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complete re-write

This article needs a complete rewrite - I will start tomorrow. --Cameron Scott (talk) 01:43, 20 November 2008 (UTC)

Where the hell did all of Cable's past history go?

Just wondering what the hell happened to all of Cable's history. Granted his history may be difficult for some to understand, but to take all of it out and just leave the Cable and Deadpool sections is just ridiculous. It's nice to know that one person decides to re write the whole article but there is barely anything there to describe the character. Great job.

I know the history, but the bibliography and citing may be an issue. But if you are going to start something, it may be a good idea to finish it. Or better yet, make a rough draft for yourself in writing and then type it all in, rather than removing his whole history.

Just voicing my thoughts on this, cause its kind of aggravating to be honest.

Drunknesmonsta (talk) 22:33, 19 June 2009 (UTC)

I am also wondering what happened to all of Cable's past history. Checking the revisions, it happened sometime in November. Why? A majority of the articles on X-Men members have nearly a full page of background info. Why is this one different? Thanks. (talk) 20:55, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

I didn;t even think to check in the revisions section to see when the changes occured. It is strange though. I did notice an update or an attempt at least to put his past information back in but it is gone once again. Thanks to the above IP for wondering the same thing. I was beginning to think I was alone on this. Drunknesmonsta (talk) 05:05, 4 September 2009 (UTC)

Most of the articles were written when wikipedia was still working out what it wanted to be and don't match up to the current standard of what an article should be. Slowly people are trying to correct them and that takes time - because we have thousands of comic articles. The problems with most of the comic articles (and they are slowly being worked on) are 1) written in an in-universe style 2) don't treat the subject as an object of the narrative 3) rely on primary sources to provide a detailed and trivial filled plot summary 4) present stories that were written decades apart as if they occur as part of a linear narrative. --Cameron Scott (talk) 07:55, 4 September 2009 (UTC)

My apologies for taking so long to respond, even though I don't think you were explicitly waiting for one. Anywho, I see your point and it is valid, however, there have been other articles in the past that were not up to wiki policy standards and they were worked on over time to reach the point of acceptability. As I said, your points are definately valid, but maybe you could answer me there a way to get a copy of the previous incarnation on the article so that I could possibly start to work on something and then have it reviewed before posting it up on Wiki? As a fan of this character and given that he is currently involved in one of the X-Men's biggest storylines it seems out of place for him to not have at least a half way decent description of him and his roles, past and present. But like I asked, if there is a way to access the past incarnation of this article, please let me know, and maybe we can get it cleaned up to the point of acceptance. Please let me know via my talk page or on here, whatever works for you. Thanks Cameron. Drunknesmonsta (talk) 21:29, 26 December 2009 (UTC)

Powers and Ability section may need trimming but certainly not elimination

I have restored the Powers and Ability section. [1] If you think something needs a source, then you tag it. And you don't mass delete something because it looks long. You have to read it and analyze what parts of it should remain and what should go, and have a valid reason for eliminating anything. Dream Focus 03:45, 14 June 2010 (UTC)

I removed what had been just recently added; the whole thing came to us less than 12 hours ago, I think. I figure I explained my reasons for removing it fairly well. We need a few paragraphs, not more than a full page worth of text; his powers are not that complex or hard to understand that they require this much explanation. (talk) 04:41, 14 June 2010 (UTC)