A sister castle or twin castle relationship is the castle equivalent of sister city, between two geographically distinct castles, usually by agreement between two local governments famous for castles.
Some Japanese castles establish sister relationships with not only domestic castles but also European castles.



On March 26, 2015, Conwy Castle in Wales was twinned with Himeji Castle. Both castles are World Heritage Sites.[1][2]

The term friendship castle alliance (友好城郭) is also used, but it is distinguished from sister castle(姉妹城) like the examples of Himeji Castle and Osaka castle.[citation needed]

List of Sister Castles and Friend Castles

Sister castle relationship(姉妹城)
Friendship castle alliance(友好城郭)
Date Castle 1 Distinction Castle 2 Distinction ref.
1966, August 15    
Hikone Castle
National Treasure
National Special Historic Site of Japan
Takamatsu Castle
Important Cultural Property
National Historic Site of Japan
National Place of Scenic Beauty
1983, April 29    
Nagahama Castle
Osaka Castle
Important Cultural Property
National Special Historic Site of Japan
1985, November 2    
Osaka Castle
Important Cultural Property
National Special Historic Site of Japan
Wakayama Castle
Important Cultural Property
National Historic Site of Japan
National Place of Scenic Beauty
1989, November 2    
  World Heritage Site    
Maruoka Castle
Important Cultural Property [5][6]
1989, May 11    
Château de Chantilly
Himeji Castle
  World Heritage Site
National Treasure
National Special Historic Site of Japan
2006, October 10    
Osaka Castle
Important Cultural Property
National Special Historic Site of Japan
Ueda Castle
National Historic Site of Japan [4]
2009, October 2    
Schloss Eggenberg
  World Heritage Site    
Osaka Castle
National Historic Site of Japan
Special Historic Sites
2015, March 26    
Himeji Castle
  World Heritage Site
National Treasure
National Special Historic Site of Japan
Neuschwanstein Castle
- [7][8]
2017, April 11    
Château des ducs de Bretagne
Monument historique    
Osaka Castle
Important Cultural Property
National Special Historic Site of Japan
2019, October 29    
Conwy Castle
  World Heritage Site
Listed building-Grade 1
Himeji Castle
  World Heritage Site
National Treasure
National Special Historic Site of Japan
2022, October 3    
Osaka Castle
Important Cultural Property
National Special Historic Site of Japan
Castello Sforzesco
- [9]

See also



  1. ^ "Conwy and Himeji castles' twinning starts 'beautiful friendship'".
  2. ^ "【お城TOPICS】姫路城とコンウィ城が姉妹城に".
  3. ^ "彦根市について" (in Japanese).
  4. ^ a b c d e "大阪城天守閣九十年の歴史" (in Japanese).
  5. ^ "レファレンス事例詳細" (in Japanese).
  6. ^ "越前 丸岡城" (PDF) (in Japanese).
  7. ^ a b "姉妹都市(海外・国内)/姉妹城" (in Japanese).
  8. ^ a b c "姫路市の海外姉妹・友好都市、姉妹城、観光交流城" (in Japanese).
  9. ^ "「姉妹城・友好城郭紹介」パネル展示コーナーに「スフォルツェスコ城」が加わりました" (in Japanese).