Dr. Shisanji Hokari (穂刈 四三二, Hokari Shisanji, 28 March 1908 – 2 January 2004) was a Japanese mathematician. He was admitted to the American Mathematical Society in 1966.[1] He was a professor emeritus of Tokyo Metropolitan University and the president of Josai University.

Year Age Milestone
1926 18 Enrolled to Tokyo University of Science.
1928 20 Graduated from Tokyo University of Science.
1931 23 Enrolled to Hokkaido University.
1934 26 Graduated from Hokkaido University.
1939 31 Lecturer at Hokkaido University.
1940 32 Received a doctorate. Assistant Professor at Hokkaido University.
1949 41 Professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University.
1971 63 Professor at Josai University. Dean of Faculty of Science.
1971 63 Professor Emeritus at Tokyo Metropolitan University.
1977 69 Honorary Member of Japan Society of Mathematical Education.
1978 70 President of Josai University.
1980 72 President Emeritus of Josai University.
1982 74 Professor Emeritus at Josai University.
1987 79 Received 3rd Class Order of the Rising Sun.


  1. ^ Green, John W.; Sherman, Seymour. The annual meeting in Chicago. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 72 (1966), no. 3, p. 476 http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.bams/1183527951.