Talk:Crossroads of the West Gun Shows

Latest comment: 8 years ago by Anastrophe in topic Undue weight

Undue weight

  • The gun show has a safety rule prohibiting loaded firearms. Despite this, at least one attendes has been injured in an accidental shooting.[1][2]
  • Regardless of being cited, it is undue weight. Based on average annual attendance and what is being claimed here, the accidental shooting rate at guns shows is 0.2/100k - the annual rate for the US is 4.89/100k)[1]

WP:UNDUE makes no reference to checking statistics to see if something qualifies for inclusion. It says to check for prominence in reliable sources. Is there another policy governing "undue weight"? If not, this seems to be a meritless complaint. Further, the argument seems to be based on some kind of original research. What's the source for these accidential shooting rates? Felsic2 (talk) 19:19, 31 July 2016 (UTC)Reply

A single accidental shooting at Crossroads of the West Gun Shows is not notable. I misidentified the problem as undue weight. Notability is the overriding issue. Unless one can show that contrary to their policy that there are many incidents of accidental shootings at Crossroads of the West Gun shows, it's meaningless - again, based upon the attendance figures cited, it's a far lower rate than the overall US rate (Which is readily available via the CDC's WISQARS database -
I'd be happy to reword the the sentence as follows:
"Thanks to a safety rule prohibiting loaded firearms, the rate of accidental shootings at Crossroads of the West Gun Shows is a small fraction of the rate elsewhere".
With cites, of course.
An alternative version, based on this reliable source :

"Thanks to "extremely clear rules" prohibiting loaded firearms or magazines on show premises, there has been only one accidental shooting at Crossroads of the West Gun Shows in their forty years in business." Anastrophe (talk) 20:56, 31 July 2016 (UTC)Reply

Only one of the three sources mentions the (uncited) view that there hasn't been an accident in 40 years. None seem to compare the accdient rate to other venues. Perhaps a less strident way of writing it would be to separate those clauses. How about, "The Crossroads of the West posts clear rules banning loaded weapons. It went 40 years without an accident. In 2105, a man at a show was accidentally shot through the torso by a newly purchased semi-automatic handgun." That covers all the ground. Felsic2 (talk) 22:59, 31 July 2016 (UTC)Reply
I'd characterize it similarly, but slightly differently. "Crossroads of the West Gun Shows post clear rules prohibiting loaded weapons or magazines. In 2015, after forty years in business, a man at a show in Phoenix, Arizona, accidentally shot a friend with a newly purchased antique firearm. The injury was non-life threatening". Anastrophe (talk) 23:08, 31 July 2016 (UTC)Reply
That sounds good. Felsic2 (talk) 15:44, 2 August 2016 (UTC)Reply
I went ahead and added the text proposed by Anastrophe. Felsic2 (talk) 22:35, 10 December 2016 (UTC)Reply
Thanks; I had completely forgotten about it! Anastrophe (talk) 23:36, 10 December 2016 (UTC)Reply


  1. ^ "Man buys gun at Arizona gun show and promptly shoots friend by mistake".
  2. ^ Sinclair Broadcast Group. "Man accidentally shot at Phoenix gun show". WSTM.