

Could somebody knowledgable please add more material about Anna Lindh's life and accomplishments so that the page is not entirely dominated by the bumbling story of the police investigation and lists of funeral speakers? —This unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) .



This incident was a direct consequence of Sweden's refusal to realize that public figures such as ministers need personal protection. Before this only the royal family and maybe the prime minister had anything resembling bodyguards, and usually very inept or unmotivated personnel from private companies instead of government supplied staff from the security police. After this incident they supposedly have beefed up security for all ministers. It is appalling that nothing was learnt from the assassination of Olof Palme. —This unsigned comment was added by Lindus (talkcontribs) .



It would also be interesting to add the fact that she was very critical of the US whether the US was involved or seemed she was very Anti-US, atleast most of her public speaking engagements centered on the US's failures to either do, or not do. —This unsigned comment was added by Stcloud (talkcontribs) .