A Spectral risk measure is a risk measure given as a weighted average of outcomes where bad outcomes are, typically, included with larger weights. A spectral risk measure is a function of portfolio returns and outputs the amount of the numeraire (typically a currency) to be kept in reserve. A spectral risk measure is always a coherent risk measure, but the converse does not always hold. An advantage of spectral measures is the way in which they can be related to risk aversion, and particularly to a utility function, through the weights given to the possible portfolio returns.[1]



Consider a portfolio   (denoting the portfolio payoff). Then a spectral risk measure   where   is non-negative, non-increasing, right-continuous, integrable function defined on   such that   is defined by


where   is the cumulative distribution function for X.[2][3]

If there are   equiprobable outcomes with the corresponding payoffs given by the order statistics  . Let  . The measure   defined by   is a spectral measure of risk if   satisfies the conditions

  1. Nonnegativity:   for all  ,
  2. Normalization:  ,
  3. Monotonicity :   is non-increasing, that is   if   and  .[4]



Spectral risk measures are also coherent. Every spectral risk measure   satisfies:

  1. Positive Homogeneity: for every portfolio X and positive value  ,  ;
  2. Translation-Invariance: for every portfolio X and  ,  ;
  3. Monotonicity: for all portfolios X and Y such that  ,  ;
  4. Sub-additivity: for all portfolios X and Y,  ;
  5. Law-Invariance: for all portfolios X and Y with cumulative distribution functions   and   respectively, if   then  ;
  6. Comonotonic Additivity: for every comonotonic random variables X and Y,  . Note that X and Y are comonotonic if for every  .[2]

In some texts[which?] the input X is interpreted as losses rather than payoff of a portfolio. In this case, the translation-invariance property would be given by  , and the monotonicity property by   instead of the above.



See also



  1. ^ Cotter, John; Dowd, Kevin (December 2006). "Extreme spectral risk measures: An application to futures clearinghouse margin requirements". Journal of Banking & Finance. 30 (12): 3469–3485. arXiv:1103.5653. doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2006.01.008.
  2. ^ a b Adam, Alexandre; Houkari, Mohamed; Laurent, Jean-Paul (2007). "Spectral risk measures and portfolio selection" (PDF). Retrieved October 11, 2011. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  3. ^ Dowd, Kevin; Cotter, John; Sorwar, Ghulam (2008). "Spectral Risk Measures: Properties and Limitations" (PDF). CRIS Discussion Paper Series (2). Retrieved October 13, 2011.
  4. ^ Acerbi, Carlo (2002), "Spectral measures of risk: A coherent representation of subjective risk aversion", Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 26, no. 7, Elsevier, pp. 1505–1518, CiteSeerX, doi:10.1016/S0378-4266(02)00281-9