Empires of the Sands was Haring's first big project at TSR


I marked this line in the publication section: "Empires of the Sands was Haring's first big project at TSR, and after its publication he answered readers' questions in Dragon No. 138 (October 1988)." My question was actually about whether there could be more detail added to this, because it doesn't really seem to mean much as it is. I expected a few specific questions and answers to be mentioned, or his thoughts on the work he'd done. Torchiest talkedits 19:34, 2 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

If I remember correctly, Haring in that article says something to the effect of "EotS was my first big project at TSR". I'll have to take a look at that one when I get home. From the looks of things, he didn't exactly have a ton of big projects at TSR (although quite a few later with Steve Jackson's GURPS and other games). BOZ (talk) 22:20, 2 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
Below are the two introductory paragraphs from the article. The remainder is two pages worth of Haring giving a long explanation of various things asked by people who wrote in; not in the form of question and than answer, but more like "Someone wrote to me asking about X, so here is why I wrote what I wrote about X".
"One of the things I looked forward to when I joined the TSR staff last fall was my chance to be in the "TSR Profiles" section of DRAGON® Magazine. Of course, this feature was discontinued shortly after I got here. When I asked what other opportunities for magazine fame were available, everyone suggested I write a "Game Wizards" column. All I needed was a subject - and it wasn't hard to come up with one.
"I want to talk about my first big project at TSR: Empires of the Sands, a sourcebook for the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting. In that product, we invited questions and comments from the players. We've received quite a few responses - thank you! - and this is a good place to deal with some of your questions." BOZ (talk) 01:23, 3 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
I wonder if there's anything in the Q&A part worth mentioning here. I may have to dig out my old copy and give it a read. Torchiest talkedits 18:37, 3 July 2012 (UTC)Reply
It's probably worth a look - I didn't take a good look at it, but there might be some more content that can be used to build up the article? BOZ (talk) 19:21, 3 July 2012 (UTC)Reply