
Latest comment: 1 year ago by Rayzorium in topic Backwards compatibility

A Suggested topic

It appears that Intel has two versions of CNVi: CNVi and CNVi2.

This article should discuss what the motherboard manufacturer must do for the electronics interface to a M.2 CNVi card.

There should also be a discussion about the firmware and BIOS interface as well.

Finally, I am seeing reports of people with older motherboards with the M.2 CNVi slot using the Intel AC 9560 WiFi card who have tried to upgrade to the AX-201 WiFi card and have seen Blue Screen of Death (BSD) and other problems which are corrected once they swap back to the older card.

It appears that some motherboards with the older M.2 CNVi connector designed for the Ac 9560 WiFi card is not compatible with the AX-201 WiFi card which requires CNVi2.

I would like to know some of the reasons for this behavior and was hoping this article would tell me. Richardelainechambers (talk) 03:14, 26 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

An overview of CNVi from Intel's web site: Richardelainechambers (talk) 15:54, 26 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

See also this posted question on the MSI Motherboard forum about the AX201 not working with an Intel Z390 MSI Motherboard with CNVi. URL: MSI Forum post - Why the Intel AX201 CNVi card does not work on Z390 boards? The System does not recognize this card, and it's not shown in the Device Manager.

The answer from MSI is:

Z390 chipset does not support Intel AX201 card. AX201 uses the CNVio2 interface instead of the previous CNVi on the Intel 300 series MBs. It requires the upcoming Intel 400 series chipset and 10th gen processor to work.

Richardelainechambers (talk) 16:06, 26 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

Backwards compatibility


It seems thoroughly established that a CNVio slot won't work with a CNVio2 card, but I haven't seen any data talking about the inverse: CNVio2 slot with CNVio card. The article currently states it as fact but I don't think it's true.

I recently bought a Lenovo Flex 5 that has an i3-1215u, which means CNVio2, however it came with an AC9560, which is definitely CNVio.

I'm therefore tagging the section on backwards compatibility with citation needed. I'll do some testing and do a writeup or video, then edit and cite when I'm sure. Rayzorium (talk) 21:23, 29 April 2023 (UTC)Reply