Saint Jakov Novi Tumanski

Saint Jakov Novi Tumanski (born as Radoje Arsović; 1894, 1946) was a Serbian Orthodox saint and monk. He was a doctor of philosophy and law by education.

Jakov Novi Tumanski

BornRadoje Arsović
Venerated inEastern Orthodox Church

Youth and education


Born on 13 December 1894 in Ravna Gora, in the village of Kušić,[1] municipality Kušići near Ivanjica.[2]

His secular - baptized name was Radoje. He completed primary and secondary school in Serbia. Doctorate twice in France after studies: in the field of philosophy at the Sorbonne and in the field of law at Montpellier. He also practiced medicine, law and theology during his secular life.[3]

He worked as a diplomatic officer of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in France.[4] In 1929. he was appointed ambassador of Yugoslavia in Paris.



After First World War, he met the bishop of Žica Nikolaj Velimirović who exerted a great influence on him to devote himself to the Church. He was an active participant in the Political Movement and a writer of several pious articles and a translator.[5]

In 1937, he translated the book "Lives of Holy Maidens", published in Kragujevac. After the Bogomolya Council in Vrnjačka Banja, he left the diplomatic service in Paris and came to Ohrid, and then Bitola where he served with Bishop Nikolaj.

He became a monk there in 1938 and took the name Jakov. Became a ascetic, only to then undergo strict asceticism. He joined the monastic brotherhood in Žiča Monastery, as a brother. For a while, he later stayed in Ljubostinja Monastery.

After returning from Ohrid, he edited before the Second World War (until February 1941) the magazine "Pismo" and "Missionar" in Kragujevac. With a suitcase full of books, he walked as a missionary between Čačak and Kraljevo.

He was silent, modest, calm and transparent; he predicted the Nazi bombing of Belgrade and the suffering of the Serbian people.[4][6] Before the war, he walked around Kraljevo leading yoked oxen, warning the people that slavery was coming.

During the Second World War, he preached in Belgrade churches, and when he was forbidden to do so, he continued in gymnasiums and schools. In the summer of 1941, he was in the Ljubostinja monastery, with Bishop Nikolaj interned there.[7]



He was arrested in 1945 in Velika Drenova by the communist authorities, who subjected him to torture with the intention of renouncing his "conservative religious beliefs".[8] In 1946 he brought 8,000 copies of the Lord's Prayer from Belgrade, which he distributed to passengers at the train station in Požarevac, for which the communists beat him to death.[9] Members of the UDBE met him at night on the road between Požarevac and Rabrovo, and brutally attacked him. As a result of that attack, he died on the sixth day in the village of Rabrovo, in the home of worshiper Vasa Popović.[10] Even though he was a fellow of the Žiče monastery, according to his wish he was buried in Tuman monastery.



In December 2014 with the blessing of Bishop Ignjatija Midić of Braničevo, his grave was opened and his relics were found whole and incorruptible.[11]

Since 2017, the Serbian Orthodox Church glorifies him as a saint under the name of the venerable "Jakov Novi Tumanski".[12] The Orthodox Church celebrates it on August 8 according to the Julian calendar, and 21 August according to the Gregorian calendar.[4]


  1. ^ "Народ", Солун 1917. године
  2. ^ Владимир Димитријевић: "Без Бога ни преко прага", Београд 2004. године
  3. ^ "Жички монах отац Јаков Арсовић". Archived from the original on 16 August 2018. Retrieved 9 February 2016.
  4. ^ a b c "Ко Су Нови Светитељи У Диптиху Светих Српске Православне Цркве". Часопис Сабор. Archived from the original on 21 January 2019. Retrieved 20 January 2019.
  5. ^ Јустин Поповић, Јаков Арсовић: "Историја монаха у Египту", превод, Београд 1984. године
  6. ^ "Треће око", Београд 14. август 2018. године
  7. ^ Радмила Радић: "Живот у временима...", Београд 2006. године
  8. ^ Саво Б. Јовић: "Утамничена црква", Београд 2001. године
  9. ^ Марко Лопушина: "Убиј ближњег свог", Београд 1996. године
  10. ^ Драгољуб Вурдеља: "Обезглављена Српска црква", Трст 1964. године
  11. ^ "Пронађене нетрулежне мошти монаха Јакова (Арсовића) у манастиру Тумане". Archived from the original on 18 March 2016. Retrieved 18 March 2016.
  12. ^ "Саопштење за јавност Светог Архијерејског Сабора (СПЦ, 26. мај 2017)". Archived from the original on 5 June 2017. Retrieved 4 June 2017.