs some work. It starts out okay, but then it launches into a huge unbroken mass of text that amounts to basically "Oh dude this one time, carman fed chili to a guy and his PARENTS were in it and then selma hayek and his frog and the totally omg jennifer lopez ben affleck he had SEX with his HAND and then..."

So I'm cleaning it up a bit.

TastemyHouse Breathe, Breathe in the air 06:12, 14 December 2005 (UTC) hey cartman's mom is his dad they just dont call cartman's (dad) dad they call him his mom so basically it is his dad but they call him his dad!


He's a fictional cartoon character, for crying out loud. This piece on the character of Eric Cartman would best be summarized and placed into the South Park article. Wikipedia can't possibly have an article for every character played on television or in motion pictures.

He's a significant character both in the series, and culturally. And please, keep in mind, Wikipedia is not made of paper. Themindset 14:43, 19 December 2005 (UTC)

The quotes

Do we really need 45 quotes? I mean, he's a funny character, but still....what about moving most of them to Wikiquote, and just list a few (5?) of the most common? Bjelleklang - talk 23:42, 2 January 2006 (UTC)

Moved a bunch of them to Wikiquote, under the article on South Park. Left what I believe is the most commonly used. Bjelleklang - talk 23:34, 23 January 2006 (UTC)


This is pretty much the worst article I've read on wikipedia. You kids need to learn how to write. KSchutte 15:04, 16 January 2006 (UTC)


I am informing that I removed category:anti-semitic people because he is a fictional character maybe you can make a fictional anti-semites category

Who eric hates

I'm thinking it might be a good idea to create a list of the people eric hates, since his views define his character and personality. I'm putting it under the Quotes part. --Gregh2k5 21:01, 25 January 2006 (UTC)

I also deleted African-Americans, being that it seemed redundant since minorities were on there already. -- 18:28, 31 January 2006 (UTC)

Day Walker

I made this new article a redirect to here. Include the text below as you see fit. Derex 21:55, 26 January 2006 (UTC)

A day walker is a term used by the fictional character, Eric Cartman on the animated show, South Park. A day walker is a person who has red hair, with normal toned skin and no freckles. This is opposed to a person with light skin, freckles, and red hair, which Eric Cartman refers to as a "ginger". According to Eric Cartman, a day walker is "half ginger".

People who hate Cartman -- Is this needed?!

Is the section about people who hate Cartman really all that necessary?

The section is people that cartman hates, not the other way around. And it is necessary in order to describe the personality of this character.


A complaint has been made directly to me about removing the "vandalism" that states that Eric Cartman a "dirty Jew hating, nazi-wannabe". I feel that a quick explanation is in order...

As stated in above threads, this article sounds more like a character review than an encyclopedia entry, and while the recently removed statement may have some validity to it, the point has been made several times within the article in a much more precice and coherent manner.

The primary complaint that was recieved is that since the statement can be justified, a point of questionable validity, it should not be reffered to as vandalism. My decision is to then change my notes and state that the edit was a "removal of redundant/conclusionary data". If anyone has a problem, feel free to argue.

-NickSentowski 19:46, 3 April 2006 (UTC)

Evil genius?

Do you think he should be added to the category "Evil geniuses"? I don't know...I mean, is he actually evil? Hmm, tough choice...


You raise a good point. I do not consider Cartman an "Evil Genius", but rather a typical 9 year old trying to cause trouble. I move to have the category stricken if I have support.

-NickSentowski 15:35, 18 April 2006 (UTC)

Look at episode: Scott tenorman must die! He is an evil genius. Mr. Purple.-(this is not part of mine) Yeah I agree Cartman Is a manical evil 8 year old genius and thats why he is one of the greatest cartoon character ever.--Yowiki 06:48, 10 September 2006 (UTC)

'bout the Probe?

I think that everybody is forgetting about something here: the anal probe that Cartman has, as well as his flaming gas incident.

And what about it?--Yowiki 06:49, 10 September 2006 (UTC)

Eric Doesn't Really Hate...or understand

I don't think Cartman actually hates Jews, Hippies etc... I think that he is just programmed to say catchphrases that he does not fully understand when he is agitated. Like he saw this on TV and just adopted it like an innocent kid who does not know of what he speaks.

Verdict samples??

Sorry but What the hell is this? I don't get it. i removed that bullshit-- 16:59, 22 May 2006 (UTC)


HEy! I think i've said this before:Cartman doesn't belong in anti-semitic category, He is FICTIONAL!! aRRRGH!!!!! iM REMOVING THIS

He absolutely needs to be described as anti-semitic. Are you going to say that we can't call him fat, because he's fictional? Just because he's not a real character doesn't mean we can't use ajectives to describe his personality to those who are trying to learn about his personality. --Gregh2k 06:05, 27 January 2007 (UTC)

Jesus Vs. Frosty???

I thought that it was Jesus versus Santa in "The Spirit Of Christmas." Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that it was Santa, not Frosty. -WikiFiend90 22:23, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

There are two: one has Jesus vs. Santa and the other has Jesus vs. Frosty. Toadthetoad 07:55, 13 October 2006 (UTC)

Possible additions

These give some more insight into Cartman:

At the end of "My Future Self n Me", an older Cartman travels from the future to tell his past self how his giving up junk food, laziness, etc turns him into a success in the future. Because Cartman thinks he's being manipulated, he vows to eat junkfood, do drugs, and etc, at which point his future self turns into a fat slob.

In "I'm a Little Bit Country", Cartman induces a flashback, during which he murders a messenger with a log to take his place. Sure it's a flashback and the people aren't real and there are no consequences, but Cartman still has no second thoughts about using murder to accomplish his objectives.

In "Toilet Paper", Cartman realizes that even though he might not get caught doing something bad, he might get caught later. Interpret this as you will. 01:29, 26 July 2006 (UTC)


It is said on the article that he has Nazi-esque beliefs. The category for fictional Nazis includes people with a belief in Nazism. He should go into the category.

"Pot Pie" or "Paté"?

Sometimes when I am watching South Park and Cartman has some sort of desert or his pot pie, mr. kitty comes up to him and meows, right? Then he says "NO KITTEH! IT'S NOT PATé!" or alternative "IT'S MY PATé" Sometimes in the closed captioning I see either "Pot pie" or "Paté", what do you think? --Ampersand2006 ( & ) 15:20, 2 September 2006 (UTC)

pot pie

people dying funny?

hey ppl, I just read the cartman article and was wondering: in what episode does he say to Mackey that he finds people dying funny ????

Excellent point. do you want to put a "citation needed" on the sentence? you can use [citation needed] by enclosing 'citeneeded' inside a pair of [who?] brackets. See WP:CITE#How to ask for citations for more info. --T-dot 16:00, 5 September 2006 (UTC)
of easier yet just use {{fact}} to give you [citation needed] (Gnevin 21:00, 5 September 2006 (UTC))

HEY HOME DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Who/What Cartman Hates/Loves

I've removed the ones that don't cite a specific episode, removed a lot of POV and commentary, and done some general cleanup. Do not blindly revert or you remove all of the formatting and reinsert the POV. CovenantD 22:48, 19 September 2006 (UTC)

All you are doing is vandalising. It is Wikipedia policy to improve on information (which I am doing) instead of removing it (which you are doing). I am reverting your vandalism only. Dhimwit

Dhimwit please remember WP:AGF (Gnevin 00:04, 20 September 2006 (UTC))
Also see WP:CITE. CovenantD 02:47, 20 September 2006 (UTC)
Don't accuse an editor of vandalism until you understand what it is. --Chris Griswold () 06:45, 20 September 2006 (UTC)

The term vandalism is often used uncorrectly or mistakenly. The Vandals, like the Franks, Goths, Lombards and so on, were not criminals. Do not use this term until you understand what it is. :-))))) Mastermix16:20, 1 October 2006 (UTC)

Erich Hartmann

So I just noticed the striking similariety between Eric Cartman and Erich Hartmann the most successful fighter ace in history. I was wondering if anyone had any information as to how Trey Parker and Matt Stone came up with the characters name? RichMac 07:29, 12 October 2006 (UTC)

could just as well be a play on bartman from the simpsons. Kgs 08:02, 26 February 2007 (UTC)

Order Of Who's Oldest To Youngest Doesn't Make Sense

When I looked at the South Park calender and then say the articles of the four boys. it doesn't make sense how Cartman can be the 2nd oldest, Kenny be the 3rd oldest and Kyle being the youngest. I'm sure Stan is the oldest out of the boys. Remember all the boys are 9. I will use the years 1996, 1997, and 1998 as examples and take it as this year of 2006. Stan's birthday is October 19 so and he's the oldest so he would have to be born in 1996. Kenny's birthday is March 22 but his article says he's the 3rd oldest and Eric Cartman's article says his birthday is July 1st and he's the 2nd oldest. But if Kenny's the 3rd oldest that would make him born in 1998. Kyle's birthday is May 26 and if Cartman is the 2nd oldest and Kenny being the 3rd oldest that would make him born in 1998. If Kyle and Kenny are born in 1998 that would make it impossible for them to be 9. What it should be is Stan being the oldest born on October 19, 1996, Kenny being the 2nd oldest born on March 22, 1997, Kyle being the 3rd oldest born on May 26, 1997, and Cartman being the youngest born on July 1, 1997.

Information Of Who's Oldest To Youngest Out Of The Four Boys From The South Park Calender

I got this information from the South Park Calender.

Birthdays If you use the cutoff date of September 1 by which all kids have to be 8 to enter 3rd grade, or 9 to enter 4th grade, then the four boys turn 9 during 3rd grade, and 10 during 4th grade. Given their birthdays in 3rd grade, the boys turn nine in this order: Stan - October 19 Kenny - March 22 Kyle - May 26 Cartman - July 1 If Cartman's birthday is February 4 instead of July 1, the dates are Stan - October 19 Cartman - February 4 Kenny - March 22 Kyle - May 26 Stan is thus the oldest of the four boys. Whether Kyle or Cartman is the youngest depends on when you believe Cartman's birthday falls. Cartman's is the only birthday we've seen so far (except for Jesus' and Grandpa Marsh's).

From this information Stan is the only one that we really know what spot of who's oldest to youngest out of the four boys which Stan is the oldest and that we can put in his article. Cartman's birthday could either be February 4 or July 1 so Cartman is either the 2nd oldest or the youngest which we can put in his article. Kenny is either the 2nd oldest or the 3 oldest which we can put in his article. Kyle is either the 3rd oldest or the youngest which we can put in his article. I couldn't find a site that can prove whether Cartman's birthday is February 4 or July 1.

Retrieved from ""

I think Cartman is insane

He froze himself just because he didn't want to wait for a Wii, but he ended up in the year 2546. Anyone else wanna add times when Cartman might have just lost his mind? Link 486 @ 8:47 a.m on November 10th, 2006.

Don't delete Cartman's obsession for Wii

That is an eccentricity, you know. DON'T DELETE IT AGAIN!!!! Link 486 @ 8:28 a.m on Monday, November 13th, 2006.

Why is Cartman listed as being German American? It said in one episode tat he claims that he is "one-half Irish, one half Dutch, and one half lesbian. Leave comment on talk page Wikiwiki1950

Likes and Dislikes should be deleted

A lot of them are already mentioned earlier in the article, and the ones that aren't are not important enough to be mentioned in an encyclopedia entry. Would anyone object to this being deleted? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Hoponpop69 (talkcontribs) 18:02, 31 December 2006 (UTC).


Cartman out of the four major characters is the least intelligent. He is seen at times in school turning in projects with little effort. At timeshe's made fun for his stupdity. It's noted that he usually get grades that barely pass. Once he blamed Token because Cartman presented a pen and pencil tied together that he just made when the teacher called him up while Token presented a wheater display system over the next three months using his computer and giving a colored printed version to the teacher.

Grades are only one kind of smarts, Cartman has an evil genius. His grades are also a result of his huge laziness when it comes to anything except for the pain and suffering of others - turning in projects with little effort does not mean he's stupid. WLU 02:31, 10 January 2007 (UTC)


Wasn't Cartman mentioned in some Eminem songs. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by R.bobby (talkcontribs) 21:25, 28 January 2007 (UTC). I think he 'sings' along with Eminem in the Marshsal Mathers LP 2000, in the song 'The Kids'. --Orthologist 10:56, 10 February 2007 (UTC)